What a day! My sweet friend Jill stopped by and dropped off an iced coffee. What a treat!!! We got up and got ready and Nick left for work. Beth was my nurse and brought me my nifedipine and checked my sugar. My sugar was too low so I had to eat and have it rechecked. The breakfast tray then came and of course it was wrong :( I'm glad I keep alternatives in the fridge!
My parents came by and brought Starbucks. I had told them the day before that I wanted a donut and they brought me one. My dad ate it because I wasn't hungry. Maybe tomorrow!
Beth came and did my monitoring and of course I was contracting. I got another round of terb and luckily it worked! I had her give it to me in my right arm because my left arm has been on the receiving end of the terb deal lately.
I was pretty shaky from the terb and my heart was pounding. It's crazy because I have always told my patients that your heart will race afterwards but now I know what that feels like. I also can now tell them that it is going to burn a little because now I know that it does. Not the most comfortable thing in the world but definitely bearable.
Dr. G rounded on me and met my dad. We talked about my plan of care. We are staying put until 35 weeks. He was going to stop my nifedipine and terb that day but decided against it because he is in Frisco that day and has a full clinic and a few c/s scheduled. I don't want him rushing this way in traffic and/or missing my delivery because he's stuck there. The plan is to stay here during the day and still get my meds. When he is done in Frisco, he will hopefully come here and discharge me. I'm sure I won't be home long before I begin contracting and come back in for my section.
Noel stopped by around the same time that my lunch tray got here. Mom, papa and Noel left to go eat and to go to the mall. Plus my dad wanted to go home to Louie. SMH - that dog has him wrapped around his little finger. What a mess!
I was alone for a few minutes and ate my lunch. I had forgotten to do my Jesus Calling this morning so I did that. In the midst of my devotional, Millicent, our Chaplain, came by to see me. We talked for a while and I showed her sono pictures of the boys. We prayed -for all of those around us who are hurting as they have lost loved ones, for the remainder of my pregnancy, for protection over the babies and for my psyche. She is truly a gift from God. I adore her.
Bruce then stopped by right in the middle of me eating my cupcake. Don't think that stopped me from polishing it off!!! And it was delicious!!! We chatted for a while and then my parents and Noel returned. My dad and Bruce hit it off, telling their stories. My dad is like a cat with 9 lives. Seriously. He has almost died 7 or 8 times. I need him to simmer down! I want him around a lot longer!
Bruce and Noel headed out and mom and papa stayed a little while longer. We talked about the game plan and mom looked into trading some days at work. I pray I can stay with children until then!
Heidi drove in from Houston for our friend Megan's bachelorette party. She stopped by to see me before the festivities started. I just love this girl so much and I miss her more than ever. She looked amazing as usual and I was able to give her her birthday present. I was so relieved she didn't have what I got her - Kendra Scott earrings in turquoise. She loved them and I loved the books she got the the boys! Heidi didn't get to stay long, but she's going to come back by tomorrow.
While Heidi was here, my dinner tray came. Coke did it again :)

My parents left and around 8:45, Nick came home with Stack House in hand. I had eaten about an hour before but called out to get my blood sugar checked early because not only had my awesome hubby gotten me some sweet potato fries, but he also got me an Oreo McFlurry. I couldn't let it melt!!! My sugar was 74. Bring on the ice cream!
Billie, my nurse tonight, is awesome. She is one of my favorites. I began contracting a little bit and was contracting about every 7 minutes on my nightly monitoring. Luckily, they weren't really hurting so we both were in agreement - no nifedipine tonight!!! Whoo-hoo!!!
I took a shower and let the warm water run on my belly. I love that this seems to work. Plus, it just feels good. I didn't wash my hair so I quickly got ready for bed and have been blogging every since!
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