Today we are 33.1!!!! Slow and steady wins the race. Trying to take this one day at a time.
Tuesday started off a little on the scary side. I woke up around 0330 contracting. Sarah brought me my nifedipine at 0400. I laid in bed waiting for the contractions to subside. Around 0445, they were still coming pretty regularly. I wasn't timing them because I was trying to rest between them. At 0500 I decided to get in the shower. There are no bathtubs on AP :(. I let the warm water beat down on me. I probably stayed in the shower for at least 25 minutes. I got out, dried off, and put my nightgown back on. The contractions felt like they were spacing out so I got back in bed. I could not get comfortable for the life of me. I finally got up and walked up to the nurses station. I hate using my call light- especially in the middle of the night- and I found Sarah. I told her that I thought I needed to be monitored. Part of me was really apprehensive because I thought maybe I was overreacting. I told Sarah this and she reminded me that it's better to check and make sure than keep on keeping on.
She located a monitor and brought it to my room. After locating both of the babies and placing the toco, we knew the toco was in the correct position because I had a pretty decent palpating contraction. About 5 minutes later I had another one. Within a few minutes, the contractions were coming back to back. One of the residents, Dr. Anumudu came by to check on me. Pretty soon Sarah walked in with terb in her hand. Within 2 minutes of receiving the terb, I was no longer contracting. Praise The Lord! At the point Nick had to leave for work. I had called my mom before I got the terb and she was going to come up but I called her and told her to stay put. I was ok and things were much better.

About 10 minutes later the secretary called into the room and told me to please empty my bladder and get ready for my sono. The tech pushed me in a wheelchair to the sono room. We waited for a few minutes for Dr. Yost to get there. She performed a BPP ( biophysical profile) on both of the babies. A BPP checks for fetal movement, muscle tone (flexing), fetal breathing, and amniotic fluid. They are given either 0 or 2 points per category. A BPP of 8/8 is indicative of fetal well being. Sometimes a doctor will add a NST (non stress test) to a BPP. In this case a BPP would be 10/10. Thankfully both boys both received an 8/8 BPP. It took a minute to get Pierce to show that he was practicing breathing. While we were waiting to see him breathe, we watched Knox kick the poo out of Pierce. I can see it already!!!! Honestly, I feel like Knox was paying Pierce back because during my monitoring this morning, Pierce was kicking like a madman.
I came back to my room and Dr. G came by to round. Kim came in with my nifedipine while we were talking. I have to say I was a little turned off because I had a lot of questions for G and I feel like he was rushing to get out of the room and not really answering me. I'm frustrated and anxious to talk to him tomorrow. Praying all goes well. It's times like this that I wish that Nick didn't have to drive all the way to Westlake so he could be here to help me out.
Dr. G left and I took a 30 minute nap. I really did not sleep well last night. I was on my lonesome for the first time in a while. I went and heated up my coffee and ran into Bruce. We chatted for a few minutes and then I worked on thank you cards.
Susie called and we talked for a while. I honestly love that girl. She truly has a heart of pure gold and I feel so blessed and fortunate to be able to call her my friend.
Mom was at home with the maid. I have been trying to get ahold of a maid for several weeks now. I started with our next door neighbors maid, my friend Kate's maid and finally Kelly's maid. I was only ever able to get in touch with Kelly's maid, Hilda. Hilda charges us half of what the cleaning service does and my mom said she is very thorough. That being said, it takes her a while to clean but I'm ok with that. Sometimes I feel like the company we use just rushes through and a lot of stuff gets missed. I'm excited to have her!!
Noel stopped by, and shortly thereafter, Kelly stopped by. We talked for a while and then my mom got there with Churches Chicken for her and Noel. I'm not sure I will ever eat fried chicken again after the last experience I had at Noel's birthday dinner. Makes me nauseated just thinking about it! We visited for a while and then Bruce stopped by. Kelly had brought us a present and wanted me to open it. It was the sweet Aden swaddle blankets we registered for and the Sophie the Giraffe rattles for the boys. She's so thoughtful! I love them!
Kelly took off, followed by Bruce and Noel. Mom and I hung out for a while just catching up on what all we needed to get done still and the plans for the rest of the week. She's going to head home tomorrow because she has a doctors appointment and then turn around and drive back with my dad on Thursday.
Mom took me on a short wheelchair ride to drop my thank you notes off in the mail. We then went to see if the smoothie place was open. The lady was really unkind. She said they close that down at 4 and it was a little after 4 when we got down there. I was annoyed and hungry and really wanted a smoothie. Grr. It wouldn't have irritated me so much if she had not been so rude but she was very rude. Moms neck was bothering her so we headed back to my room.
Mom and I hung out until Nick got here and then mom headed back to the house to help with laundry. I'm so thankful she had the week off and was able to be here. I hate that she had a fender bender and is in pain but hopefully she will begin feeling better soon. I worry about her driving home. Especially since she is driving home and turning around and driving back less than 24 hours later.
Nick and I hung out and watched some tv and cuddled. I love this man so much. He is the best! Oh and today I had ordered a diet coke with lunch and dinner and look what they said!!!!

-Posted using BlogPress from my iPad
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