Friday, September 26, 2014

Pedi time

On Wednesday, daddy and I took Knox to the pedi. Dr. Agarwal is their pediatrician and she is fabulous. We really like her. She visited and checked on the boys everyday while they were in the hospital. She also does an alternative vaccination schedule and a special schedule for those babies who aren't going to day care. I like this and will gladly take my kids more often to not have them get so many shots all at once. Totally a personal preference. I want the boys vaccinated, I just don't think they need so many at one visit. 

We took Knox and he checked out with flying colors on Wednesday. He weighed 4# 4.5 oz and has steadily been gaining weight. He is 18 in long and got a clean bill of health. There were some things that I wanted to ask Dr. Agarwal about that have happened since then and was glad to have another appointment. 

Today, we are taking them both but Pierce is the main attraction this time :)

Pierce weighed in at 4# 10 oz!!! Whoo-hoo!!! He is also 18 inches and doing well. On Wednesday I had told Dr. A that I was concerned that P may have thrush. It was confirmed today and all 3 of is were started on nystatin - a drug to clear up the thrush. Since I am breastfeeding, we all have to be treated. I have to put it on the inside of both of their mouths with a q-tip after every feed. I also have to apply it to my nipples after each feed. Fun times for the next two weeks!

Nick and I told her we were concerned with Knox. He tends to spit up after most feeds. She thinks he may have reflux and started him on Zantac. We also expressed our concern over his weight. She wants him to be on Neosure to help him gain weight. I hate that my boys have to have all these meds. I'm praying everything clears up soon and they won't have to be on anything!

Knox got his first dose of Zantac. He wasn't a huge fan but we made it through. I made him a bottle of breastmilk with the Neosure and he took it like a champ with very little spit up afterwards. After a lot of thought, I am only going to do this with two feeds a day. I really love and enjoy breastfeeding the boys. I want to do it as much as possible and for as long as possible. 

Pierce and Knox both got their first dose of Nystatin and I think they both liked it hopefully they will continue to. It's supposed to taste like bananas. Knox LOVES it!!! 

Jill came over and brought lunch. She gave mom and I lots of good tips and brought us some goodies for the boys. Susie stopped by when she got off of work. I miss my friends and love seeing them love on my boys. 

More soon.....

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