Heidi's husband came to stay with us for a night. Justin had parked in our backyard because he had some expensive equipment in the back of his truck for his job. I got up this morning and helped guide him out. It was a tight squeeze. I am excited because I will get to see him and Heidi this weekend. It's Heidi's 30th birthday this week and they are coming into town for our last baby shower on Saturday.
I did my normal routine this morning and texted with Kelly for a while. She had some questions about who should be in the delivery room when she delivers. Look for a blogpost on this coming soon! It's such a great topic- controversial for sure - but an important one to address.
Quinn, the masseuse at Cafe of Life texted me this morning and told me that she was under the weather and asked me if I wanted to reschedule my massage that was supposed to be at 3. I so appreciate her giving me a heads up. The last thing that I need right now is to get sick and deliver. I need to stay as healthy as possible! We rescheduled for 8:30 Friday morning. I can't think of a better way to start a busy weekend!
I went and got adjusted. I got there at 10:20 - 10 minutes before they open and there was already a line. So crazy!!! Anyway, I was sitting there and in walked Kate and Tucy. I just love these gals. Tucy's spirit is contagious. I adore her and her mama. Shortly thereafter walked in Kelsey - one of my sweet coworkers. It was so nice to sit and catch up for a little bit. I sure do miss my job and my friends. I am the luckiest girl that I not only love what I do but my coworkers are amazing.

Monday night, I began contracting around 7:30 and took my nifedipine a little early hoping they would subside. I was watching Bachelor in Paradise with Kelly and noticed that not only were the contractions not getting any better, they were becoming more frequent. I began to time them with an app that I have on my phone. They started about 8-10 minutes apart and within an hour were 5-6 minutes apart. When the show was over, I said good bye to Kelly and drew a bath. I took a norco 5 and tried to relax. Things slowed down a little bit and I was encouraged. I got out and got ready for bed. Nick and I were laying in bed when they picked up again. I called the answering service and thankfully Dr. G was on so I paged him. He called me back and I updated him on what had been happening. I also told him that I was hesitant to go in because I didn't want it to be for no reason. He understood where I was coming from but then he reasoned with me. What if it was something? He wanted me to be seen.
We packed up the car with our bags and headed up to Baylor. I checked in and I was led to my room. I changed into my gown, left my urine sample and climbed into bed. Taylor put me on the monitor and shortly thereafter, Jenni came in and asked me my questions.
Dr. Mitchell, one of the fourth year residents came in and asked me a bunch of questions. She had been asked by Dr. G to get an fFN and check my cervix. She obtained the fFN and checked me, I was 2/70/-2 - a pretty significant change from last time. Last time I was 1/thick/high. I knew my fate at this point. Magnesium Sulfate (mag) again.
Kristin came in and started an IV for the mag and an IV for my mag draws. They started my mag at midnight, put my Foley catheter in, hung my antibiotics and after my 6 gram loading dose was complete (20 minutes later), they started my maintenance dose of mag at 2 grams/hour. The mag was just as terrible as last time.
I was starving when I arrived at the hospital and Jenni brought me a piece of cheese. I had just swallowed my first bite when she started the mag. The second it was initiated, I immediately handed the cheese to Nick. The mag burns! My throat began to itch and burn and I was instantaneously no longer hungry. It's the craziest thing.
Hotter than H-E-double hockey sticks!!!!

I was pretty nauseated and unable to sleep. Becca took over for Jenni and we ended up talking for pretty much the remainder of her shift. She's a sweet girl and it was good to get to know her a little better. I miss working with the night girls.
I texted Susie around 0600 and asked her if she was up for being my nurse for the day. My phone began ringing 20 seconds later. I
explained what was going on to her. She said she would be there soon.
Susie was incredible. She took excellent care of me, just like I knew she would. She wanted me to catch up on my sleep and since I was still pretty nauseated, she suggested I have some reglan. Dr. G was on board and said I would have to be in the magnesium until at least 0500 the next morning. I was too out of it to really care.
Susie brought me my reglan and within 30 minutes I was asleep. I have no idea what happened for a while but I remember Susie coming in and saying my mag level was 7.1. Later, I was told that I was slurring my speech and losing DTR's ( deep tendon reflexes). She called Dr. G and got an order to turn my mag down to 1 gram/hr. Within an hour, I was feeling MUCH better. Susie gave me the most incredible hand and foot massage. I am so blessed to have such an amazing friend and nurse. She really went above and beyond.

