Wow. This has been the golden number to get to since we got admitted. It's hard to believe the day is finally here. To be honest, I am a little shocked. Ultimately, I know that it is God. He has kept these two little boys safe and sound right where He knows they should be. I'm not saying it's been an easy road to get here but I am beyond privileged to have carried these boys as long as I have. This is in His hands. I am trying to turn it over to Him because a strong part of me really wants them out and in my arms ( although that is not guaranteed). I am praying to have faith in His timing. Only He knows when these sweet boys are to make their grand entrance. We are ready for them!

3:30 in the morning seems to be my wake up time. I wonder if the boys will be on the same schedule once they are here. I once again woke up contracting this morning. Billie came in with my 4 am nifedipine and I was able to doze off again around 4:30. I woke up at 5:20 contracting and debated calling out to be put on the monitor. Instead, I waited it out. Dr. Cammack came by around 5:45 and I we celebrated reaching this huge milestone. I told her I was contracting every 12-15 minutes and to be ready for me at any time :).
Nick's alarm went off and he went to work. I got up, made my bed and jumped in the shower. Today is not a day to not groom!!! I was in the middle of doing my make up when Dr. Harris came in to round on me. He told me Dr. G was caught up in a delivery in Frisco and wouldn't be by this morning. I had not planned on Dr. G coming by but I'm glad Dr. Harris did. He said he would come by once the boys are here. Sweet man.
I finished my make up and was waiting on my mom to bring my curling iron. When I curl my hair I can usually get a few more days out of it than I can when it's straight. I'm always planning!
They came and checked my sugar. It was 63. I ate some Greek yogurt because that normally brings it up. Not today though. Today my repeat was 67. I refused another check. I know it will go up and besides that, it is my norm.
Bruce came by. He's so thoughtful. He has been wanting to bring me lunch for so long and I always tell him, "no thank you, I'm ok." I finally caved and he is going to bring me a Greek salad from some Greek restaurant he loves.
Mom and my good friend Heather came by right as I was being put on the monitor. Heather brought her 4 month old, Ezra with her. He is such a cute, sweet baby and so happy!!! Heather is the best. She brought us a bunch of size 2 diapers that Ezra had already grown out of. I was on the monitor for a while and contracting every 5 minutes. Emily came in and offered me some terb. I accepted because Dr. G and I were in agreement that we would prevent labor until he was available. We've come so far and he has been there every step of the way. I want him to be the first one to hold my little guys.
Heather and Ezra headed to Autumn's to get adjusted. Mom and I were hanging out when the phone rang. It was G. He was checking on me and told me thank you for not delivering while he was out of town. I am the one who is thankful! He briefed me over the game plan. He told me I couldn't have anymore terb and that my last nifedipine was to be at 4. He said he would call from Frisco around that time and let us know what his status was.
Mom and I headed down to the cafe to grab a cup of coffee when we ran into Bruce. I didn't think he would be on his way to drop off food for me since it was only 11:20 but he was. We were able to talk for a few minutes and then we parted ways. Mom and I got coffee and headed back to the room. It's so crazy how much busier the weekdays are than the weekends.
Noel arrived a little bit later. She and mom decided to go grab lunch somewhere. They were hoping that I would be able to squeeze in a nap. Unfortunately, that did not happen. The moms headed out and I ate a light lunch per Dr. G's request. After lunch, Danielle, the manager of AP came in requesting to know who had come in and done my nails. There was another lady on the floor who wanted her nails done. I was happy to share. My diet tech Melanie came in and we talked for about an hour. I really like her and we have bonded over the last few weeks. She's such a sweetheart. I'm going to miss her.
The tech came in and checked my blood sugar. It was 67. I ate the other half of my Bordeaux bar. Shortly after, mom and Noel returned. They had dropped off a load of belongings at the house and then ate at On The Boarder. They made a pit stop at Wild About Harry's and picked up some custard. The tech came in to recheck my sugar and it was 71. I proceeded to inhale the custard they had brought me. It was delectable!!
Nick came "home" and we were hanging out waiting on Dr. G. G called a little before 5 and said that it would take him at least an hour to get to the hospital. He them proposed to me that if I wanted to, I could go home. Say what??? Excuse my language, but hell yeah I want to go home ! He said when my contractions start up agin to page him and he will meet me in L&D. Sounded like a plan. No sooner had we hung up and I popped out of bed to start packing, did Emily come in and tell me she was working on my discharge orders. Sweet! Thank you Lord! What an answer to prayer. All I have wanted to do was go home and take a bath and shower and actually feel clean. I wanted to see the boys room and sleep in my own bed. Hallelujah!!!!
We got the room packed up in record time and off we went. I walked by L & D to say hi and bye to everyone. I miss their faces so much. Nick pulled into the circle drive and loaded the Tahoe. No sooner had we started going did I get a text from Autumn to check on me. I told her we were headed home and she asked me to swing by Cafe of Life. Yes Please! Being stuck in a hospital bed for 3 weeks will do a number on your back.

