Sunday, July 26, 2015

San Antonio

We made it into SA about 12:30 on Friday morning. The LPs loved on papa and tutu for a bit, got a bottle and off to dreamland everyone went. 

We got up and around and played and fed the LPs. They were a little stinky so after breakfast, I decided to give them a bath. They LOVE to splash around and play so K splashed away while I bathed Pierce. I then switched them spots and bathed Knox. As I was rinsing K off, I noticed a little brown thing floating in the water. Uh oh. I quickly handed Knox off to my dad and picked Pierce up. Sweet P had pooped all over. And apparently he wasn't done because I moved him in the tub to try and clean up the present he had left us, and he left another gift!!!!  I ended up running his tushy and body under the faucet, handing him off, rinsing myself off, and then my sweet Papa cleaned the tub for me. This is the first time but I'm sure not the last!
Pierce poop!

Friday morning, Tutu and Papa took the boys to help set up for the rehearsal dinner while I went and got my hair done. It was nice to get away and have my girls Vikki and Abby make me beautiful!!!!  Nick stayed back at the house and got some work done. 

The afternoon was spent playing with the LPs and loving on Tutu and Papa. When it was time for the rehearsal, Papa and Nick stayed behind with the boys and mom and I headed to dinner. 
Sleeping Angels

We went early to help Mary Kay finish setting up.  There was brisket, sausage, potato salad, green beans, salad, fruit salad, creamed corn, potatoes and pie. No one went home hungry that's for sure! When the rehearsal was over, we stayed and helped clean up and then went back to MKs to help out everything away. By the time we got home, the guys had the LPs fast asleep. 

My bestie, Heidi and her husband, Justin, came in town from Houston for the wedding. Tutu and Papa offered to watch the boys so we could meet up. We wnded up meeting at Stone Werks and having a few drinks and catching up. 

Saturday morning we got up and around. Tutu had to go to the wedding venu and help set up the cookie table so it was me and all my boys!!!  We played, ate and napped while everyone got ready. 

After mom got home from the venu, we headed up to H-E-B. We picked up some baby food for the LPs and some more puffs along with a gift card for my sweet friend, Analisa. It just so happened that Analisa's baby shower was this weekend while we were in town!

Around 2:30, we headed to the couples baby shower for Analisa and Gregg. It was nice visiting with her parents and catching up with some HS friends I haven't seen in about 15 years. 
Analisa and Gregg

After the shower, we headed home, got the boys ready and then got ourselves ready and we headed to the wedding. 

It was a success and I think that it was everything that Lollie wanted. Mary Kay looked gorgeous and Steve did a great job officiating the wedding. 

The Fam Bam

Me and Papa. Love him so much!

The LPs were amazing. They hung until 10 before they started to get cranky and tired. They were passed from person to person with no issues. Beth and Heidi were both able to get their baby fixes ;)

There was a cookie bar that MK put together that was a huge hit. My mom has been busy the last several weeks, helping bake brownies and lemon bars and cookies for the table. 

Mom and I stayed at the wedding, while Nick and Papa took the boys back to the house and put the LPs to bed. Nick said they were so tired, he didn't even give them a bottle. They were OUT. 

We sent the newlyweds away with sparklers and then helped clean everything up. There were TONS of leftover cookies and cake. I have no idea what MK is going to do with it all. 

Mom and I headed home, chit chatted for a while, and then called it a night. We were tired. 

The LPs did pretty good. P woke up around 5 and nursed and K woke up around 6 and nursed. At 7, Knox was up and ready to go. Pierce woke up, soaking wet, about 20 minutes later and Tutu and Papa played with the boys while Nick and I got our stuff together and packed up. 

Currently, we are driving home from SA. It was a great trip and I just love visiting all my family. It's always bittersweet when we head out the door. Traffic is pretty heavy and the boys are napping for now. Here's to a safe trip back to Grapevine. Mommy has lots of unpacking and laundry to do when she gets home!

PS: I lost my phone before the wedding. Luckily it had just fallen out of my diaper bag in the car but needless to say, I don't have any pics from the wedding :(

Thursday, July 23, 2015

Weird week

This week was a little different for us. Typically I work Tuesdays and Thursdays. It works out best with our nanny and I like having a day off in between. However, Thursday we are driving down to San Antonio for a wedding. So mommy worked Monday and Wednesday this week. 

Tuesday the LPs and I played all day. They are so funny and so active!!!! They love to climb on everything. Mainly me and their exersaucers. I was feeling a little off with my tummy and was in the bathroom. I left the door open and could hear the boys playing. When I came out, I found this:

It was only 8:30! They usually nap around 9-9:30. I paid another visit to the ladies room and found this when I came back:

Epic mommy fail. Luckily they didn't sleep long. We went downstairs and I fed them breakfast and then laid them down for their real nap. 