Erin took over that night. I adore her too and all was well until I asked for reglan again so I could sleep. About 15 minutes after she gave it to me, I had a really strange reaction to it. I don't remember where Nick was, but he wasn't in the room. I was overwhelmed with a sensation to get out of bed and get the heck out of the hospital. I got up out of my bed - still on mag - and started unplugging my monitors. I was so tangled up in everything that I could hardly move and besides that, my legs felt like 200 pound bricks. Erin walked in and I told her I had no idea what was wrong with me but I wanted out - now. She calmed me down, and got me back into bed. Nick walked in in the middle of all of this and I could tell he was confused. So was I!
Sleep finally fell upon me and I woke up around 0445. My mag was to be turned off at 0500 and the next 15 minutes couldn't come fast enough. At 0500 on the dot, Erin walked in. She turned off my mag and gave me my nifedipine. She hep locked my ivs and took out my foley which was really starting to bother me. I was free!!!

About 45 minutes later, my uterus was still being good and I was able to get up and shower. It was hard to get moving again but boy was that shower amazing. I was so thankful both my legs were the same size this time!!!
I was on my lonesome as Nick had a bunch of important meetings today and had to go out to DU. Dr. G came by and said I could head up to AP. Jenny and Yolonda helped me pack all my stuff up, load a cart and up I went. My first room was like a sauna so they moved me two doors down and the air was much better!
I set up my room and tried to settle in. The dietician came by several times - can I mention again how much I hate GDM - and we planned out my meals. She's really sweet, I like her a lot. Many of my coworkers and friends stopped by to say hi which made my day fly by. My sweet supervisors brought me the yummiest salad that I was so thankful for, especially when my tray looked like I had received dog food for lunch. No joke.
We were under the impression that I wouldn't get a sono until Thursday morning and much to our surprise, Dr. Yost came by and sonoed me. Nick was still at work so my friend Michelle went with me. Thankfully, both of the boys looked amazing and are growing right on track. Pierce (baby A) was weighing in at 3# 12 oz and Knox (baby B) was weighing in at 4# 2 oz which is right on track! Pierce measured 32.2 weeks and Knox measured 32.6 weeks. Keep on growing nuggets!
Getting LARGE and in charge!!

Thursday all was well. I had lots of visitors which I love. Our good friends who delivered while we were here last time came by to visit. I loved visiting with Whitney and I got to love on sweet Gunner. At the same time I was loving on him, we found out that Kelly was here. She had passed out at her doctors visit. Thankfully she is ok but man do I worry about her!!
Gunner - such a cutie patootie!!!! And milk drunk....

