Friday, January 30, 2015

Zero sleep

It's almost like the LPs know that today is a big day .... Both of them woke up at 3:30. Mommy and daddy got in bed after 1 and I didn't fall asleep for the longest time despite my exhaustion. 

I attempted to breastfeed Pierce. About 15 minutes in he started arching his back and screaming at the top of his lungs. This woke his brother up. Nick entered the nursery and I asked him to make the boys a bottle. He was on it! 

Both boys were changed and fed. P went down without an issue. K on the other hand is still a bit fussy. Not sure if he's still hungry or if it's gas. 

I ended up laying on the couch with Knox. He woke about every 10-20 minutes and would cry out. I have no idea why. Poor guy. Little sleep has been had by all. I'm hoping and praying they will sleep on the plane but I have a feeling that is wishful thinking. 

Fast forward 8 hours and we are in Cali! The boys did pretty darn well if I must say so myself! 

We made it through security which was a doozie. Everyone was super nice about us basically unloading EVERY SINGLE THING we had with us. Nick and I each held a baby through the security lane and thankfully neither of us set it off (I am notorious for setting those bad boys off. Insert HUGE sigh of relief here!). We moved our gazillion pieces of equipment over to the "put yourself back together" area of the security line. They ran some test on my breastmilk while we packed everything back up. You should have seen it! It was like a 3 ring circus was coming through. We had our diaper bag, my purse, my pump bag, the snap and go stroller, both car seats, a cooler full of breastmilk, and 2 babies. We got multiple "I feel sorry for you" glances, a few annoyed glances and a few "oh honey, we've been there" talks. It's quite comical reflecting back on it!

And this was before Nick's suitcase was in!

We found a nursing room - who knew those existed in airports???( I thought those were reserved for Nordstrom and Buy Buy Baby!). We were pleasantly surprised and made ourselves right at home. I pumped while Nick changed the boys diapers and then we both fed a baby. We changed them again and put them back in their car seats. 

At the gate, we took the boys out and checked the car seats and stroller. We held the LPs and waited to board the plane until everyone was on. We busted out 2 bottles with 2 ounces of breastmilk for takeoff. We were hoping that would top them off and they would sleep. The nuggets did great during takeoff and not too soon after, Knox was out. Pierce on the other hand, well there was too much to look at and see. He's always so curious and takes everything in. I noticed his eyes were starting to get heavy so I stood in the aisle and patted his bottom until he finally fell asleep. The second I sat down, his eyes popped back open. We did this about 4 or 5 times until finally he fell asleep. It was short lived. Maybe about 20-30 minutes. We played the stand up in the aisle, pat your bottom until you fall asleep, wake when mommy sits down, game for most of the remainder of the flight. P only had one big screaming fit in which I took him to the back of the plane and warmed up his bottle. He was good to go after that. About 20 minutes later, he was out and didn't make a peep during landing. 

Knox slept for the most part. Shortly after Pierce's little fit, he woke up and Nick went to the back and warmed up his bottle. On the decent down, he took another 2 ounces and did fantastic. 

We waited for everyone to get off the plane before we got off and changed the LPs diapers while we were waiting. This saved us from having to make a stop at the bathrooms.  The flight attendants were wonderful and very supportive of us. I'm so thankful for that!

All in all, they did beautifully. I hope and pray it goes just as well on the way home - if not better. 

Mom and MK had rented a van for all of us and were waiting for us when we got off the plane. Nick helped reorganize and load up all the luggage. It was a loaded down van between the 6 of us!  

Mom drove and an hour later we were in Stockton! P was a bit of a bear in the car and fell asleep the last 10 minutes so I didn't want anyone to touch him. He needed sleep!

Everyone finally met the Little Presidents! There's still a few more who are coming in Friday :)

Aunt Anita and the boys :)

The rehearsal dinner was at a cute italian restaurant where they served all kinds of yummy dishes family style. It was nice to visit with everyone and the boys slept the whole time. They were exhausted! 

We got home, fed the LPs their last bottle and off to dreamworld they went!!! It's going to be a busy and exciting weekend. They need all they sleep they can get!

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