We ran up to Tom Thumb to grab a few things for our trip. We needed more pacifiers and oatmeal. Somehow paci's disappear in our house. And we keep about 3 in their cribs at all times- makes the middle of the night paci cries a little easier. 

We played and played and before we knew it it was time to start our bedtime routine. But not before taking a bath! The LPs were filthy!!! I wish I could have gotten some pics but I flew solo on bath time so no go!

Nick and I put the boys down. Knox had a rough time. I think sometimes between the oatmeal, baby food and bottle, they get a little too full from time to time. I think this was the case Tuesday. Poor K-man spit up ALL over Nick. Nick even had to strip and change Knox's wombie. 

After the LPs went down, our interior designer, Melanie, came over. She picked out some really cool stuff for our dining room. 

Wednesday I worked and a sweet friend and co worker of mine came in at 6 for me. Nick was supposed to have a meeting in Dallas. I say supposed to because the person he was meeting with cancelled. Grr. I sat in A LOT of traffic. Made me thankful for getting off at 7 because I usually miss that stuff. What really made my day was this :

Pierce immediately came to mommy. Knox was too busy playing but he too crawled over to mama. Oh these sweet nuggets!!!

We did our bedtime routine and while I was feeding Pierce, I must have been sitting funny. I hurt my back pretty bad. I ended up taking a muscle relaxer and going to bed before 10. The babies woke up shortly after I fell asleep. Nick gave P a bottle and gave Knox his paci back. Around 4 I heard P crying and I tried to get up. I was in so much pain. I ended up  letting P cry it out and both boys slept until 6:50 !!! That's unheard of for us!!! Way to go LPs!!!

Thursday we played and waited on the washing machine repair guy.  Our brand new washer is leaking.  Of course the repairman rang the doorbell during their nap. Luckily the LPs both slept right thru it. I'm also glad the only thing wrong with the washing machine is that one of the parts is cracked and just needs to be replaced. Also I'm still able to use it!!!

Knox learned how to stand up in his crib 

Around lunch time we went to Sonic.  Mommy needed her diet cherry limeade! It was brutal at lunchtime. I think I will stick to going during happy hour (1/2 price drinks from 2-4!!). 

We played and ate until daddy got home. Nick packed while I fed the boys and went through their nighttime routine. It was a little off and you could tell they were so confused. 

Currently, we are driving to SA. So far we've done ok but we are only in Waco. We have a while to go. Wish us luck!

Monday, July 20, 2015


We had a pretty lazy weekend which was actually really nice. Saturday I was on call and luckily didn't get called in. 

We spent the day playing, napping and eating. The boys have not been the best sleepers as of late and it's starting to take a toll on us. I should rephrase that. Knox has been doing pretty well but I think Pierce is in the midst of a growth spurt. He has been up multiple times a night and this mama is exhausted!

Saturday night the boys got pretty messy so it was BATH TIME!!! I wish I had gotten pics but I was busy scrubbing the LPs down!  

Sunday we played and ate and napped again and then braved the grocery store. We got lots of attention and the boys were all smiles. 

After lots of puffs and lots of playing, it was time for bed !!! Sweet dreams little ones. We love you and loved spending our weekend showering you with hugs and kisses!!!

Hanging and being cute!

Sharing our walker


Nap time. 


Sunday, July 19, 2015

10 months!!!!

Oh my Little Presidents. How can it be true??? 10 whole months have passed by in what seems to be the blink of an eye. This past month has been the busiest by far. We've had lots of visitors and done lots of fun things, but the most fun by far has been how much you each have grown and developed. 

Pierce - oh sweet P!!! You are doing so well. We had a weight check at Dr. Agrawal's on Wednesday and you've gained almost two pounds in one month!!! Way to go nugget! She was a little worried about you - to be honest, so were mommy and daddy - but you came out on top!!! Here are your stats for 10 months:

Height: 26 inches
Weight: 15# 3.5 oz
Head: 45.5

10 BIG months!

You love to eat and there isn't one food you've turned your head away from. You've tried LOTS of new foods this month! Some of your favorites are bananas, chicken, watermelon, mango, green beans and of course, PUFFS!!! You can down some puffs. You grab them by the handful and like to shove them all in your mouth at once.  You still love to nurse but are VERY easily distracted. You love to grab mommys nose and have given her quite a few scratches over the past few weeks despite multiple nail clippings.  You also love to pull hair - mommy's, daddy's and Knox's hair have all been strong contenders in this department. You are pulling up and haven't quite mastered the art of crawling yet. You haven't grasped that you need to lift your body up or that you need to use both arms. But believe me! You can get ANYWHERE you want to go and it's adorable to watch you army crawl and maneuver yourself. You love to crawl all over mommy and daddy, and you like to use people as your own human jungle gym. You are really good at walking while holding onto someone's hands. You want mommy within arms length at all times.  Pierce, you are fierce and sweet and as lovable as can be. We love watching you grow and learn. 

