Tuesday, May 19, 2015

Tantrums and Target

Monday was a crazy day. Both boys woke up on the wrong side of the bed. They hollered and cried most of the day. It was heart breaking for this mommy. 

I'm struggling getting anything done these days. I used to be able to clean bottles and still peer over the island in the kitchen and see the boys. These days we have them set up in the media room and when I walk downstairs to clean or warm bottles or get food, P full on screams with big crocodile tears sliding down his face. Knox is usually ok if I'm out of sight but It breaks my heart hearing Pierce. Unfortunately, I cannot take them up and down the stairs every time. It's not safe. At least when I leave them up there, they are safe in their seats or exercaucers. I'm hoping it's just a transition period and it will get better. Please pray it does cause this mama hates to hear her babies cry like that. 

Finally out after much crying ....

After their nap and morning snack and bottle, we loaded up and headed to Target. We were a sight for sore eyes. Let me tell ya. I had the double stroller set up and was pulling a very full cart behind me. I had gotten almost everything on my list ....

Target list. 

We got lots of "bless your hearts", "oh my- twins!" And "you've got your hands full!" From several different people. And you know what, we do but we are surviving!!!  

The boys did great. Pierce was asleep when we got there and Knox fell asleep after P woke up. They looked around and took everything in. I love watching them look around in amazement and wonder. It's so refreshing. Oh what they must be thinking!!!

The cashier was a mommy of 18 year old boy twins. Her 3rd and 4th babies!!! You do survive!!! She was very sweet and helpful and got me and my big load out the door. 

Talk about a trunk loaded to the top. It wasn't as bad as when we left the hotel but boy did we have a full load. We swung through Sonic - mommy needed a diet cherry limeade- and headed home. The boys fell asleep again and I was able to unload the car. Then it was time for diaper changes and playing. 

We played for a while and then I had to go put the target stuff away. We had some perishables and I didn't want them to go bad. Low and behold, scream fest 2015 ensued again. I hurried as fast as I could and then headed up to pump/feed/play. 

Nick was texted multiple times yesterday. Mostly with me in tears. I couldn't help myself. The boys were so upset whenever I wasn't in their direct line of vision and nothing I did calmed them down other than holding them. Unfortunately I'm one person and I can't hold them both 24/7. I wish I could but I can't. 
Trying my best to dry the tears. 

Red nosed from crying. 

All this crying makes us sleepy

Nick suggested that I bring the boys up to his work so I did. We ate and then packed up and headed to DU. The board of directors is in town so we had to sneak to where they do deliveries. You should have seen the amount of people waiting to meet the LPs. There were at least 20 people with hand sanitizer in hand!!! The boys loved it and hammed it up big time. We stayed for about 20-30 minutes and then headed home. 

Once at the house, we played and played while I pumped. It was then time for some oatmeal and then before we knew it, daddy was home and it was bedtime. We tag teamed getting them ready for bed and then bottles and prayers followed. The boys went down with barely a peep. They were tired!!! Too many tantrums for one day I suppose. 

Tomorrow is my first day making my commute to work. Please pray it goes well and I make it on time. I'm so afraid of being late!

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