Tuesday, September 30, 2014

Post Partum visit #1

Right now I am sitting at Dr. G's office waiting for my 2 week post op,steri strip removal appointment. It's crazy that the boys will be 2 weeks old tomorrow. Time sure does fly. 

To be completely honest I am a little nervous about this. I'm not nervous about the removal of the steri strips but more about what is hidden underneath. What is my scar going to look like? Has it healed well?  What will it look like next week, next month, and next year? Everyone heals so differently. I know he did a great job. G took his time drawing a straight line on my skin prior to cutting. I've looked in the mirror and it looks straight. I can't help but be apprehensive though. 

I also need to ask him about my possible mastitis. My right side hurts still but not nearly as bad as it did last night. Last night was awful. The chills made everything so much worse. We will see what he says. 

The appointment went well! The steri strips didn't hurt at all and the scar looks good. It's a little raised which G said is normal. The sutures will take another 4-6 weeks to dissolve and at that point I can work out again. I was cleared to drive today! Hallelujah!  I have noticed that the raised area is numb. I don't remember G saying if this was normal or not but I guess it's really not that big of a deal. 

G called in a round of antibiotics for me just in case. He said I was probably just really enforced but if I strike a fever in the next few days along with the pain, to go ahead and start them. Sounds like a deal to me. I would like to not have to take anything but if I do I am glad I have the option. 

Aunt Jenny and Myrick came by to visit. They brought mommy and TuTu a MUCH NEEDED Starbucks latte. I love my girls and hanging out with them. Myrick is growing like a weed. I still can't get over how fast she has sprouted up!

Aunt Jenny 


Kelly and Jared came by to hang out with the boys tonight. It was so sweet watching Jared with them. He's going to be a good daddy. We initiated him with a bottle feed and a diaper change! Kelly recently got their "mommy mobile" and is nesting away! I can't wait for all of the boys to become friends. 

I'm listening to them grunt and have baby dreams right now. It's like music to my ears. Sometimes I still can't wrap my head around the fact that they were both inside of me 2 weeks ago tomorrow. They will never know just how loved they are but I will try my best every day to show them. 



Just another manic Monday!!!!

Leila, a sweet friend of mine that I delivered about 16 months ago, stopped by to meet the boys. She was precious with them and it was so good to catch up with her. It's been about a year since I last saw her. She was so good with the boys and I thought it was so sweet of her to stop by. 

Nick ran some errands for me. I ran out of Norco and he went up to the hospital to get my refill for me. He then headed to Target with a list. He did a good job getting the things on the list. The two most important things ( other than my norco) was a Playtex VentAire bottle that is supposed to help with Knox's reflux and premie diapers. Nick was only able to find Huggies Premie diapers so we are going to use all of our Pampers before trying the Huggies. I'm a Pampers fan because that's what we use at work and I've read that most babies do the best with Pampers.  I want to make sure that the boys bottoms don't react to one diaper versus another. 

Today is one of the boys picture days! I say "one of" because my sweet friend Katie of Red Plum Photography, was on call Sunday night and our appointment was supposed to be at 9 am on Monday. Katie and I both work in L&D and there is no way she'd be able to photograph the boys after possibly working a 12 hour night shift. So we decided to do our 6 pm shot at White Rock Lake and rescheduled our normal shoot for this coming Friday at 1 pm. 

We gave the boys a bath and tried to keep them awake before the photo shoot. Pierce had a major breakdown. Poor guy would not stop crying. I was a little stressed about how he'd do for pictures. Ironically it was Knox who was more fussy during pictures. Pierce got his breastmilk bottle and passed out. Knox on the other hand, he did great but was a little fussy and just wanted his paci. 

We went to White Rock because I wanted a picture of the boys in nautical gear. I had told Katie this a while back and had ordered some hats for them from etsy. I sent her a picture of the hats and a few examples from Pinterest. She was on board with my vision and ordered an adorable boat and net for the boys. She even went as far as to go out to a creek behind her house with a neighbor who has a little boy and do practice shots. She's phenomenal. 

I choose the nautical theme because both my mom and dad were in the Navy, and I knew that they would love pictures with this theme. 

Overall, pictures went really well and I'm looking forward to Friday! Katie has a vision and she is so good with the babes. She gave us a sneak peak and I am in love!

Here are a few from my moms phone. 

After pics, we stopped at Fuzzy Tacos. I had eyed it on our way to White Rock and we all were starving on our way home! We have a ton of good at the house but everyone loves mexican good so Fuzzy's it was!

We fed and changed the boys and then ate dinner. On the way home from pictures, I had mentioned that my right breast felt very engorged. I was super uncomfortable and couldn't wait to pump     Well pumping was extremely painful and my breast was hot and hard to the touch. I started to get chills and felt like I was going to throw up from the pain. I told my mom and Nick that I felt like I may be developing mastitis. Mastitis is an infection in the breast from either a blocked milk duct or from bacteria from the babies mouth. It usually happens within the first 3 months post Partum and needs to be treated with antibiotics. Thankfully you can still breastfeed if you have it but it leads a lot of women to stop breastfeeding due to the pain. I understand why. It is incredibly painful. My mom helped me apply warm compresses and Nick got me my norco. I got in bed and could not stop shaking. The chills were terrible. When Nick came to bed he felt my head and confirmed I did indeed have a fever. My fever broke at about 3 am. I woke up completely drenched in sweat. 

I have a follow up doctor appointment with Dr. G at 10 Tuesday so we will see what he says. Praying this was caught early enough and I will be able to continue breastfeeding. 

Sunday, September 28, 2014

Buy Buy Baby

Saturday morning mom and I got up with the intention of getting the boys fed and changed, as well as getting ourselves ready and out the door by 10 am. Well, we had good intentions but didn't get out until closer to 11:30. We wanted to make a trip to Buy Buy Baby and get our nails done. Unfortunately we ran out of time for both. We did however get the all important BBB run done. 

We ran up there for a "quick trip" which turned into a 2 hours goose hunt. This was the first time we have been disappointed with who helped us. The lady who asked us if we needed help didn't know where anything was and couldn't answer any of our questions. Ugh. Oh well. We were able to get most of the things we set out for. We also waited in the longest line ever and were surrounded by rude customers. It was not the most pleasant shopping experience. 