"Hi Mommy!"

Exploring .... And getting stuck!

Knox- oh sweet K!!! You are growing like a weed and as busy as ever. You did amazing at your weight check up. You've gained a little over one pound since last month.  Dr. Agrawal was very impressed with you and thinks you are thriving! Good job my chunky monkey! Here are your stats from your 10 month check up:

Height: 26.5 inches
Weight: 15# 7.5 oz
Head: 44.5

10 BIG months!!!

Oh Knox, you LOVE to eat and mommy and daddy cannot get food into your mouth fast enough. You tend to scream for more. The only food you can't eat is avocado. Your mouth turns blue and you start coughing. It's quite scary actually. You LOVE bananas, chicken, turkey, cheese, beans, watermelon and PUFFS. you can't get enough of those bad boys. You are an amazing nurser and get the job done. You are quite the explorer and you get into everything. You've even mastered the art of climbing the two stairs in the media room. Crawling has been no issue for you and you get where you want to go quickly. You still have a bit of an army crawl but your technique is impeccable. You love to climb up everything and love to get in the bottom of your exersaucer. Mommy is your absolute favorite thing to climb up on and you are very daring. You will let go and stand on your own for a few seconds before realizing what's going on and falling onto your bottom. You are very independent and can play on your own for extended periods of time. You love your pacifiers and napping is not really your thing. You might miss out on something!!! Knox you are so snuggable and cuddly. We love watching you grow and learn!


Caught in action... "What mommy?"

Exploring and climbing. What I do best!

There aren't enough words in the world to describe how much mommy and daddy love you. Watching you learn and explore is our favorite thing to do. You two are growing so fast and learning so much at such a rapid place. I pray daily that we teach you everything and expose you to all the amazing things this big world had to offer. The world is yours Little Presidents. We love you so much and cannot wait to see what this next month brings. 

Hanging with Daddy

Look at us stand!

Climbing all over mommy and pulling her shirt. 

The happiest babies on the block!

Tuesday, July 14, 2015

We are family!!!

Friday, my mom and Aunt Anita were supposed to fly in. My Aunt Anita made it (woohoo!) but my moms flight was stuck on the runway for an hour. They couldn't guarantee her which flight she could get on next so she and my dad drove up to Dallas. 

The LPs and I picked Aunt Anita up from the airport and headed to Esparza's. But not without me getting us lost first! Oops. We made it and the boys did awesome at lunch. They loved helping Aunt Anita with her chicken quesadillas. Those boys tore them up!

After Esparza's we headed to Target to grab a few things for the weekend. Aunt Anita drinks these yummy protein shakes and she needed some ingredients and I needed a few things for the shower I was to host on Saturday. After our Target run, we headed back to the house and played with the boys. They've grown so much since Aunt Anita saw them in January. 

We kept the boys up (they were starting to loose it a little) so that my parents could see them and help put them to bed. It made their night. Especially after such a long drive. 

Nick had picked up a HUGE and delicious salad from Eatzi's that we all shared while we visited. He also picked up some tiramisu!!! After visiting for a while, we all called it a night and headed to bed. It had been a long day for all of us. 

Saturday morning we made another Target run minus the LPs. They stayed back with Papa and daddy. Tutu wanted to get the boys another Leap Pad computer, Aunt Anita liked the hand soap  I had out and wanted to take some back with her and I needed to get refreshments for the shower. Along the way, we made a pit stop at a garage sale and I got the boys a walker for $3. They love it!!!!

When we got back, Nick and I scrambled to get ready. We had to be at the shower at 2. Of course we were late but it ended up being perfect. We got everything set up and the guests of honor - Landon and Lauryn- arrived! 

It was perfect. We had On The Border catered, a margarita machine, plenty of beer, and of course CAKE. Nothing Bundt Cake to be exact. We visited, opened presents and ate cake! I really truly think everyone had a great time. 

L2 came over later Saturday night to bring our hostess gift. It was fun hanging out and laughing with them like we always do!

