Today, I turned 33 weeks. I truly am astonished that I am at this point in my pregnancy. The reality that these sweet nuggets could be here any day now is unreal. I have so many mixed emotions. I'm nervous, scared, excited, worried... The list goes on and on. I am hoping and praying we can last 2 more weeks but with how crazy my uterus is, I have my doubts.
Dr. Buchanan rounded on me this morning. He stayed and chatted with us for a while. His wife is a couple of weeks behind us in her pregnancy and they are also having a boy. It's definitely a boy year!
Breakfast was served. I actually enjoy the breakfast here to an extent. They have my Greek yogurt I love, a decent fruit cup filled with grapes, pineapple and cantaloupe, and when they don't burn the boiled eggs, I enjoy those too. I also don't mind, although they aren't the best, the turkey sausage links. I have been trying to really load up on the protein. I need these boys to be strong!!! I have also been trying to order enough food for both Nick and myself. After all, we are paying for it.
Kim was my nurse today. We are due a few days a part and may be the only person I know who is having a girl! She put me on the monitor and there was a lot of irritability again. She asked me if I wanted some terb but they weren't hurting me so I declined.
I missed Dr. Harris rounding this morning. I waited for him to stop by and when he hadn't by 9:45, I got in the shower. I wanted to start my day. No sooner had I turned the water on did he walk in to round. Oh well. He talked to Nick and Nick said he wasn't planning on stopping back by since things were going well. I am just fine with that.
I got ready and worked on finishing the last blog post ( week 32) when Jenny, Lauri and Kelsey stopped by. I am so glad they were able to break away to see us!!!! Jenny brought me a gift she had monogrammed for the boys from my first baby shower. It was two monkey lovies that are adorable! Lauri, who is an incredible cook, brought us some tasty cake balls. Kelsey brought us our back seat mirrors for our cars. Talk about spoiled!!!!! They stayed for about 10 minutes and had to go back downstairs. Duty calls!
My mom came back over to hang out. Shortly after my mom got here, Noel, Brent and Aubs stopped by. They didn't stay very long but it was good to see them and sweet of them to stop by. It's not exactly close for them.
Not too long after they left, my bestie from nursing school, Allison and her friend Jen, who has now become one of my friends and favorite people, came by. They also came bearing gifts. We are so spoiled!!! Jen brought me some Burt's Bees face wipes, Chapstick and lotion along with a magazine and some Kind bars. Too nice of her! Allie brought popcorn ( my fav!), pretzels, a magazine, the cutest mustache diaper wipe holder, organic teething rings for the boys and a book, " Goodnight Gorilla" that was her son Gavin's favorite book when he was younger. Jen and Allie both have 5 year olds who started Kindergarten last week. I feel like Gavin was just born! Time sure does fly.
Mom, Jen and Allie left and I finished my blog post and picked up my room a little. Nick came back a little while later and we ate dinner. Tonight I had the hospitals beef and broccoli stir fry and some chicken salad. Nick had the rest of his left over sandwich and Mac and cheese from the night before.
Sarah is my nurse tonight. She came in at 8 to give me my nifedipine. I had been contracting about every 10-12 minutes and was looking forward to taking it. She came in about 45 minutes after my nifedipine to do my nightly monitoring. Well, my uterus was not too happy and another dose of terb was ordered. I'm still amazed at how quickly it works and I pray it continues to do so.

Nick had some questions about nifedipine and wanted to talk to a doctor. Dr. Buchanan came up and talked to us and was able to answer a lot of Nick's questions. It's hard because I know a lot but I don't feel like it means the same coming from me. I'm glad Dr. B came by. I think it helped a lot.
We just finished getting ready for bed and are watching some silly movie, Dom Hemingway, that Nick picked up at redbox. Not my thing but it passes the time.
What's going on with the Job nuggets?
The brain has increased in circumference by 1/2 an inch in only one week! They are quickly becoming smarty pants!!! Make sure you're eating enough protein and fats to keep this going.
They are somewhat aware of their surroundings and are able to see and taste their liquid environment (amniotic fluid).
Their senses are in full swing. They can hear moms heartbeat and voice and are able to grab their toes and umbilical cord. If they could smell, they would be able to do that too!
Babies are the size of durian.
Never heard of a durian but this is what it looks like :)

What's going on with mommy?
At this point, mom should be gaining a pound a week. Even thought the food stinks here, I feel like I am gaining weight. At least I think I am because my belly looks HUGE!
Watch out for carpal tunnel syndrome. If you're feeling achy, painful or numb in your wrists and fingers, you may want to be evaluated. This is due to water retention and should resolve with delivery. To alleviate discomfort, try to avoid putting pressure on your hands and wrists. If needed, wear a wrist guard.
- Posted using BlogPress from my iPad
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