While hooking me up to the monitor, Saleema, the tech came in and checked my blood sugar. It was 63. Emily brought me some orange juice since the breakfast trays were not here yet. I drank a little bit of it but knew that the terb would fix my blood sugar. Sure enough, I got my terb and they rechecked my sugar - it was 114!!! Eek. Thankfully I said something to Emily and she made sure to chart what had happened and why it was so high. Love that girl!
Dr. Harris came by as I was doing my Jesus Calling for the day. I adore him and if Dr. G couldn't make it, I would be perfectly ok if Dr. Harris took care of me. It's obviously not what I want but it would be good :)
After Dr. Harris left, I got in the shower and got ready. Nick was right behind me. He had a few things to do today and was meeting up with someone for work. Noel and mom arrived while Nick was in the shower. They were sweet and brought me a Starbucks skinny vanilla latte. My fav! I was so full from breakfast I wasn't able to drink much of it.
The moms and I sat around ( nothing new there) and talked. When my lunch tray came, it looked pretty sad. We decided to go to the cafeteria and eat down there. In my 6 years at Baylor, I have never every sat down to eat in the cafeteria. Crazy huh?!? Mom and I ordered from the grill and Noel got tuna noodle casserole. I got a delicious turkey burger and mom got street tacos. We sat and ate and shared banana pudding. It was almost like I wasn't in the hospital. Almost. It's the first time in weeks I haven't eaten in my bed.
After lunch we returned to my jail cell known as AP, and Noel left pretty soon after. Mom and I played around on the internet. I had registered for a pad to put on the floor for the babies to play on. I didn't realize that I had only registered for the cover and not the insert. Thankfully, amazon had it. I also ordered some Mabel's Labels so we can put them on Pierce and Knox's bottles etc. We also browsed some birth announcements. I found a few that I really liked but we will see what our newborn pictures look like before deciding on that.
Mom was going to leave but I was contracting a little and she wanted to stay. I was fine. It was my normal contraction pattern - about every 15-20 minutes. Nick called and said he was on his way back up here. She finally felt comfortable going home.
While Nick was out running his errands, he sent me the best picture ever!

He got his ring!!!! Thankfully our blanket coverage from our insurance company covered the cost of it. Getting our jewelry appraised is on my agenda during maternity leave.
For the few minutes before Nick got here and my mom left, I worked on my chalkboard. Every Monday since about 6 weeks, I have updated my chalkboard with what is going on with the boys. It's nothing too crazy, but Nick and I have really enjoyed it. Needless to say, since I have been in the hospital, it has not gotten done. My mom brought the board and chalk up for me this morning. Here it is! Better late than never!

Nick got back and I called out to be put back on the monitor. I was contracting about every 7-8 minutes. Nothing too too close but I wanted to stop them before they got closer. With terb, the order is you can have it if you're contracting every 10 minutes or less. Emily went ahead and gave me a dose. Nip it in the bud! It also got my evening monitoring over with!
Dinner came and I had ordered a cheese pizza, 2 small salads, fruit, veggies, a brownie and a cupcake :). No blood sugar day= lots of desserts!!!! Nick went down to the cafeteria and got some food for himself. He came back with a feast! French fries, a grilled cheese sandwich, baked potato with the fixings, soup, and salad toppings! I was waiting for him to eat so we had a little potluck! We fixed up the two salads I had ordered and split the rest of the stuff. I loved it!
Billie came on and has come by a few times to check on me. I got my 8 pm nifedipine and she said its weird to not monitor me. I agree but I'm glad it's done. The straps are UBER itchy. It's not much fun.
I've been blogging and Nick has been working. We also played with our labor playlist. We each made one for the delivery room :).
The countdown is on. Tomorrow after 4 pm, I will no longer get anything to stop me from going into labor. No more nifedipine. No more terbutaline. Wow. Things just got real. Really real. I have so many mixed emotions. I'm nervous, excited, scared, worried, happy, overjoyed. The list goes on and on. God is good all the time. These boys are in His hands. I'm just praying we all get through this safe and sound. That the nuggets are healthy and strong and that they feed well. I pray that the surgery goes well and is uncomplicated. I also pray for a quick and as pain free as possible recovery.
All of that being said, I
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