Jeff and a Alma came over to see P and K. They had a wedding to be at at 4 and I didn't want to miss them so mom and I hurried home. Nick had sent me pictures of the boys while I was out and said that Jeff and Alma were the baby whisperers. They had gotten the boys right off to sleep! We were able to visit for a little while before they had to go. 

Whitney, Clay and Gunner stopped by and brought us dinner from Central Market. Whitney said that if it weren't for people bringing dinner when they first got home, they would not have eaten. Erik and Katie also stopped by and brought us white chocolate raspberry nothing bundt cakes. These might just be my favorite. I have a weakness for cake. 

I "cooked" one of the central market meals that Deloitte sent us and then we all participated in our new norm. Feed babies, burp babies, change babies, give baby meds and rock babies. 

I'm so thankful my mom is here. I don't know what we would do without her. She takes the 2 am feeding so that we can get some sleep and she never complains about it. We have offered to do it and she always tells us no. She will never know my gratitude. 

Sunday morning we got up and did our new norm. Mom jumped in the shower and I wasn't far behind. We needed to go to BBB again. We wanted to get another vibrating rock and play, some bibs and exchange some diapers I had received. We also HAD to get our nails done. We both were looking pretty bad. We went to Hawaiian Nail Bar. They did an ok job. The lady who did my toes was pretty rude. I'm not sure why people think it's ok to be that way?  Maybe I'm just overly sensitive right now but I really don't think I am. 

None of the diapers we had were returnable. Bummer. Jill told me Wal-Mart will take back any diapers regardless of where they were purchased. Good to know and worth a try!!! While at BBB, we changed our mind on the rock and play and purchased a "daydreamer" instead. The daydreamer is supposed to help with babies with reflux. We are hopeful that this will help sweet baby K. Time will tell. 

Mom and I then went to Nordstrom Rack that was next door to BBB. I adore that store and was able to find two pairs of Tory Burch shoes. I am so excited about them. One pair are booties and the other is a pair of loafers. I call that a major success!

We came home to relieve Nick. And I couldn't get home fast enough. These babies have me wrapped around their little finger. Oh how I love them!!!

The rest if the day was spent loving and cuddling these precious gifts from above. 
Pierce Alexander Job
Knox Collier Job

Love my boys!

Friday, September 26, 2014

Pedi time

On Wednesday, daddy and I took Knox to the pedi. Dr. Agarwal is their pediatrician and she is fabulous. We really like her. She visited and checked on the boys everyday while they were in the hospital. She also does an alternative vaccination schedule and a special schedule for those babies who aren't going to day care. I like this and will gladly take my kids more often to not have them get so many shots all at once. Totally a personal preference. I want the boys vaccinated, I just don't think they need so many at one visit. 

We took Knox and he checked out with flying colors on Wednesday. He weighed 4# 4.5 oz and has steadily been gaining weight. He is 18 in long and got a clean bill of health. There were some things that I wanted to ask Dr. Agarwal about that have happened since then and was glad to have another appointment. 

Today, we are taking them both but Pierce is the main attraction this time :)

Pierce weighed in at 4# 10 oz!!! Whoo-hoo!!! He is also 18 inches and doing well. On Wednesday I had told Dr. A that I was concerned that P may have thrush. It was confirmed today and all 3 of is were started on nystatin - a drug to clear up the thrush. Since I am breastfeeding, we all have to be treated. I have to put it on the inside of both of their mouths with a q-tip after every feed. I also have to apply it to my nipples after each feed. Fun times for the next two weeks!

Nick and I told her we were concerned with Knox. He tends to spit up after most feeds. She thinks he may have reflux and started him on Zantac. We also expressed our concern over his weight. She wants him to be on Neosure to help him gain weight. I hate that my boys have to have all these meds. I'm praying everything clears up soon and they won't have to be on anything!

Knox got his first dose of Zantac. He wasn't a huge fan but we made it through. I made him a bottle of breastmilk with the Neosure and he took it like a champ with very little spit up afterwards. After a lot of thought, I am only going to do this with two feeds a day. I really love and enjoy breastfeeding the boys. I want to do it as much as possible and for as long as possible. 

Pierce and Knox both got their first dose of Nystatin and I think they both liked it hopefully they will continue to. It's supposed to taste like bananas. Knox LOVES it!!! 

Jill came over and brought lunch. She gave mom and I lots of good tips and brought us some goodies for the boys. Susie stopped by when she got off of work. I miss my friends and love seeing them love on my boys. 

More soon.....

Thursday, September 25, 2014

They are here!!!

Well I am very far behind on this blog of mine! But the boys have arrived!

September 17, 2014
Pierce Alexander Job
4#8 oz
17 in.
Born at 3:58 am
Knox Collier Job
4#8 oz
17 3/4 in.
Born at 4:00 am

I promise I will post more soon. Right now we are feeding, changing dirty diapers and getting used to being a family of four!  I have never known love like this!!!!

Monday, September 15, 2014

35 weeks!!! Holy moly!

Wow. This has been the golden number to get to since we got admitted. It's hard to believe the day is finally here. To be honest, I am a little shocked. Ultimately, I know that it is God. He has kept these two little boys safe and sound right where He knows they should be. I'm not saying it's been an easy road to get here but I am beyond privileged to have carried these boys as long as I have. This is in His hands. I am trying to turn it over to Him because a strong part of me really wants them out and in my arms ( although that is not guaranteed). I am praying to have faith in His timing. Only He knows when these sweet boys are to make their grand entrance. We are ready for them!

3:30 in the morning seems to be my wake up time. I wonder if the boys will be on the same schedule once they are here. I once again woke up contracting this morning. Billie came in with my 4 am nifedipine and I was able to doze off again around 4:30. I woke up at 5:20 contracting and debated calling out to be put on the monitor. Instead, I waited it out. Dr. Cammack came by around 5:45 and I we celebrated reaching this huge milestone. I told her I was contracting every 12-15 minutes and to be ready for me at any time :).

