I had a dream last night with my mom, Nick, Erik B and myself. We were trying to stay away from clouds (so random) and we were taking refuge in my friend from Parklands town home. Keep in mind I have not seen this sweet friend in 5 or 6 years. The layout was really strange. I don't think I was pregnant but I remember wanting to work out and Halana ( the person who owns the town home) had a bunch of work out DVDS and equipment lying around. That's all I can remember of the dream but it seemed so much longer when I was dreaming it.
Jackie came in and gave me my 4 am nifedipine. While she was in the room I had one of the worst contractions I have had in a while. She was able to palpate it and even she agreed it was bad. She asked if I wanted to be put back on the monitor but I declined. I just wanted to sleep.
Dr. G came in at 6 and we kind of revamped our plan of care. He said we would keep utilizing the terb. I can get it up to 3 times in one hour. If the terb doesn't work, someone will recheck my cervix. If I change to 5 cm or greater, he will proceed with the c/s. So now I am just praying that I make every hour worth it for these sweet boys of mine.
Breakfast was an interesting adventure again. Today is a no blood sugar day ( my fasting was 68, I ate and it was 78). I ordered a bagel and turkey sausage along with 2 hard boiled eggs and had planned on making my own bagel sandwich. Well my bagel was a hot mess. It was overheated and sticking to the foil it came wrapped in. It was disgusting and I was so disappointed.

At 1, Whitney (she just had Gunner) was at the hospital to return her breast pump she had rented from Simply Moms. She came by and brought us a gift for the boys. She has this really awesome wrap that she wears Gunner in called a K'tan. It's amazing and I compliment her on it all the time. She got me one in black!!! I am so freaking excited about it! She also got us some triple paste and purple destitin that she swears by. A package of mustache printed The Honest Company diapers were also in there. She said that she had bought 4 packs and they don't work for Gunner but we may like them for the boys. She is so sweet. I loved picking her brain about getting the boys circumcised and how she adjusted at home. I appreciate and love the friendship that we have made over the years.
Noel came while Whitney was visiting and she stayed for a while. When she was about to leave, Bruce stopped by. We ended up talking for another 45 minutes and then they both headed out.
I was messing around on Facebook and saw something that really upset me about one of the most amazing people in my life. I immediately texted Susie and as soon as she was done with her shift, she came up to visit. We called our dear sister friend, Melissa to see how she was holding up. She is not doing well and I don't want to disclose too much but if you are reading this, please say a prayer for her. She has truly been hurt in the worst way and it amazes me how incredibly mean women can be to other women.
Susie stayed for a while and headed home around 6:45. My dinner tray was delivered and it actually looked decent. I had ordered a turkey on jalapeƱo bread panini again. I called Nick to see if he had eaten and he had grabbed a sandwich at DU.
Nick walked in the door around 7 and shortly thereafter, my mom walked in. Her afternoon at the office had fallen apart so she was able to get on the road today instead of tomorrow. She brought me some new pads ( I have been spotting a lot since my exam yesterday) and some colace. Oh the joys of pregnancy!!!
Sarah came in to do my nightly monitoring. I was contracting but nothing that warranted terb! My mom was so funny. She said that the boys didn't look as good as normal. I had to tell her that they looked beautiful and were behaving exactly as we needed them to.
Since sleep has been sparse, I asked Nick to please, please, PLEASE go home! Sleep in our bed and get a good nights sleep. He was hesitant again but I finally got him to go. I wish I was with him.
It's funny because yesterday I was so convinced that something bad was going to happen. Today I have a sense of calm. I feel an inner peace that everything is going to be ok. I know God is watching over us and I need to have faith in His plan. Not on how I want things to go. Please join me in praying for peace and To fully embrace His plan, no matter what it may be.
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