Sunday, October 5, 2014

On our own....

Last night was the first time since we were in the hospital, that Nick and I had the boys in the room with us. We all survived!

It was a rough night- I'm not gonna lie. We went to bed after the 11:30 feed/ pump session. This put us with lights out at 1:15. At 2:30, my alarm went off and the boys began to stir. I got up, made their bottles, grabbed my pump and pump parts and changed the boys' diapers. I woke Nick up and he fed Pierce while I pumped and fed Knox. When both boys were fed and changed again, we held them up for about 30 minutes ( to avoid spit up) and then put them in their rock and plays. I then made the remainder of the bottles for the night and refrigerated my milk. 

From 3:30-5 they cooed and cried. I of course was up making sure their cries weren't anything serious. By the time they both were asleep, it was time to wake them up and feed them again. So that's what happened. I got up, made their bottles and we changed their diapers. Nick fed P again and I pumped and fed Knox again. I put my milk up and crawled back in bed and fell fast asleep. I woke up at 8:15 and repeat! After the 8 o'clock feed, we got up and moving. 

Mom made eggs, turkey bacon and toast for breakfast and we got a few things done around the house. I wrote thank you notes, sterilized bottles and pump parts and straightened things up. 

I watched church from my iPad as I fed the babies their next meal with my mom. I cannot wait to take the boys to church. We need to get them big and healthy first! 

My mom decided to go home this afternoon.  She thinks we've got this and she misses my dad. I can't blame her for wanting to go home. She's been here for a month and I'm sure she wants to sleep in her own bed and hug and kiss her husband. I know I would!

Mom has been a godsend for us. She has organized the house, helped finish the nursery, taken the 2 am feedings, made several grocery and Buy Buy Baby runs, done a TON of laundry, cooked, cleaned, ironed, snuggled the babies, baby sat, changed a million diapers, loved on me, loved on my littles, gotten us into a routine and has made multiple pots of coffee that have kept us going on a daily basis. That's just to name a few things. She's given us a lot of good advice and I hope she knows how much we love her and appreciate all she has done for us. There aren't enough words to express our gratitude. 

I bawled when she left.  I'm terrified if I'm going to be 110% honest. Kids don't come with a manual and trying to figure it out - especially with two - is.... The best challenge I've ever been blessed with but also the scariest. Please pray that God continues to guide us and that we make the best decisions for our two little angels. 

Noel, Auntie Aubbie and Uncle Brent came over to hang out with the boys and watch the Broncos game. Pierce and Knox were not put down for 3 hours straight! So spoiled!!! It was nice to have a little relief and have a few moments to get things organized. I got more laundry done, the kitchen cleaned and bottle parts sterilized and I was able to eat!

Aubtie Aubbie brought the boys a gorgeous diaper cake. It was supposed to be at the baby shower I was unable to make it to but since Brent and Aubrey are putting their house on the market this week, they needed to bring it over. I got the ok to take it apart and use it! It's mostly newborn diapers which is what we are about to be in! Right now we are still in premies but I'm not thinking it will be much longer. 

After the Jobs left, we fed the babes and then made a game plan for the night. I got all of the bottles ready, extra diapers, burp cloths and clothes out, extra pacis on hand, moved the furniture around so the rock and plays will fit in the room, set up my pump at my bedside, all while Nick got the monitor cameras up and ready to install in the boys room. They are going to have to be in a kind of awkward place in the nursery but it doesn't matter because we will be able to see them! 

We are off to bed. Here's to a good night with at least a little bit of sleep!

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