I was able to take a wheelchair ride to see my friend Posey who had just delivered her little boy. I loved seeing all my friends, especially since I had not seen them in so long. My mom drove up late Wednesday night so it was good to have her there with me. It was also Heidi's 30th birthday and I got to talk to her on the phone for a little while.
Jill got off a little early and came by. We were talking and goofing around when all of the sudden I started noticing my contractions were getting stronger and closer together. She was palpating my belly and when the nurse came in, she ratted me out. I'm grateful she did because I probably would have waited until after shift change to say anything. They put me on the monitor and I was contracting quite a bit. It was too early for my nifedipine so they watched and then I was given a dose of terb after hydrating. The terb was amazing. It immediately knocked all the contractions out.
Friday morning started out with a burnt boiled egg. - yummy. I have been so frustrated with this GDM diet that I've been on and my sweet nurse Danielle had them change me to a regular diet since my blood sugars have been on point. Anyway, I tried to order a cupcake for dinner, and they called me saying they didn't have the cupcake. Whatever. It's on the menu, of course they have it ! Danielle knew I had done this and she brought me a Nothing Bundt Cake :) that one of the patients had ordered for the nurses. She's too good to me ! And can I just tell you, it was delectable. Just what this prego needed.
One of my friends, Lily stopped by this afternoon with her sweet kiddos, Aaron and Aly. Those kids are too cute and very well behaved. She's going to bring by some Steel City Pops tomorrow. Whoo-hoo!!!
It was a good day just hanging out with everyone. I had a lot of visitors which I know will subside this weekend while everyone is celebrating Labor Day. Our friends Landon and Lauryn and Landon's sister Kayla stopped by to visit. I loved seeing all of them. I was feeling pretty terrible because they were hosting our baby shower that was supposed to be on Saturday but we had to cancel it. We notified everyone on Thursday and told them to be on the lookout for an evite or paperless post for sometime in November. We are going to do a sip and see at that time instead. I know it will all work out for the best, but to say I'm not bummed would be a lie.

Saturday morning started off pretty rocky. I woke up contracting and tried to wait it out. I got my nifedipine a little early and decided to hop in the shower since that sometimes helps. I took a nice long hot shower and got ready for the day.
One of my supervisors, Toya, was so sweet and brought me a Starbucks. I loved seeing her handwriting on the lid. I sure do miss my girls! After getting ready, I went to the break room to reheat my latte and Nick told me that I missed Dr. Harris rounding on me. Oops. I caught up on my devotional since my mom brought me my Jesus Calling book. Every entry spoke to me in some way. I love it when that happens!!!

My contractions had subsided a little bit. I was relaxing and noticed that no one had brought my breakfast. It was around 0900. My nurse, Ashley came in and asked if I had gotten my breakfast tray yet. Nope! She offered to bring me something but I opted out. Dr. Harris stopped by and I adore that man. He was so sweet and told me that I was doing great and to keep up the good work.
Nick got me an egg white delight McMuffin from McDonalds. It was something I have been wanting and really hit the spot. I pretty much inhaled it - I was starving. Nick and I chit chatted for a few minutes and then I started googling first birthday party ideas for Jill and Nick played on his iPad.
As I was messing around on Pinterest, I noticed that my contractions were picking up again. I called out and asked my nurse, Ashley if she would out me on the monitor. Sure enough, I was contracting and having a lot of irritability. We waited a little while while I PO hydrated (drank water). That wasn't cutting it so Ashley paged the doctor. While she was taking care of that, Nick got a phone call. I had a sinking feeling in my chest that it was my mom. It was and she had gotten into a fender bender. Apparently she was waiting at a light and a guy in a sand colored truck, rammed into the back of her. Of course she has a new car and her bumper is dented, while there's not so much as a scratch on his truck. Mom got his insurance card from him but was unable to get him to give her his license. She told him the cops were on the way and he bailed. Mom said he reeked of alcohol ( keep in mind it was 1130!) Anyway, Nick went to go get her while I received another dose of terbutaline. Thankfully, once again it worked instantaneously. She watched me about 10 more minutes and then I was able to come off the monitor.
When mom got here, you could tell she was in quite a bit of pain. I begged her all day to go be seen. We took my wheelchair ride to the cafeteria and got lunch, came back and ate and then finally around 3:30 she agreed to be seen. Nick had left to run errands after dropping her off earlier and came back and took her to a faster ER than the one here at Baylor. They did an X-ray and thankfully, all was well. She had whip lash from the impact. They sent her home with some prescriptions which she and Nick picked up and then Nick took her home so she could get some rest. I'm just glad it wasn't worse. She was worrying me.
Brent and Noel came to watch the Texas Tech football game. It's officially football season and this girl couldn't be happier!!! Nick had brought our tv from our room and we thought we would be able to steam the game (it wasn't being televised because another local team was playing at the same time.) Brent worked on it for a while and when Nick got back from dropping off my mom, he worked on it too. We had no luck. We were able to listen to it but that's just not the same. Unfortunately Tech didn't look (sound) so hot. Our defense needs some serious work. But a Win is a Win!!!!
Brent and Noel left and I got my nightly monitoring and went to bed. I was exhausted and so was Nick. I woke up around midnight and guess what I found? The Tech game being replayed. I watched it until I fell asleep again and woke up a while later to women's softball. I turned the tv off and tried to fall asleep again. These beds and my big belly make it hard to get comfy. I am however getting prepared for motherhood!
Tailgating with some TC (Taco Cabana) and I got a grilled cheese when I ordered a grilled chicken salad. Thanks goodness for our tailgating goodies.