Nick's alarm went off and he went to work. I got up, made my bed and jumped in the shower. Today is not a day to not groom!!! I was in the middle of doing my make up when Dr. Harris came in to round on me. He told me Dr. G was caught up in a delivery in Frisco and wouldn't be by this morning. I had not planned on Dr. G coming by but I'm glad Dr. Harris did. He said he would come by once the boys are here. Sweet man.

I finished my make up and was waiting on my mom to bring my curling iron. When I curl my hair I can usually get a few more days out of it than I can when it's straight. I'm always planning!

They came and checked my sugar. It was 63. I ate some Greek yogurt because that normally brings it up. Not today though. Today my repeat was 67. I refused another check. I know it will go up and besides that, it is my norm.

Bruce came by. He's so thoughtful. He has been wanting to bring me lunch for so long and I always tell him, "no thank you, I'm ok." I finally caved and he is going to bring me a Greek salad from some Greek restaurant he loves.

Mom and my good friend Heather came by right as I was being put on the monitor. Heather brought her 4 month old, Ezra with her. He is such a cute, sweet baby and so happy!!! Heather is the best. She brought us a bunch of size 2 diapers that Ezra had already grown out of. I was on the monitor for a while and contracting every 5 minutes. Emily came in and offered me some terb. I accepted because Dr. G and I were in agreement that we would prevent labor until he was available. We've come so far and he has been there every step of the way. I want him to be the first one to hold my little guys.

Heather and Ezra headed to Autumn's to get adjusted. Mom and I were hanging out when the phone rang. It was G. He was checking on me and told me thank you for not delivering while he was out of town. I am the one who is thankful! He briefed me over the game plan. He told me I couldn't have anymore terb and that my last nifedipine was to be at 4. He said he would call from Frisco around that time and let us know what his status was.

Mom and I headed down to the cafe to grab a cup of coffee when we ran into Bruce. I didn't think he would be on his way to drop off food for me since it was only 11:20 but he was. We were able to talk for a few minutes and then we parted ways. Mom and I got coffee and headed back to the room. It's so crazy how much busier the weekdays are than the weekends.

Noel arrived a little bit later. She and mom decided to go grab lunch somewhere. They were hoping that I would be able to squeeze in a nap. Unfortunately, that did not happen. The moms headed out and I ate a light lunch per Dr. G's request. After lunch, Danielle, the manager of AP came in requesting to know who had come in and done my nails. There was another lady on the floor who wanted her nails done. I was happy to share. My diet tech Melanie came in and we talked for about an hour. I really like her and we have bonded over the last few weeks. She's such a sweetheart. I'm going to miss her.

The tech came in and checked my blood sugar. It was 67. I ate the other half of my Bordeaux bar. Shortly after, mom and Noel returned. They had dropped off a load of belongings at the house and then ate at On The Boarder. They made a pit stop at Wild About Harry's and picked up some custard. The tech came in to recheck my sugar and it was 71. I proceeded to inhale the custard they had brought me. It was delectable!!

Nick came "home" and we were hanging out waiting on Dr. G. G called a little before 5 and said that it would take him at least an hour to get to the hospital. He them proposed to me that if I wanted to, I could go home. Say what??? Excuse my language, but hell yeah I want to go home ! He said when my contractions start up agin to page him and he will meet me in L&D. Sounded like a plan. No sooner had we hung up and I popped out of bed to start packing, did Emily come in and tell me she was working on my discharge orders. Sweet! Thank you Lord! What an answer to prayer. All I have wanted to do was go home and take a bath and shower and actually feel clean. I wanted to see the boys room and sleep in my own bed. Hallelujah!!!!

We got the room packed up in record time and off we went. I walked by L & D to say hi and bye to everyone. I miss their faces so much. Nick pulled into the circle drive and loaded the Tahoe. No sooner had we started going did I get a text from Autumn to check on me. I told her we were headed home and she asked me to swing by Cafe of Life. Yes Please! Being stuck in a hospital bed for 3 weeks will do a number on your back.

Autumn adjusted me and tried to give me a little room. She said that from feeling my back and pelvis, these boys will be here within the next 48 hours. Wow! It's so unreal !!!

We got home, Nick unloaded the truck and mom was already on her second load of laundry. She washed our sheets and all my hospital stuff. Nick left to go get a haircut and I repacked my bags. At least now I know what I need and what I don't!

Matt B and Sarah stopped by. They took our old ottoman. I am so glad that someone I love will enjoy it! They are the cutest little couple!

Nick stopped at Applebee's and picked up dinner for us. We actually sat at our kitchen table and ate dinner. That is not a normal thing for us. I really enjoyed it. I love my husband so much. He's my rock

Nick packed while I hung out on the couch. My contractions started picking up within 30 minutes of me sitting down. I have been timing them and they are anywhere from 5-8 minutes apart. I am going to hang out here as long as I can. I'm praying I make it until early in the morning so Susie and Jenny will be at work tomorrow and can deliver these sweet loves of ours.

I'm currently blogging and bathing. ;). Two of my favorite things. I'm praying that I am able to relinquish myself to Gods timing and that these sweet boys are big and thriving. Here's to a few hours of sleep and a healthy delivery !!!!

What's going on with the Job boys?

At this stage in your pregnancy, your baby is more than likely vertex ( head down). Only 3-4% of moms at 35 weeks are breech ( booty down). For the Job boys, baby A is in the vertex position and baby B is in the breech position so I will be having a c/s. Don't fret just yet if your kiddo is still breech. There is still time for them to flip and there is a procedure known as a version if you want to try to rotate your baby to the vertex position.

It's especially important to make sure that you are getting enough iron. Your sweet baby draws their iron from his/her momma. It is stored in the baby's red blood cells. You can ensure you're getting enough iron by taking your prenatal vitamins and eating iron rich foods such as meats, eggs, fish, beans, and iron fortified foods.

Boys are the size of coconuts!!!!

What's going on with mommy?

It's time to educate yourself about cesarean sections and vaginal births. Unfortunately, labor and delivery is very unpredictable. There are so many variables that can happen and an open mind will serve one well. I encourage you to be open to each possibility because your nurses and doctors have you and your baby's best interest at heart. I know for me, I think of each of my patients as my sister or best friend. I often ask myself, would I be ok with the choices being made if my patient was my sister. 99% of the time I am. Your providers want what is best for you and your baby.

