Tuesday, February 24, 2015


February 24, 2014 is a day I will never forget. This was the day we found out that there was not just one Little President growing inside of me, but two. 
There they are!

Nick just found out he was going to be a daddy x2!

Surprised and excited and in shock

We had an idea that we could be having twins but didn't really give it too much thought. We were so elated to be pregnant! Imagine our surprise as Dr. Pinto took the probe and showed us not one, but two babies. He then made the comment, "ok where is the third?"  Nick and I both about pooped our pants. 3??? Thankfully, the "third" baby was just another large cyst. 

I remember walking out of his office in complete shock and disbelief. Not only was I pregnant, but I was pregnant with twins!!! I was overwhelmed with emotions. Could I carry twins? Will they both have heartbeats? Will I go into preterm labor? Will they be boys, girls or one of each? Will I have to see a Maternal Fetal Medicine (MFM) doctor? Will they both be healthy? These were just a few of the thoughts running through my head at 100 mph. 

It took a while for it all to sink in. To this day, I still have to occassionally pinch myself. We have twins! Could I carry them? Yes- to 35 weeks and 2 days in fact! Would I go into preterm labor? Yep. And thankfully I have a smart physician who did everything in his power to keep me pregnant. Will they be boys, girls, or one of each?  We have two handsome, sweet, loving little boys. Would I have to see and MFM doctor? Yep and I didn't mind a bit. I loved getting all my sonos. Will they be healthy?  Thankfully, aside from a small NICU stay, they are both healthy and thriving. 

We are beyond blessed. As I was putting the boys to sleep tonight, uncontrollable tears were streaming down my face. God blessed us with the greatest joy imaginable. My little presidents have no idea how wanted and loved they are. But I plan on showing them each and every day. 2/24/14. A day I will never forget. 

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