Sunday morning we got up and around and headed to the Gaylord. We wanted to take Aunt Anita to their awesome brunch. Once again, the boys LOVED getting to eat lots of foods - turkey, chicken, Mac and cheese, watermelon, mashed potatoes and regular potatoes! And of course our standard - PUFFS!!!  They did great! 

After brunch, Papa and Nick took the boys back to the house while the girls headed to the mall. I returned a dress at Nordstrom's and mom and I picked up some make up. We shopped around a little and then headed back to the house. Tutu and Papa had to head back to SA. 

Aunt Anita and I played with the boys while Nick got some much needed yard work done. 

After the LPs went to dreamland, Nick ordered Fireside Pies and picked it up. We watched Big Brother and are our yummy dinner. I think Aunt Anita enjoyed it almost as much as I did :)

Monday morning we got up and played with Pierce and Knox. During their morning nap, I took a nap because they were up a lot the night before. I was so thankful to have Aunt Anita here to watch them for me. 

My best friend from college, Allison, stopped by with her two kiddos to visit. It was so good to see her and to catch up a little. I had not seen her since April but we talk pretty frequently. She has a 6 year old, Gavin and a 2.5 year old, Brooklynn. They are sweet and very active. I'm sure I will be running around like a mad woman when the boys are two!!! Brookie keeps Allie on her toes!

Aunt Anita had never had Chick-Fil-A so I HAD to introduce her!!! I picked up lunch during the LPs 2nd nap of the day and we enjoyed it at the kitchen counter ( we still have no where to sit to eat). I think it was a successful lunch choice. I know it was for me :). It's one of my favs!

We played and played until it was time to put the LPs to bed. Nick got home from work and he and Aunt Anita took over bedtime routine while I got my lunch packed for work. After the boys were tucked in, it was time to say goodbye. I was so sad to see Aunt Anita go. It's been so nice having her here. I just adore her. She is so easy going, perfect with the boys, easy to talk to and a great listener. I just wish she was closer. 

Until next time Aunt Anita (perhaps September 😉)

Sunday, July 12, 2015


Monday and Tuesday I worked so Lena was at home with the boys. Have I mentioned how much I dislike working two days in a row? Because I STRONGLY dislike it. It means I don't get to see the LPs unless they wake up at night. I miss my babies!!!!

Wednesday I had a doctors appointment in Dallas so after the boys morning nap - and a last minute, trying to get out the door, poop by Mr. P - we were finally locked and loaded and headed into town. 

The boys were a hit at the doctors office. Everyone "ohhhed and ahhhed" over the boys and they were pretty good if I must say so myself. P lost it a little towards the end but all in all - amazing kiddos we were blessed with. 

Knoxer boxer hanging out

Mr. P didn't want to be put down. 

After the doctors appointment I called to see if I could get the boys adjusted at Cafe of Life but they were closed for the week on vacation. Boy was I bummed! I really wanted them to go. They need it but hopefully we will have better luck next week after their weight check. 

I ended up taking a wrong turn and happened to drive by our old fertility clinic. On a whim, I swung in. I tried calling but no one answered so I chanced it and took the boys in. My fear was that the waiting room would be crowded and that Dr. Pinto would not be there. By the grace of God, no one was in the waiting room ( I still remember that feeling all too well) and Dr. Pinto was actually in the office! He owns two different clinics so you never know where he is going to be. 

Boy was the staff excited to see the boys. And they remembered me!!! I know they see so many faces month in and month out. I can only imagine how rewarding it must feel to see the product of their hard work and dedication. These are the people who spent their Saturday mornings with us. And many week days at that. Everyone in the room lit up when the LPs showed up. 

Dr. Pinto and Pierce

Dr. Pinto and our miracle babies

Dr. Pinto asked if I was still working ( he was surprised I was), if we had to buy a larger car, how my pregnancy went and was beyond excited when he heard I made it to 35 weeks and 2 days. He held both of the boys and smiled for a picture. I could tell he was happy to see us - and he's a tough cookie to crack!!! 

We made our way back to grapevine in yet another monsoon. I swear, all this rain  has me feeling like we live in Washington or Oregeon! Sheesh!

The boys took a quick nap and then we spent the rest of the evening playing until daddy got home.  Then it was time for some snuggles and our bedtime routine. 

Thursday morning we got up and played and the boys nursed a lot. Around 12, we ran to the grocery store really quickly. It was our normal "are they twins?" "You have your hands full" comments and the boys did awesome. They got lots of puffs while mommy unloaded the car and put everything away. We had quite a bit of stuff since we have company coming!!!! Yay!!! 

The rest of the day was spent playing, eating and playing some more. It was a pretty laid back day.