Sometime soon you will be tested for GBS (Group Beta Strep). Most people are tested between 35 and 37 weeks. I did mine on Friday. It is painless and is basically a q-tip that is run from your vagina to your butt hole. It is then sent to the lab to see if you are currently a carrier of GBS. If you test positive, you will more than likely be treated with antibiotics. Please see the link above. It has great information about GBS. Oh and I just found out, I'm GBS NEGATIVE!!!!! Yay!!!


Sunday, September 14, 2014

Countdown is on....

Last night was .... Terrible. I barely slept and contracted for a good portion of the night. I think I slept from about 1-3:30. I woke up to a contraction and relieved my bladder. I got back in bed and contracted away. I knew my nifedipine was minutes away so I waited it out. Billie came in at 4 and it took about 30 minutes before things eased up a little and I was able to fall back asleep. I woke up again about 5:30 and got in the shower. This helped a little. I got back in bed and was in and out of "sleep" until 7. I finally got up and called out to be put on the monitor around 7:40. Sure enough, I was contracting and needed terb. Thankfully, Emily was my nurse. She is my favorite nurse to give me terb. I'm not really sure what it is that she does but she gives it so fast I don't really feel it that much. It's crazy though because I can taste the terb. The jitteriness is still really awful.

While hooking me up to the monitor, Saleema, the tech came in and checked my blood sugar. It was 63. Emily brought me some orange juice since the breakfast trays were not here yet. I drank a little bit of it but knew that the terb would fix my blood sugar. Sure enough, I got my terb and they rechecked my sugar - it was 114!!! Eek. Thankfully I said something to Emily and she made sure to chart what had happened and why it was so high. Love that girl!

Dr. Harris came by as I was doing my Jesus Calling for the day. I adore him and if Dr. G couldn't make it, I would be perfectly ok if Dr. Harris took care of me. It's obviously not what I want but it would be good :)

After Dr. Harris left, I got in the shower and got ready. Nick was right behind me. He had a few things to do today and was meeting up with someone for work. Noel and mom arrived while Nick was in the shower. They were sweet and brought me a Starbucks skinny vanilla latte. My fav! I was so full from breakfast I wasn't able to drink much of it.

The moms and I sat around ( nothing new there) and talked. When my lunch tray came, it looked pretty sad. We decided to go to the cafeteria and eat down there. In my 6 years at Baylor, I have never every sat down to eat in the cafeteria. Crazy huh?!? Mom and I ordered from the grill and Noel got tuna noodle casserole. I got a delicious turkey burger and mom got street tacos. We sat and ate and shared banana pudding. It was almost like I wasn't in the hospital. Almost. It's the first time in weeks I haven't eaten in my bed.

After lunch we returned to my jail cell known as AP, and Noel left pretty soon after. Mom and I played around on the internet. I had registered for a pad to put on the floor for the babies to play on. I didn't realize that I had only registered for the cover and not the insert. Thankfully, amazon had it. I also ordered some Mabel's Labels so we can put them on Pierce and Knox's bottles etc. We also browsed some birth announcements. I found a few that I really liked but we will see what our newborn pictures look like before deciding on that.

Mom was going to leave but I was contracting a little and she wanted to stay. I was fine. It was my normal contraction pattern - about every 15-20 minutes. Nick called and said he was on his way back up here. She finally felt comfortable going home.

While Nick was out running his errands, he sent me the best picture ever!

He got his ring!!!! Thankfully our blanket coverage from our insurance company covered the cost of it. Getting our jewelry appraised is on my agenda during maternity leave.

For the few minutes before Nick got here and my mom left, I worked on my chalkboard. Every Monday since about 6 weeks, I have updated my chalkboard with what is going on with the boys. It's nothing too crazy, but Nick and I have really enjoyed it. Needless to say, since I have been in the hospital, it has not gotten done. My mom brought the board and chalk up for me this morning. Here it is! Better late than never!

Nick got back and I called out to be put back on the monitor. I was contracting about every 7-8 minutes. Nothing too too close but I wanted to stop them before they got closer. With terb, the order is you can have it if you're contracting every 10 minutes or less. Emily went ahead and gave me a dose. Nip it in the bud! It also got my evening monitoring over with!

Dinner came and I had ordered a cheese pizza, 2 small salads, fruit, veggies, a brownie and a cupcake :). No blood sugar day= lots of desserts!!!! Nick went down to the cafeteria and got some food for himself. He came back with a feast! French fries, a grilled cheese sandwich, baked potato with the fixings, soup, and salad toppings! I was waiting for him to eat so we had a little potluck! We fixed up the two salads I had ordered and split the rest of the stuff. I loved it!

Billie came on and has come by a few times to check on me. I got my 8 pm nifedipine and she said its weird to not monitor me. I agree but I'm glad it's done. The straps are UBER itchy. It's not much fun.

I've been blogging and Nick has been working. We also played with our labor playlist. We each made one for the delivery room :).

The countdown is on. Tomorrow after 4 pm, I will no longer get anything to stop me from going into labor. No more nifedipine. No more terbutaline. Wow. Things just got real. Really real. I have so many mixed emotions. I'm nervous, excited, scared, worried, happy, overjoyed. The list goes on and on. God is good all the time. These boys are in His hands. I'm just praying we all get through this safe and sound. That the nuggets are healthy and strong and that they feed well. I pray that the surgery goes well and is uncomplicated. I also pray for a quick and as pain free as possible recovery.

All of that being said, I may will be MIA for a while after the boys are here. I will let y'all know when they get here and how they are doing but it may be a bit between posts for a while. To anyone who reads, thank you. Please keep checking back. I really love writing- it's so therapeutic for me. Prayers are welcome!!!!


Shaky Saturday

Sleep. What's that? I know it's only going to get worse but in some ways I think it will be better. Right now, I am so uncomfortable and I have to pee all the time. Anytime I roll over, I contract. And not just a little contraction, but a contraction that takes my breath away. All I want to do is stay in one spot and not move until morning. I know that's not possible.

Last night was a rough night despite taking norco. I still had trouble falling asleep and I woke up almost every hour with contractions that seriously hurt. Not to mention all the potty calls.

