Tuesday, September 30, 2014

Post Partum visit #1

Right now I am sitting at Dr. G's office waiting for my 2 week post op,steri strip removal appointment. It's crazy that the boys will be 2 weeks old tomorrow. Time sure does fly. 

To be completely honest I am a little nervous about this. I'm not nervous about the removal of the steri strips but more about what is hidden underneath. What is my scar going to look like? Has it healed well?  What will it look like next week, next month, and next year? Everyone heals so differently. I know he did a great job. G took his time drawing a straight line on my skin prior to cutting. I've looked in the mirror and it looks straight. I can't help but be apprehensive though. 

I also need to ask him about my possible mastitis. My right side hurts still but not nearly as bad as it did last night. Last night was awful. The chills made everything so much worse. We will see what he says. 

The appointment went well! The steri strips didn't hurt at all and the scar looks good. It's a little raised which G said is normal. The sutures will take another 4-6 weeks to dissolve and at that point I can work out again. I was cleared to drive today! Hallelujah!  I have noticed that the raised area is numb. I don't remember G saying if this was normal or not but I guess it's really not that big of a deal. 

G called in a round of antibiotics for me just in case. He said I was probably just really enforced but if I strike a fever in the next few days along with the pain, to go ahead and start them. Sounds like a deal to me. I would like to not have to take anything but if I do I am glad I have the option. 

Aunt Jenny and Myrick came by to visit. They brought mommy and TuTu a MUCH NEEDED Starbucks latte. I love my girls and hanging out with them. Myrick is growing like a weed. I still can't get over how fast she has sprouted up!

Aunt Jenny 


Kelly and Jared came by to hang out with the boys tonight. It was so sweet watching Jared with them. He's going to be a good daddy. We initiated him with a bottle feed and a diaper change! Kelly recently got their "mommy mobile" and is nesting away! I can't wait for all of the boys to become friends. 

I'm listening to them grunt and have baby dreams right now. It's like music to my ears. Sometimes I still can't wrap my head around the fact that they were both inside of me 2 weeks ago tomorrow. They will never know just how loved they are but I will try my best every day to show them. 


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