Needless to say, we went to bed late. I think the last time I looked at the clock it was 2. At 4, Billie came in with my nifedipine. I had been contracting before she came in and was awake. I took my med and iron and then watched tv until I fell asleep again. At 6:20, Dr. Brooks came in and rounded on me. I half fell asleep before the sun started shinning and I was awake.
I got in the shower and got ready. Today is a blood sugar day. Luckily I barely scooted by having to get it rechecked with my very diabetic number of 70. This is such a joke. Anyway, I called my parents and they were going to head our way and stop at Starbucks on the way. Yay! I was in dire need of a latte!
I made my bed and was laying there when Nick came and laid beside me. We don't get to cuddle very much because the bed isn't very big and there are always people coming in and out of my room. That being said, no sooner had he laid beside me than Dr. Heckman walked through the door. Oh dear! I was so embarrassed. I know I really shouldn't be but it was so awkward. Nick popped up and sat back on his chair. Dr. Heckman chatted with us for a while and then took off. I don't know why, but this really bothers me.
Mom and papa made it just as Beth was putting me on the monitor. I had not really stopped contracting since my 4 o'clock nifedipine and knew that some terb was in my future. I was right. My strip was pretty much nothing but contractions. Some were painful and some were just what I am used to. Luckily, the nifedipine worked. I'm not looking forward to the day it doesn't.

Around 11, we went down to the cafeteria so my parents could grab a bite to eat before getting on the road. While we were in the cafeteria, Heidi stopped by. She waited for us and we were able to visit for about an hour before she had to head back to Houston. I cannot even begin to explain how much I miss that girl. She is truly an incredible person and the truest of friends.
Mom and papa hit the road not too long after Heidi. They had to swing by the house and pick up Louie first. Nick worked for a little while and then headed to the DEC (Dallas Entrepreneur Center) and I took a 15 minute nap.
I woke up contracting... It was too early for my nifedipine so I started chugging water and that helped a little. I guess I got a little behind. Not good!
I got back in bed ( ugh) and began reading Healthy Sleep Habits, Happy Twins. I've learned that I am not the best sleeper - surprise, surprise! I'm hoping and praying these boys take after their daddy and not their mommy!

Beth came in to give me my 4 o'clock nifedipine and we began talking. We talked for an hour. I love that girl. She is so great! I love that we are coming full circle. I delivered her first kiddo and now she is taking care of me.
Mom and papa made it home safely and quick! Mom said there was no traffic. That's awesome because they usually don't have that much luck with the traffic thing. Mom is now unpacking and re-packing. She is going to head back up here on Thursday and God willing, if I get to go home next Monday, she is going to help us get everything ready. I kind of feel like if I make it that far, I won't be home for long....
Nick called and Ballard's car battery died so he is going to go help him out and then order some pizza for us. Noel and Brent are coming over to hang out, eat pizza and watch the Broncos game tonight. Should be fun!
Unfortunately, all day today I have been contracting more than normal. I know it's just a matter of time and I am becoming more and more nervous. I think knowing what is going to happen - at least during the c/s - makes me a little uneasy. I'm scared to be completely honest. I'm scared of my babies not being able to stay with me and having to go to the NICU. I'm scared of them not being big enough and possibly having long term issues due to their prematurity. I'm scared of the actual surgery and recovery and I am terrified of something bad happening. I need to give all of these worries to God. He is in control not me. I am struggling with that in a major way.
Heavenly Father, please take these fears and worries off of my heart and out of my mind. Please help me to turn to you when these feelings sneak up on me. I don't want the devil to take over my mind. Please keep me and the boys safe during the c/s. Please Lord, let the babies stay put at least one more week and please let them get big and strong. No wimpy white boys for me please! I am so thankful for these blessings that you have bestowed upon Nick and myself. Please let us be good parents who teach our sons morals and values, but most importantly, please let us be an example of your love. I pray that they want to know you and love you and become men of God who set an excellent example to those around them. Thank you for your continued blessings as we will be 34 weeks in just a few short hours. 10 weeks ago, I didn't think I would be at this point and I know that it is because of our amazing family and friends who have been praying for us, but mostly because it is YOUR plan. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. I love you Lord God. Please watch over and protect us, our family and friends - especially those who are hurting and/or going through a hard time right now. Please let us all seek solace in you. I love you so much Lord God. Amen.
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