I got up around 7:30 and asked to be put on the monitor. Unfortunately or fortunately, depending on how you look at it, I didn't need terb. It's like my uterus froze when Tori put me on. My uterus was SUPER irritable but I only had one contraction that was painful. I was so embarrassed but at least that was out of the way.

I was getting stuff ready to shower when Dr. Harris came by. He was so sweet and encouraging. He told us he honestly didn't think we'd still be here and that he was very proud of me. All things I needed to hear because I am loosing it here a little. I can see how people become depressed. He rounded on me at just the right time. It was a God thing for sure.

The shower felt so good. I must say, as I have said before, I sure do miss my baths. Showers here are in very cramped quarters. The shower is about 3 feet wide and 5.5 feet long. There's not a lot of room to maneuver and there is a bath chair that takes up almost half the space. I have learned to take advantage of the chair though. All of our hygiene products are on top and I can use the shower chair to hoist my foot onto to shave my legs. Shaving has become an almost daily ritual as the days go by. Not sure when I will be able to after my c/s.

Nick went to the gym and to run some errands. He had to stop by the house and get his car fixed. The engine light has been on for a while which has prevented him from getting his inspection done. He also swung by CVS to grab a few things we needed - toothpaste, new toothbrushes and q-tips. Nick also needed some contact solution. I hate that I cannot run errands.

Whitney G was at a work meeting and came by. I just love that girl. She is so sweet. We caught up for a little while and then Noel arrived. Whitney couldn't stay too long because her hubby Jeff was waiting for her so they could go to brunch. I love that they are such foodies. They are always finding new and delicious places to eat. I thought Nick and I were good at finding new places but they more than trump us!

My mom had gone to the mall to run a few errands and then she came by. Noel, mom and I hung out for a while. The moms decided to go to the movies. It will be a long time before Nick and I go to the movies again.

Remember how I said Nick had brought our tv from home in and after our scare Tuesday, I had him take it home? Well guess what he walked in with today? Our tv! Texas Tech played Arkansas today and he brought it since the tv in the room is a little sketch. He's the best.

Mom and Noel headed to the movies and Nick and I set up for the game. The first half was decent. And then it went down - fast. I have to remember that we have a new coach and a young team. It's so frustrating though. Our sweet friends Jeff and Alma joined us around halftime and stayed for a while after the game. They brought us cookies and cupcakes, as well as the cutest "former womb mates" onesies. LOVE! After the game, we went on a wheelchair ride. There was a small cool front that came in last night and I wanted to go feel the fall like weather. It gets stuffy in here. Alma was nice enough to push me. We had some good laughs because the pavement outside is slightly very bumpy. We joked that if I went into labor, it was because of the wheelchair ride.

Jeff and Alma left around 7:15 and we went back to room 710. Guess who was waiting for me in my room? My Susie, mom and Noel. Susie had come by after work just to check on me. I love that woman. Lesley, my nurse that admitted me at 24 weeks, also came by. She brought us the coolest prints for Knox and Pierce. They are so spoiled already!

Everyone left around 8:45 and by 9 I was calling out for Billie to put me on the monitor. I had started contracting around 8 but wanted to see what would happen. Well, they were every 5 minutes so I knew terb was in my near future. Billie gave me my terb and then I decided to rinse off. My shower was so nice and relaxing.

Nick fell asleep pretty early and I waited for my nifedipine. It was sleepy time ( sort of ) after that. (Obviously I am posting this late!)


Friday, September 12, 2014

Finally Friday!

This morning started with a bang. I woke up at 4 for my nifedipine and never really fell asleep again. I was extremely uncomfortable and contracting quite frequently. I finally called Sarah in around 6:25. She put me on the monitor and I was irritable and contracting. Sarah went ahead and gave me my terb and gave report to Danielle. Thankfully, the terb worked on the first try.

Nick went and picked up McDonalds. I wanted an egg white delight and today is a no blood sugar day!!!!! Danielle checked my fasting sugar and it was 71 after the terb. We were in good shape. My breakfast tray arrived a little late and I had completely forgotten that I had ordered the jumbo cinnamon roll. I was so full from my egg white delight, I put the cinnamon roll in a ziplock container and it's chilling In the fridge. It may be a good midnight snack!

Dr. G came by and told me to be good this weekend. He said he would be back Sunday afternoon and he will let Dr. Harris know when he gets back in town. Monday he will let me know what's going on with his office in Frisco and we will stop all meds at 4 pm. If he is not tied up in Frisco, he will come and check me but regardless, he wants me to stay here. If he is too busy in Frisco, he will be here early Tuesday morning to check me. If I go into labor, I will be taken down to L&D for my c/s!!!

Nick went home because we are getting another estimate on fixing a pier in our house. My mom and Noel are there in case he has to go into the office. My mom has an appointment at Service King at noon for her car due to the accident a few weeks ago.

I was working on my Five on Friday post and in the middle of it there was a knock on my door. It was Kelly!!!! She came over before her prenatal appointment today. It was so good to see her even though it was brief. I thought it was so sweet of her to stop by!

Lunch was served around the same time my mom texted asking if I wanted her to pick anything up. Ummm, yes please!!! I requested Celebrity Bakery. Danielle was in the room for my afternoon nifedipine and I asked her if she wanted anything. We gave my mom our order :)

Ben, Danielle's husband, brought her son Owen up to visit her. She made my day by bringing him in for me to play with. He is such a cute baby with these adorable dimples and HUGE smile!!! He's such a happy baby and I could have eaten him up!!!

Mom and Noel came in with our lunch and Danielle was able to take her lunch break with us. Aubs came in at the same time and we all ate and visited together. Celebrity has the best tea and the best desserts. Of course mom and Noel had picked up some delectable desserts. A pink champagne cupcake, coke cake balls, macaroons, a brownie and a magic bar were all packaged up for us. The only one I got a pic of was the cupcake.

When Danielle was done eating, she headed back to work while Bruce came in. We visited for a while and then the head of quality and safety for L&D, Diana came in. She is one of my favorite people. She brought me my C-EFM jacket! It's so cool to see my name in writing on a jacket. "T.Job, RNC-OB, C-EFM". It makes me feel so official! She also let me know that she resubmitted my Post Partum Hemorrhage Cart presentation and resume to AWHONN. She did not have to do that but I am so thankful she did. Kathy D. and I had worked hard on it last year but it got turned down. It's that saying though, "if at first you don't succeed, try try again!" She went above and beyond as she always does!