Sunday morning I woke up and organized our room - it was a hot mess!!! I got ready and Dr. Harris rounded on me. I then did my devotional and Nick went and picked up my mom from the house. He has some work to do and has to go back to DU.
Mom and I just hung out and talked most of the day. We did a little "19 Kids And Counting" marathon, which definitely opens up a lot for discussion. I'm not a huge fan of the number of kiddos she has because I feel like there is no way they are all getting the attention they need and deserve. Just my opinion though. While we were watching two of my coworkers, Tenicia and Whitney came up to say "hi". I loved it and thought it was so sweet of them. They couldn't stay long but I'm glad they stopped by.
My sweet friend Alma came by around 1630 and hung out for a bit. She is the best. She brought macaroons, cookies, trail mix, magazines and a gorgeous bouquet of roses for us. She's always so sweet and thoughtful. Mom and I enjoyed sitting and talking to her. She's getting married next summer and I am so looking forward to it. It's going to be at a gorgeous resort in Mexico and my mom is going to keep the nuggets while we are there. It will be hard to leave them but I'm sure we will need a little vacay by then.
Nick went and picked up dinner at Stack House. He went cray cray! I think he bought one of everything on the menu! He came home with the biggest sandwich I've ever seen, fries, sweet potato fries, a sandwich for my mom, and a giant grilled chicken salad for me. To top it all off, he got an oatmeal cream whoopee pie as big as my head!
After dinner I was put back on the monitor and was contracting...quite a bit. I got a dose of terb which seemed to work pretty well. I can't get over how jittery that stuff makes you. I'm just thankful that it works.

Worlds biggest oatmeal cream pie!

Nick and I set the tv up and streamed Big Brother. He figured out how to watch our DVR'd programs which makes me happy. :). I'm looking forward to catching up on some shows. Plus it feels a little more like being at home.
I'm so thankful that I am still pregnant and that the nuggets are doing well. The thought of delivering early has always been in the forefront of my mind and I have educated myself on what that means for the boys. Each day they remain inside is such a blessing. I'm praying we make it at least one more week but 35 weeks would be even better. To anyone who reads this, thank you for your continued thoughts and prayers. We appreciate them more than we will ever be able to tell you. Here's to another week or two !!!!
What's going on with the Job babies?
Hopefully by this week your baby is in the head down or vertex position. If not, no worries. He or she still has time to flip! There's about 2 pints of fluid in your womb right now for them to maneuver in. Unfortunately Knox decided to move back into the transverse position. C/s it will be for us!!!!
Still feeling toes and feet in your ribs? I know I do!!! It's definitely not the most fun sensation but try lying on your side to alleviate the discomfort. Sometimes this works for me sometimes it doesn't.
Babies are the size of a squash.
What's going on with mommy?
Once you hit 32 weeks, you will be going to your health care provider twice a month instead of once a month - for an uncomplicated pregnancy. If you're like me and have multiples or some sort of complication ( high blood pressure, diabetes etc.) then you may have to go more often.
Be aware of the signs and symptoms of preterm labor, infections, and high blood pressure. Your health care provider will go over all of these things with you and always call them if you have questions.

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPad
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