Whoo hoo!!! I am so ready for some football!!! Football means fall. Fall means boots and jeans, cooler weather, pumpkins, a change in colors and of course - our due date! I know these boys are going to come a little bit earlier than October but still! I'm pumped!
This morning started with a sweet phone call from my hubby. I am so happy he was able to get a good nights sleep and that he was able to get ready in his own space with everything he needed readily available. Not being at home the last few weeks, you realize that it's the little things you begin to miss and appreciate more. At least that's how I feel.
I had my morning blood sugar (68) and asked if I could have my monitoring done early. Danielle put me on the monitor and all was good. I was contracting about every 10-12 minutes. No terb needed!!! The breakfast trays were late today. In fact, all trays were late today. I actually really liked my breakfast this morning. I had the normal Greek vanilla yogurt, but today I had ordered the French toast, eggs and turkey sausage. Yumm-o. Even after all the sugar from the syrup, my sugar was 86. I'm glad my sugars are still good because the further you get in your pregnancy, they can increase.
Mom came up around 10 and we chatted for a bit and then decided to go get a coffee. They are re-paving the one by the hospital so we went to the kiosk one here at Baylor. Before we got our coffee, we decided that a stop at Simply Moms was in order. We ended up getting the boys some burp cloths and swaddle blankets along with a pumping bra I had heard I needed. We also made a non baby purchase. It's an adorable pumpkin to hang on the front door! Yay fall!!! We finally made it to Starbucks and back to the room. I'm so sad because I missed Jenny. She came by after dropping off a patient. She hasn't been by to see me in a while and she's going out of town this weekend. She may miss this birthday party!

Our sweet nanny, Lena texted me and asked how we were doing. It just made me love her and feel more comfortable with our decision to hire her than I already did. I updated her on what was going on and told her that they would probably be here soon. I think she's almost as excited as we are.
Noel came and when my lunch tray finally arrived, she and my mom headed to the mall. They had to pick something up that they ordered and I asked if they could pick up some make up that I was out of. They went to PF Chang's for lunch and ran their errands.
While they were gone, I ate my sad lunch. A wilted baked potato and some tuna salad and veggies. It wasn't too bad but man do I miss my fried egg sandwich at home.

I played on amazon for a while. I was in search of bedding for the cradle and this adorable fox blanket that Hans had on yesterday when he came to visit. I found both!!!! Score! I ordered an adorable grey and white chevron minky bedding for the cradle and two of the fox blankets. I can't wait to get them!!!!

After my shopping extravaganza, I shut my eyes and was in and out of a nap. I say that because twice the tech came in. I had a blood sugar check and she wanted to change my linens. Then I heard a knock on my door and I believe it was Bruce. He saw that I was laying down and left. I feel bad but I'm glad I was able to get a tiny snooze in.
Danielle came in to give me my 4 pm nifedipine and I was contracting pretty hard. At the same time, Noel and my mom came in from their mall excursion. Danielle asked if I wanted to be placed on the monitor but I declined. Within 20 minutes, I called her back in to put me on. Sure enough, I was contracting every 5 minutes. Danielle was charge today and was getting slammed so Beth came in and gave me my terb. Mom had gotten some See's candy while at the mall and was handing it out to anyone who walked in. She's so sweet and I am so blessed to have her as my mom.
Luckily the terb worked and another Danielle ( the unit manager) came in and told me that they are turning off the water tonight from 2000-0400. She recommended taking my shower prior to that time or in the morning. We loaded up on water to brush our teeth etc. I took her advice and hopped in the shower while my mom went to the cafeteria to pick up dinner. I had ordered a veggie burger but it looked disgusting and I wasn't in the mood. I wanted a chick fil a chicken salad.
My sweet friend Charlotte and a sweet friend Sweta that used to work here at BUMC, came by to visit. They stayed for about 45 minutes and it was so good to catch up. I just love my friends. It really helps having visitors. I don't think people will ever realize how much it means when you're stuck here all day.
Nick came in after a networking event and mom went back to the house. Nick and I ate our dinner and Sarah brought me my nifedipine. Of course we had the football game one. It was the Steelers (one of my teams) vs the Ravens. Unfortunately, the Steelers didn't do too hot and lost 6 to 26. It was a hard game to watch. Sweet Nick is so tired. He pretty much slept through the second half. That's what a McDonalds cheeseburger and a McFlurry will do to ya! Speaking of which, it's time for my blood sugar and then my McFlurry!!!

Night y'all!
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