Millicent, our hospital chaplain stopped by and visited for a while. She asked me if there was anything in particular she could pray for. I asked her to pray for these sweet nuggets of ours to stay in until Monday. She led a beautiful prayer asking God to watch over us and protect us. She asked Him to please honor my request to continue to grow these boys but also acknowledged that God has already written His plans for the boys and that they will be here in His time. I really needed this reminder because I am trying to control things too much. He is in control. He already knows when and in what fashion these love bugs of ours are to be born. I need to remember this and give everything to Him. I love how God puts the right people in your life at the right time. God is good all the time.

Millicent and Bruce left after our prayer and mom and Noel left not too long after. Aubs stayed and we got to have some sister time for a while. I enjoyed catching up with her and I feel very blessed to have such a great sister in law. I'm hoping and praying that a cousin or two will join these boys soon!

After Aubs headed out, I lounged around for about an hour and noticed that my contractions were getting stronger and closer together. I called out to have Danielle put me on the monitor. Sure enough, I was in need of another dose of terb. By this time it was shift change (I have the worst timing!) Another Danielle, Danielle S., who is pretty new, is my nurse tonight. They came in and took me off the monitor. Danielle H. is on call tomorrow and they are busy up here. She thinks she'll be back tomorrow and I asked her to please request me. Done and done!

Nick got home around 8 and said that the cold front we were supposed to have gotten was here. He said it was actually a little cool outside. I'm so excited about this. Come on fall!!!

Mom had also purchased dinner for Nick and I while at Celebrity earlier today. It was a delicious rice pilaf with skewers of grilled chicken and pineapples that we were able to heat up in the microwave. I was so impressed!!! We are going to have to get a few more meals from there once the boys come! We then split the cupcake I've been saving all day!

Nick and I cuddled and watched 20/20. I'm pretty sure we both dozed off for a second. I woke up contracting around 11:30 and not too much later, Danielle walked in with my nifedipine. I had also asked for a norco. My ribs are killing me. I did some research earlier today and I believe I have subluxated ribs. Essentially, my ribs are dislocated. It hurts to laugh, cough and there is a constant burning sensation. I'm not 100% about this but you know what "Dr. Google" will do to you. Anyway, I haven't had one in a while and I am hoping it helps.

Here's to a good nights sleep and to staying pregnant through Monday!!! Grow boys grow. Mommy and Daddy love you deeper than the ocean and higher than the sky!


Five on Friday

There are so many amazing blogs out there. I follow a few that do "Five on Friday!" It's 5 things that you're loving this weeks so I think I am going to start doing this on Fridays! While I'm on AP, I will still update y'all on my day but after my stay is over and the boys are here, my posts will be more about them and less about me. I'm hoping Five on Friday will become a regular post. Here we go!

1 / 2 / 3 / 4 / 5

1. This is my all time favorite mascara! It thickens and lengthens like no other and I've been using it for about a year now. Love!

2. Although I usually only have about one pumpkin spiced latte a year, they are out! I LOVE pumpkin!!! I try to get a one pump, nonfat latte when ordering a PSL because it's really high in sugar and unnecessary calories. PSL means fall is here to me!

3. I love flannel shirts and wish I owned more of them. Especially with skinny jeans, a vest, and boots. These are reasonably priced and too cute!

4. This Bobby Brown blush in Nude Pink is also a new favorite of mine. It looks super pink in the package but it compliments most skin tones and goes on easy.

5. Ahhhh. Tory Burch does it again. Prior to bed rest I wore my fitbit religiously. It's too depressing to wear now but I always thought the band was a bit of an eyesore when going out. Count on Tory to make it cute. I really want one of these for once these boys are out. I'm gonna be getting my work out on!

Thursday, September 11, 2014

Where were you that day?

Today is 9/11/14. It's been 13 years since the terrorist attack on the twin towers in NYC. I will never forget where I was the morning and what I was doing. It was my freshman year at Texas Tech and I was getting ready for my 0900 Political Science class - a class that Nick just happened to be in too! Anyway, my roommate. Kendra and I would switch between a Good Morning America and the Today show. I believe that morning it was on the Today show. I turned the tv on as I was getting ready and heard the terrible news. I was flabbergasted. This could not be real.

I was half paying attention to what I was putting on to wear and mainly focusing on the tv when I saw the second plane fly into the second tower. Pure shock ran through me. I had to sit down.

It was still early in the school year and I didn't want to miss class so I had to head out. My class was in Holden Hall. About a 10 minute walk from my dorm. Since I was going to Poly Sci, I thought we would either watch the footage as this was history in the making, or we would discuss what was going on or both. None of that happened. Dr. Lee was the professor and she barely acknowledged what was going on. I was fuming and could not wait to get back to my dorm and watch more coverage.

I couldn't walk home fast enough. I threw my backpack on the floor and turned the tv back on. There was a lot that had happened in the last hour and a half that I had been in class. There was a third plane that had hit the Pentagon. This was especially terrifying to me because my dad used to work there.

It got worse. My mom was on her two weeks for the a Naval Reserves and was in Chicago. The entire base was on lock down and there was yet a fourth plane crash in Pennsylvania. I was scared that my family was in three different places and no one could comfort one another.

Classes were cancelled for the rest of the day and my sorority sisters all got together to watch the coverage. We were all seeking comfort from each other. We prayed for those directly affected by the terrorist and prayed for an answer to what and why this had happened.

Some facts about September 11, 2001

It was the deadliest day in history for New York City firefighters and paramedics. 343 were killed along with 23 NYC police officers and 37 Port Authority police officers.

Only 6 people in the World Trade Center Towers at the time of their collapse survived. And almost 10,000 others were treated for injuries - a lot of them were severe.

125 military personnel and civilians were killed in the Pentagon, along with all 64 people aboard the airliner.

All 45 people on the plane that crashed in Pennsylvania passed away.