Autumn adjusted me and tried to give me a little room. She said that from feeling my back and pelvis, these boys will be here within the next 48 hours. Wow! It's so unreal !!!
We got home, Nick unloaded the truck and mom was already on her second load of laundry. She washed our sheets and all my hospital stuff. Nick left to go get a haircut and I repacked my bags. At least now I know what I need and what I don't!
Matt B and Sarah stopped by. They took our old ottoman. I am so glad that someone I love will enjoy it! They are the cutest little couple!
Nick stopped at Applebee's and picked up dinner for us. We actually sat at our kitchen table and ate dinner. That is not a normal thing for us. I really enjoyed it. I love my husband so much. He's my rock
Nick packed while I hung out on the couch. My contractions started picking up within 30 minutes of me sitting down. I have been timing them and they are anywhere from 5-8 minutes apart. I am going to hang out here as long as I can. I'm praying I make it until early in the morning so Susie and Jenny will be at work tomorrow and can deliver these sweet loves of ours.
I'm currently blogging and bathing. ;). Two of my favorite things. I'm praying that I am able to relinquish myself to Gods timing and that these sweet boys are big and thriving. Here's to a few hours of sleep and a healthy delivery !!!!
What's going on with the Job boys?
At this stage in your pregnancy, your baby is more than likely vertex ( head down). Only 3-4% of moms at 35 weeks are breech ( booty down). For the Job boys, baby A is in the vertex position and baby B is in the breech position so I will be having a c/s. Don't fret just yet if your kiddo is still breech. There is still time for them to flip and there is a procedure known as a version if you want to try to rotate your baby to the vertex position.
It's especially important to make sure that you are getting enough iron. Your sweet baby draws their iron from his/her momma. It is stored in the baby's red blood cells. You can ensure you're getting enough iron by taking your prenatal vitamins and eating iron rich foods such as meats, eggs, fish, beans, and iron fortified foods.
Boys are the size of coconuts!!!!
What's going on with mommy?
It's time to educate yourself about cesarean sections and vaginal births. Unfortunately, labor and delivery is very unpredictable. There are so many variables that can happen and an open mind will serve one well. I encourage you to be open to each possibility because your nurses and doctors have you and your baby's best interest at heart. I know for me, I think of each of my patients as my sister or best friend. I often ask myself, would I be ok with the choices being made if my patient was my sister. 99% of the time I am. Your providers want what is best for you and your baby.
Sometime soon you will be tested for GBS (Group Beta Strep). Most people are tested between 35 and 37 weeks. I did mine on Friday. It is painless and is basically a q-tip that is run from your vagina to your butt hole. It is then sent to the lab to see if you are currently a carrier of GBS. If you test positive, you will more than likely be treated with antibiotics. Please see the link above. It has great information about GBS. Oh and I just found out, I'm GBS NEGATIVE!!!!! Yay!!!

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