Thursday, October 2, 2014

2 week Pediatrician Visit

Yesterday, The boys were officially two weeks old. Time is seriously already flying. It's crazy what our new "norm" has become. It's been such a crazy long road to get here and eventhough the days are short and the nights are long, I want to embrace every single moment. 

We had our 2 week pediatrician appointment at 10:45 this morning. Dr. Agarwal checked out the boys. Pierce is 4# 13 oz and 18 inches long. Knox is 4# 12 oz and 17 3/4 inches long ( which the MA didn't do a very good job of stretching them out). Knox had to get his second newborn screen - Pierce had gotten his while in the NICU.  Pierce and Knox have one more week on their nystatin but Dr. Agarwal wants to also alternate desitin and lotromin ( an anti fungal cream) in their crease between their privates and diaper. Okie dokie! Dr. A also wants to start P on Neosure too. Honestly, I'm not so sure he needs it and I am hesitating to start it. I only give it to Knox 2 times a day because it seems too heavy for him and it is when he spits up the most. If you get a minute, please pray that we make the right decision on supplementing. I feel like Pierce has gained the appropriate 1/2 an ounce per day (which is what he is supposed to do) and he has never had formula, even while in the NICU. My prayer is that my breastmilk has all of the nutrients that the boys need to continue thriving on their own and that K continues to do well on his Zantac and his reflux goes away. Otherwise, they checked out perfectly and we are to return in two more weeks! Great job boys! 

Nick had met mom and I at the pediatricians office because he had a presentation that morning. He helped mom and I pack the boys up and we headed to Target. It was the first time to go somewhere with them both other than to the pedi. We got the stroller out of the car and set it up and then got the boys out and locked in tight. I wish I had gotten a picture of this but I didn't :(

The boys did great on our 30 minute target trip. Noel met us there ( she flew in from Utah late last night) and we got a few things that we needed. Mainly premie diapers, wipes, and paper towels. These kids pee and poop a lot!  It felt so good to get out and I had not been to target since June! So crazy!!!! I could have spent hours walking up and down the aisles but that is a thing of the past for now :). I'm sure Nick and our wallets are happy about that!

We came home, unloaded the boys and our items, fed the babies and then ourselves. We caught up with Grammy (Noel) and then it was time to feed again. We fed, diapered, burped and loved on the boys. Noel then headed back to Rowlett ( she is staying with Brent and Aubrey and their two dogs). 

At Dr. Agarwals today, we got the go ahead to do tummy time so we got out the cozi mat and gave it a shot. To say the boys were none too pleased is an understatement. They both had a mini meltdown. That being said, Pierce ( who had rolled over in the NICU at 4 days old) proceeded to roll over every time we laid him on his stomach. We are going to have to be on our toes with this guy!

I wish I could attach the video but it's on my IG page if you want to check it out. 

Until tomorrow!

The mommy of two precious gifts from above - our little presidents. 

1 comment:

  1. Yay! I'm so happy to hear that the twins had a healthy result for their two-week visit to their pediatrician. I just hope that Knox's reflux had gone away by now. The breastmilk should have enough nutrients to help him shy away from it. Anyway, thanks for sharing the happy update! Keep us posted and all the best! :)

    Paul Quinn @ MedCare