President George W Bush addressed the nation that night. And he said, " Terrorist attacks can shake the foundations of our biggest buildings, but they cannot touch the foundation of America. These acts shatter steel, but they cannot dent the steel of American resolve."

9/11/01 is a day I will never forget. My heart and prayers go out to all of those who lost loved ones, to those who were hurt and to America. That we may always remember that freedom is not free and we are blessed to be Americans.


Thursday night football!!!!

Whoo hoo!!! I am so ready for some football!!! Football means fall. Fall means boots and jeans, cooler weather, pumpkins, a change in colors and of course - our due date! I know these boys are going to come a little bit earlier than October but still! I'm pumped!

This morning started with a sweet phone call from my hubby. I am so happy he was able to get a good nights sleep and that he was able to get ready in his own space with everything he needed readily available. Not being at home the last few weeks, you realize that it's the little things you begin to miss and appreciate more. At least that's how I feel.

I had my morning blood sugar (68) and asked if I could have my monitoring done early. Danielle put me on the monitor and all was good. I was contracting about every 10-12 minutes. No terb needed!!! The breakfast trays were late today. In fact, all trays were late today. I actually really liked my breakfast this morning. I had the normal Greek vanilla yogurt, but today I had ordered the French toast, eggs and turkey sausage. Yumm-o. Even after all the sugar from the syrup, my sugar was 86. I'm glad my sugars are still good because the further you get in your pregnancy, they can increase.

Mom came up around 10 and we chatted for a bit and then decided to go get a coffee. They are re-paving the one by the hospital so we went to the kiosk one here at Baylor. Before we got our coffee, we decided that a stop at Simply Moms was in order. We ended up getting the boys some burp cloths and swaddle blankets along with a pumping bra I had heard I needed. We also made a non baby purchase. It's an adorable pumpkin to hang on the front door! Yay fall!!! We finally made it to Starbucks and back to the room. I'm so sad because I missed Jenny. She came by after dropping off a patient. She hasn't been by to see me in a while and she's going out of town this weekend. She may miss this birthday party!

Our sweet nanny, Lena texted me and asked how we were doing. It just made me love her and feel more comfortable with our decision to hire her than I already did. I updated her on what was going on and told her that they would probably be here soon. I think she's almost as excited as we are.

Noel came and when my lunch tray finally arrived, she and my mom headed to the mall. They had to pick something up that they ordered and I asked if they could pick up some make up that I was out of. They went to PF Chang's for lunch and ran their errands.

While they were gone, I ate my sad lunch. A wilted baked potato and some tuna salad and veggies. It wasn't too bad but man do I miss my fried egg sandwich at home.

I played on amazon for a while. I was in search of bedding for the cradle and this adorable fox blanket that Hans had on yesterday when he came to visit. I found both!!!! Score! I ordered an adorable grey and white chevron minky bedding for the cradle and two of the fox blankets. I can't wait to get them!!!!

After my shopping extravaganza, I shut my eyes and was in and out of a nap. I say that because twice the tech came in. I had a blood sugar check and she wanted to change my linens. Then I heard a knock on my door and I believe it was Bruce. He saw that I was laying down and left. I feel bad but I'm glad I was able to get a tiny snooze in.

Danielle came in to give me my 4 pm nifedipine and I was contracting pretty hard. At the same time, Noel and my mom came in from their mall excursion. Danielle asked if I wanted to be placed on the monitor but I declined. Within 20 minutes, I called her back in to put me on. Sure enough, I was contracting every 5 minutes. Danielle was charge today and was getting slammed so Beth came in and gave me my terb. Mom had gotten some See's candy while at the mall and was handing it out to anyone who walked in. She's so sweet and I am so blessed to have her as my mom.

Luckily the terb worked and another Danielle ( the unit manager) came in and told me that they are turning off the water tonight from 2000-0400. She recommended taking my shower prior to that time or in the morning. We loaded up on water to brush our teeth etc. I took her advice and hopped in the shower while my mom went to the cafeteria to pick up dinner. I had ordered a veggie burger but it looked disgusting and I wasn't in the mood. I wanted a chick fil a chicken salad.

My sweet friend Charlotte and a sweet friend Sweta that used to work here at BUMC, came by to visit. They stayed for about 45 minutes and it was so good to catch up. I just love my friends. It really helps having visitors. I don't think people will ever realize how much it means when you're stuck here all day.

Nick came in after a networking event and mom went back to the house. Nick and I ate our dinner and Sarah brought me my nifedipine. Of course we had the football game one. It was the Steelers (one of my teams) vs the Ravens. Unfortunately, the Steelers didn't do too hot and lost 6 to 26. It was a hard game to watch. Sweet Nick is so tired. He pretty much slept through the second half. That's what a McDonalds cheeseburger and a McFlurry will do to ya! Speaking of which, it's time for my blood sugar and then my McFlurry!!!

Night y'all!

Surprisingly calm

Terbutaline and I have a love/hate relationship. Once again, around 1230 this morning, I received another dose of terb. I had Jackie put me on and the contractions were every 2-4 minutes and painful. The terb luckily worked and I was able to go to sleep. I slept hard and actually remember dreaming last night. It's been a while since that has happened.

I had a dream last night with my mom, Nick, Erik B and myself. We were trying to stay away from clouds (so random) and we were taking refuge in my friend from Parklands town home. Keep in mind I have not seen this sweet friend in 5 or 6 years. The layout was really strange. I don't think I was pregnant but I remember wanting to work out and Halana ( the person who owns the town home) had a bunch of work out DVDS and equipment lying around. That's all I can remember of the dream but it seemed so much longer when I was dreaming it.

Jackie came in and gave me my 4 am nifedipine. While she was in the room I had one of the worst contractions I have had in a while. She was able to palpate it and even she agreed it was bad. She asked if I wanted to be put back on the monitor but I declined. I just wanted to sleep.

Dr. G came in at 6 and we kind of revamped our plan of care. He said we would keep utilizing the terb. I can get it up to 3 times in one hour. If the terb doesn't work, someone will recheck my cervix. If I change to 5 cm or greater, he will proceed with the c/s. So now I am just praying that I make every hour worth it for these sweet boys of mine.

