Nick went and picked up McDonalds. I wanted an egg white delight and today is a no blood sugar day!!!!! Danielle checked my fasting sugar and it was 71 after the terb. We were in good shape. My breakfast tray arrived a little late and I had completely forgotten that I had ordered the jumbo cinnamon roll. I was so full from my egg white delight, I put the cinnamon roll in a ziplock container and it's chilling In the fridge. It may be a good midnight snack!
Dr. G came by and told me to be good this weekend. He said he would be back Sunday afternoon and he will let Dr. Harris know when he gets back in town. Monday he will let me know what's going on with his office in Frisco and we will stop all meds at 4 pm. If he is not tied up in Frisco, he will come and check me but regardless, he wants me to stay here. If he is too busy in Frisco, he will be here early Tuesday morning to check me. If I go into labor, I will be taken down to L&D for my c/s!!!
Nick went home because we are getting another estimate on fixing a pier in our house. My mom and Noel are there in case he has to go into the office. My mom has an appointment at Service King at noon for her car due to the accident a few weeks ago.
I was working on my Five on Friday post and in the middle of it there was a knock on my door. It was Kelly!!!! She came over before her prenatal appointment today. It was so good to see her even though it was brief. I thought it was so sweet of her to stop by!
Lunch was served around the same time my mom texted asking if I wanted her to pick anything up. Ummm, yes please!!! I requested Celebrity Bakery. Danielle was in the room for my afternoon nifedipine and I asked her if she wanted anything. We gave my mom our order :)
Ben, Danielle's husband, brought her son Owen up to visit her. She made my day by bringing him in for me to play with. He is such a cute baby with these adorable dimples and HUGE smile!!! He's such a happy baby and I could have eaten him up!!!
Mom and Noel came in with our lunch and Danielle was able to take her lunch break with us. Aubs came in at the same time and we all ate and visited together. Celebrity has the best tea and the best desserts. Of course mom and Noel had picked up some delectable desserts. A pink champagne cupcake, coke cake balls, macaroons, a brownie and a magic bar were all packaged up for us. The only one I got a pic of was the cupcake.

When Danielle was done eating, she headed back to work while Bruce came in. We visited for a while and then the head of quality and safety for L&D, Diana came in. She is one of my favorite people. She brought me my C-EFM jacket! It's so cool to see my name in writing on a jacket. "T.Job, RNC-OB, C-EFM". It makes me feel so official! She also let me know that she resubmitted my Post Partum Hemorrhage Cart presentation and resume to AWHONN. She did not have to do that but I am so thankful she did. Kathy D. and I had worked hard on it last year but it got turned down. It's that saying though, "if at first you don't succeed, try try again!" She went above and beyond as she always does!
Millicent, our hospital chaplain stopped by and visited for a while. She asked me if there was anything in particular she could pray for. I asked her to pray for these sweet nuggets of ours to stay in until Monday. She led a beautiful prayer asking God to watch over us and protect us. She asked Him to please honor my request to continue to grow these boys but also acknowledged that God has already written His plans for the boys and that they will be here in His time. I really needed this reminder because I am trying to control things too much. He is in control. He already knows when and in what fashion these love bugs of ours are to be born. I need to remember this and give everything to Him. I love how God puts the right people in your life at the right time. God is good all the time.
Millicent and Bruce left after our prayer and mom and Noel left not too long after. Aubs stayed and we got to have some sister time for a while. I enjoyed catching up with her and I feel very blessed to have such a great sister in law. I'm hoping and praying that a cousin or two will join these boys soon!
After Aubs headed out, I lounged around for about an hour and noticed that my contractions were getting stronger and closer together. I called out to have Danielle put me on the monitor. Sure enough, I was in need of another dose of terb. By this time it was shift change (I have the worst timing!) Another Danielle, Danielle S., who is pretty new, is my nurse tonight. They came in and took me off the monitor. Danielle H. is on call tomorrow and they are busy up here. She thinks she'll be back tomorrow and I asked her to please request me. Done and done!

Nick got home around 8 and said that the cold front we were supposed to have gotten was here. He said it was actually a little cool outside. I'm so excited about this. Come on fall!!!
Mom had also purchased dinner for Nick and I while at Celebrity earlier today. It was a delicious rice pilaf with skewers of grilled chicken and pineapples that we were able to heat up in the microwave. I was so impressed!!! We are going to have to get a few more meals from there once the boys come! We then split the cupcake I've been saving all day!
Nick and I cuddled and watched 20/20. I'm pretty sure we both dozed off for a second. I woke up contracting around 11:30 and not too much later, Danielle walked in with my nifedipine. I had also asked for a norco. My ribs are killing me. I did some research earlier today and I believe I have subluxated ribs. Essentially, my ribs are dislocated. It hurts to laugh, cough and there is a constant burning sensation. I'm not 100% about this but you know what "Dr. Google" will do to you. Anyway, I haven't had one in a while and I am hoping it helps.

Here's to a good nights sleep and to staying pregnant through Monday!!! Grow boys grow. Mommy and Daddy love you deeper than the ocean and higher than the sky!
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