Zzzzzz. I did not sleep very well last night. I'm not sure why the nights are so much harder for me than the days. Maybe because there are people here most of the day to distract me and at night, I just begin to think too much.
This morning began around 7:30. I received my nifedipine, got in the shower, and got ready for the day. I had my fasting blood sugar taken, it was 71. Soon after, my parents called and offered to go get donuts. I was still wanting a sour cream donut. Nick overheard me telling them what I wanted and offered to go pick some up.
My parents got here and Nick took off to get the donuts. My nurse Emily came in and put me on the monitor. Of course I was contracting so terb it was - again. I know I say this a lot but I am glad that the terb works. The jitteriness that it gives you kind of blows but I'll take that over having my babies early any day.
I thought Nick was going to go right down the street to the closest donuts shop but no. He drove out to Hypnotic Donuts. This place is crazy good. We've only been one other time - on my birthday- but I rave about them all the time. I finally got my sour cream donut - in 4 different flavors :). And no, I did not eat them all! Hypnotic Donuts is known for their interesting donut concoctions but we kept it pretty simple today. Nick did get the cake donut with frosting, marshmallows, sprinkles and animal cookies on top. We joked that we bet every kid that walks in the store wants one of them. Nick is such a kid at heart and I love that about him. Nick also got some kolaches which I forgot to take a picture of. Everything was just as good as I remembered it.

Heidi and Brooke stopped by with Starbucks. They visited with us for a while and then headed to Megan's bachelorette party at the Belmont - one of my favorite boutique hotels in Dallas.
Kat stopped by with the baby CPR dummy and DVD. If we get a chance today, maybe we can all watch it and work on it. If not, Kat said we can do it some other time. I thought that was so sweet of her and I appreciate it. I'm not sure we will get to it today though. My parents and Nick have a lot to do at the house.
Not too long after, mom, papa, and Nick headed out. The lady who made the boys bedding is meeting them at the house at noon. I cannot wait to see what it looks like! I hope it turned out ok. She texted me and told me she had not finished the quilts which was disappointing. She should have them done by Monday and will mail them to my mom because I want them monogrammed.
Lunch came. It was a turkey sandwich. El bor-o!!! Oh well. It was ok. The nurse who gave it to me walked in with the tray asking if it was my birthday. Um no. She said that not many people get a cupcake unless it's their birthday. I told her it was on my alternative food list and sometimes you just need a cupcake! She looked at me like I was a nut job. Whatever. I'm pregnant with twins. If I want a cupcake, I'm having a cupcake. Unfortunately my donut filled breakfast deterred me from the cupcake. It's wrapped in Saran Wrap and waiting for me to eat it when the mood strikes!!!!

Kat got off early and came by. Of course we weren't able get to the CPR baby :(. I asked her if when things settle down, she could come over and give us our tutorial. She's the best. She told me I looked really tired today and she is right. I am exhausted. I have not gotten much sleep lately and I wake up really easily so every noise in the hospital is heard. Ugh. I consider it preparation but I didn't know it was written all over my face. I mentioned that I had only been on a handful of wheelchair rides and she offered to take me outside. I was down with that!!!
We went outside and she wheeled me to a nice shaded spot in between two parking garages. We sat on a bench and visited for a while. I love Kat. She has such unique views on things and is an amazing Christian. I love hearing her points of view, and she and her husband Mark are very involved at their church. I really wish Nick and I were involved. Once we get through these next few months, I want to try to focus on that.
Kat had to get back to her family and I have been resting in bed, blogging, watching football and researching baby stuff. I wish I could take a nap but I am having difficulty getting comfortable. This belly is big!
Mom sent me a few pictures of what she has done in the nursery today. The bedding is on and they were attempting to hang the pictures but are holding off until I get home because I wasn't loving what I saw. Papa and Nick went and got both of our vehicles detailed so now we are ready for car seats!!! This is getting really real!
Louie and Nick making sure the stroller is ok for Pierce and Knox!

The dresser

The cribs with bedding - still missing the quilts and awaiting the rocker!

Holding off on hanging this due to my indecisiveness.

The inside of my vehicle.

Molly the Denali looks brand new!!!!

Things are coming together. I am so thankful to have such an amazing husband and parents who have spent most of their day getting my house ready for the boys. I am truly blessed. It's hard not being there and not having any control - especially when you have a type A personality and are a little bit of OCD like me. So thank you mom, papa and Nick. I love you all so much and appreciate everything you've done.
I'm going to be honest. I'm a little bit nervous. There is a storm rolling in and I am starting to contract a little more. Praying it's all in my head and/or that the meds keep everything at bay.
I called out for my nurse Lauren ( Emily got to go home, she was on call) a little while ago but I don't think anyone told her. That's one of the most frustrating things as a nurse. When a patient calls out and you aren't notified, it makes them think you don't care or don't have time for them when in reality, you had no idea. Anyway, I know she is in charge today and it's close to shift change. She will be in here shortly.
Billie took over and promptly put me on the monitor. I was right, no one had told Lauren that I called out. It was clear pretty quickly that I was contracting about every 6-10 minutes. They were also stronger then usual. Billie watched for a while and then gave me my nifedipine. Shortly there after I had a few 3 minutes apart and she offered me terb. I gladly accepted. Let's nip this in the bud!
Nick came in with Burger King. My hospital selection for tonight wasn't the greatest so BK was a welcome surprise. I had ordered dessert for us for dinner - cheesecake for Nick and angel food cake for me. Not too bad!
We aren't going to be able to watch the Texas Tech game that starts at 10. The hospital tv selection is limited and it won't let us stream it for some odd reason. Play by play on sports center it is! I hope they play better this week than they did last week. Wreck 'Em!!!!!
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