Last night was a rough night despite taking norco. I still had trouble falling asleep and I woke up almost every hour with contractions that seriously hurt. Not to mention all the potty calls.
I got up around 7:30 and asked to be put on the monitor. Unfortunately or fortunately, depending on how you look at it, I didn't need terb. It's like my uterus froze when Tori put me on. My uterus was SUPER irritable but I only had one contraction that was painful. I was so embarrassed but at least that was out of the way.
I was getting stuff ready to shower when Dr. Harris came by. He was so sweet and encouraging. He told us he honestly didn't think we'd still be here and that he was very proud of me. All things I needed to hear because I am loosing it here a little. I can see how people become depressed. He rounded on me at just the right time. It was a God thing for sure.
The shower felt so good. I must say, as I have said before, I sure do miss my baths. Showers here are in very cramped quarters. The shower is about 3 feet wide and 5.5 feet long. There's not a lot of room to maneuver and there is a bath chair that takes up almost half the space. I have learned to take advantage of the chair though. All of our hygiene products are on top and I can use the shower chair to hoist my foot onto to shave my legs. Shaving has become an almost daily ritual as the days go by. Not sure when I will be able to after my c/s.
Nick went to the gym and to run some errands. He had to stop by the house and get his car fixed. The engine light has been on for a while which has prevented him from getting his inspection done. He also swung by CVS to grab a few things we needed - toothpaste, new toothbrushes and q-tips. Nick also needed some contact solution. I hate that I cannot run errands.
Whitney G was at a work meeting and came by. I just love that girl. She is so sweet. We caught up for a little while and then Noel arrived. Whitney couldn't stay too long because her hubby Jeff was waiting for her so they could go to brunch. I love that they are such foodies. They are always finding new and delicious places to eat. I thought Nick and I were good at finding new places but they more than trump us!
My mom had gone to the mall to run a few errands and then she came by. Noel, mom and I hung out for a while. The moms decided to go to the movies. It will be a long time before Nick and I go to the movies again.
Remember how I said Nick had brought our tv from home in and after our scare Tuesday, I had him take it home? Well guess what he walked in with today? Our tv! Texas Tech played Arkansas today and he brought it since the tv in the room is a little sketch. He's the best.
Mom and Noel headed to the movies and Nick and I set up for the game. The first half was decent. And then it went down - fast. I have to remember that we have a new coach and a young team. It's so frustrating though. Our sweet friends Jeff and Alma joined us around halftime and stayed for a while after the game. They brought us cookies and cupcakes, as well as the cutest "former womb mates" onesies. LOVE! After the game, we went on a wheelchair ride. There was a small cool front that came in last night and I wanted to go feel the fall like weather. It gets stuffy in here. Alma was nice enough to push me. We had some good laughs because the pavement outside is

Jeff and Alma left around 7:15 and we went back to room 710. Guess who was waiting for me in my room? My Susie, mom and Noel. Susie had come by after work just to check on me. I love that woman. Lesley, my nurse that admitted me at 24 weeks, also came by. She brought us the coolest prints for Knox and Pierce. They are so spoiled already!

Everyone left around 8:45 and by 9 I was calling out for Billie to put me on the monitor. I had started contracting around 8 but wanted to see what would happen. Well, they were every 5 minutes so I knew terb was in my near future. Billie gave me my terb and then I decided to rinse off. My shower was so nice and relaxing.

Nick fell asleep pretty early and I waited for my nifedipine. It was sleepy time ( sort of ) after that. (Obviously I am posting this late!)
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