I woke up contracting this morning and jumped in the shower to see if it would help. Luckily it did. I blew out my hair and curled it and then put my make up on while Nick jumped in the shower.
Dr. G stopped by and we asked him about going home on Monday. As long as I am less than 4 cm dilated, I can go home. We asked what we should do since we have pretty much needed terb everyday. He told us we would come in, get terb and see what happens but at 34 weeks, if my cervix starts to change or we can't stop the contractions, then it is time to meet these nuggets.
I have a lot of mixed feeling about this and I think Nick and I really need to talk tonight. I feel like I should not have to come in, get terb and go home. It seems to make more sense for me to stay here (kicking and screaming ) than to go home and have to worry about getting back up to the hospital every time I contract regularly. As much as I want to go home, I would rather be here and guarantee that I buy more time cooking these kids. I don't know what to do. I guess at the end of the day, I can tell Dr. G how I feel but it will be up to him.
I also asked Dr. G if I could not have my blood sugars checked so much. It's getting really old especially since they have ALL been below normal. After dinner last night, my sugar was 63. Please!!! He was in agreement that we could cut back. I am now having my blood sugars tested fasting and 2 hours post perennial every other day with a fasting sugar daily. This morning it was 66 and I ate cereal at midnight with a banana and pretzels. I don't get it!
Breakfast was served. 2 boiled eggs, vanilla Greek yogurt, turkey sausage links and oatmeal. I spiced up my yogurt and oatmeal with some sugar free hot chocolate mix. Vanilla Greek yogurt is getting pretty boring everyday. At least at home we buy different flavors and can add berries to jazz it up. They only have pineapple, grapes and cantaloupe - no berries whatsoever :(
After breakfast they did a follow up sugar since the first was so low. It was 80. My two hour post perennial was 70. I asked if we could start the every other day sugars tomorrow since tomorrow there is a party on labor and delivery that I am going to. I don't want to think about what time I ate and worry about coming back up for a sugar. Plus, I think Jill may make a cake and I have to have that!!!
Mom stopped by on her way out of town. She had picked up McDonald's and was waiting for traffic to die down. She has a doctors appointment tomorrow and I think she needs to go to the chiropractor for her neck. She and my dad are driving back up here after her appointment tomorrow. They are keeping 35 hot.
Danielle is my nurse again today. I adore her and kind of wish she could just come hang out all day. She put me on the monitor and I was once again booming out the contractions. I unfortunately was contracting more often than I realized. She contacted Dr. G and another dose of terb was given. I've said it before and I will say it again, I have a love/hate relationship with terb. It was funny because right before I was given terb, my phone rang in my room. It was one of my friends checking up on me. She saw a bunch of twins ( they have several sets up here on AP) and she saw my contractions. She wanted to make sure I was ok. I laughed because I know everyone can see my strip. I like to look and see how busy L&D is. I told her I was getting terb and everything would be ok :)
My nails are looking pretty rough so I had my mom bring up my nail polish and remover. I hate doing my own nails and I love shellac. I always seem to mess one of them up. Sure enough I did a little but I don't want to take the time to fix it.
Sweet Noel went and waited at our house for our ottoman to be delivered. In June we got a new couch from Weirs but the ottoman was on back order until August. They were supposed to deliver it last Wednesday but I was here so I had to call and reschedule it. I also was supposed to have my make up prenatal massage today at 3 but I had to cancel that too :(. Anyway, Noel said the ottoman looks awesome but her phone wouldn't let her take a picture of it. Something about her phone needed a sim card. No biggie- I will have Nick get one next time he goes to the house.
Here they are! Thanks Nick :)

I ordered the veggie burger again today. I don't know why, but I actually don't think it tastes that bad. I also ordered cake :). I love cake - vanilla cake to be exact. It was what the boys wanted ;)
Noel was visiting after waiting for the ottoman, when Bruce rolled in. We sat and talked for a little while. Bruce left and then Noel left shortly after. I then played on my iPad for a little bit.
Susie came by around 1540. Today was her short day (7-3) so she came up to visit. A little bit later, Jill stopped by. These two girls are incredible friends. I love them both so much. Jill had to get back to work so she didn't stay long, but Susie stayed until 1930. She took me for my first wheelchair ride OUTSIDE!!!! Seriously, I forgot what sunshine feels like on your skin. It is HOT outside but I honestly did not care. It felt amazing!!!! Susie has no idea how much that helped my psyche.
Ballard and his girlfriend, Sarah brought us dinner from Central Market. It was yummy, but what was better was visiting with them. Ballard and Nick have been friends since High School and Ballard is like a brother to me. He is going to be the best "Uncle Matt" to these boys. I think he's almost as excited as we are. Almost!!!!
I had my evening monitoring and once Stephanie put me on the monitor, I was contracting quite a bit. I got another dose of terb ( second one for today) followed by my nifedipine. I feel blessed that thus far, I have reacted immediately to the terb. She gave me my nifedipine an hour early to help also. We shall see what Dr. G says about that in the morning....

I was reading facebook while I was being monitored and I saw that my ex boyfriend of four years from HS, his father died yesterday. I really liked his dad and I was overwhelmed with sorrow for his family. They are all in my prayers. RIP Skip. You made an imprint on my heart.

Convincing Nick to go home and go to bed wasn't easy. He was so tired and he has been such a trooper with sleeping on a pull out chair. I FINALLY got him to agree. I hope he gets a good nights sleep and is revitalized tomorrow. I kind of feel like he may be close to getting sick which would not be a good thing right now.
Tomorrow is a new day. Praying for a quiet uterus and well behaved babies.
- Posted using BlogPress from my iPad
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