Breakfast was an interesting adventure again. Today is a no blood sugar day ( my fasting was 68, I ate and it was 78). I ordered a bagel and turkey sausage along with 2 hard boiled eggs and had planned on making my own bagel sandwich. Well my bagel was a hot mess. It was overheated and sticking to the foil it came wrapped in. It was disgusting and I was so disappointed.

At 1, Whitney (she just had Gunner) was at the hospital to return her breast pump she had rented from Simply Moms. She came by and brought us a gift for the boys. She has this really awesome wrap that she wears Gunner in called a K'tan. It's amazing and I compliment her on it all the time. She got me one in black!!! I am so freaking excited about it! She also got us some triple paste and purple destitin that she swears by. A package of mustache printed The Honest Company diapers were also in there. She said that she had bought 4 packs and they don't work for Gunner but we may like them for the boys. She is so sweet. I loved picking her brain about getting the boys circumcised and how she adjusted at home. I appreciate and love the friendship that we have made over the years.

Noel came while Whitney was visiting and she stayed for a while. When she was about to leave, Bruce stopped by. We ended up talking for another 45 minutes and then they both headed out.

I was messing around on Facebook and saw something that really upset me about one of the most amazing people in my life. I immediately texted Susie and as soon as she was done with her shift, she came up to visit. We called our dear sister friend, Melissa to see how she was holding up. She is not doing well and I don't want to disclose too much but if you are reading this, please say a prayer for her. She has truly been hurt in the worst way and it amazes me how incredibly mean women can be to other women.

Susie stayed for a while and headed home around 6:45. My dinner tray was delivered and it actually looked decent. I had ordered a turkey on jalapeño bread panini again. I called Nick to see if he had eaten and he had grabbed a sandwich at DU.

Nick walked in the door around 7 and shortly thereafter, my mom walked in. Her afternoon at the office had fallen apart so she was able to get on the road today instead of tomorrow. She brought me some new pads ( I have been spotting a lot since my exam yesterday) and some colace. Oh the joys of pregnancy!!!

Sarah came in to do my nightly monitoring. I was contracting but nothing that warranted terb! My mom was so funny. She said that the boys didn't look as good as normal. I had to tell her that they looked beautiful and were behaving exactly as we needed them to.

Since sleep has been sparse, I asked Nick to please, please, PLEASE go home! Sleep in our bed and get a good nights sleep. He was hesitant again but I finally got him to go. I wish I was with him.

It's funny because yesterday I was so convinced that something bad was going to happen. Today I have a sense of calm. I feel an inner peace that everything is going to be ok. I know God is watching over us and I need to have faith in His plan. Not on how I want things to go. Please join me in praying for peace and To fully embrace His plan, no matter what it may be.


Wednesday, September 10, 2014

Sono day!

This morning I was wide awake by 4:30. I played on my phone for a while and Nick's alarm went off at 5. He had to go in super early today. Anyway, I got up, changed my linens and got Nick new linens for his "bed". We will have fresh beds tonight! Dr. Cammack came and rounded on me. She was very surprised to see both of us up and at Em.

I woke up starving and asked to have my blood sugar checked. It was 63. So annoying. Luckily, I think because it was close to shift change, they didn't recheck it. One of my other favorite residents, Dr. Slocum was at the nurses station when I went up and asked to have my sugar checked. She came and talked for a few minutes. I am so relieved to know that two of my favorite residents will be available to help with my c/s! It gives me a little more peace of mind.

I ate the normal vanilla Greek yogurt - but today I had my blueberries from Whitney!!! Yumm-o!!!

Jill is working today and called and asked if I wanted a coffee. That was a given! I asked her for a skinny vanilla latte please! She brought me my coffee and some banana bread her mom had made. She is too good to me. Ms. Kay called into my room and told me to empty my bladder and they would be by shortly to wheel me to the sono room. Jill asked if she could come. Absolutely! I don't like being alone- just in case there is bad news. Luckily, all was well. Both boys had a BPP of 8/8. Jill got a call in the middle of Knox's BPP and had to go back to L&D.

I got back to my room and Dr. G stopped by. We discussed the plan of care. Monday he will call me around 3 and let me know what his time frame looks like - everything depends on if he has someone in labor or has to do a surgery. If he can get back to. Dallas from Frisco, he will come by, check me and hopefully discharge me home. If he can't make it, he will be by first thing Tuesday morning and discharge me. I will go straight to his office and he will check me and do a growth scan. Then we will see what happens after that! I told him that I have a feeling my water is going to break soon. He said it may happen. We will get there when we get there.

Stephen, the nail guy, was prompt today. He showed up at 9 and was ready to go! He brought two shades of blue in a brand I've never heard of and two nude colors. Luckily, one of the nude colors he brought was the one that I love and need to remember the name of! After some googling, I remembered!!! Placenta brain at its finest. It's called "taupe-less beach" by OPI. The mani/pedi wasn't the best since there was no water or massaging but he got the job done and it was only $60. I tipped him well but I appreciate it more than anything!!! I am a girl who needs to have her nails done!

Blue for my boys!!!

A sweet friend of mine, Lauren, who I met in nursing school texted me. She also has a set of boy twins and offered to give us some clothes. Everyone's generosity has been completely overwhelming. With how fast babies grow, I appreciate hand me downs more that she will ever know!

Susie stopped by for a minute in her hunt for a PCA pump. She's here tomorrow and Saturday also. I told her how I was feeling about my water breaking and she said that she has had the same feeling. So weird. She also said that our CRNA, Darrell, had told her he had the same feeling. Crazy. We will see what happens!

While Susie was here, they checked my blood sugar and it was 68. They brought me my snack and I ate a cracker with peanut butter. 10 minutes later it was 82. I joked with Beth, my nurse today, that I am a really brittle diabetic and she better be careful with me :)

Jill just stopped by again and she is going to bring me a chick fil a salad. I got a veggie burger for lunch, which actually isn't bad, but I'm just not in the mood for it.

Bruce was visiting when Jill dropped off my salad. He left and I ate. I've been feeling a lot of pressure in my lady parts all day and my contractions were starting to pick up a little.

Around 3, I called Beth and asked her to put me on the monitor. Sure enough, I was contracting every 2-5 minutes again. Noel stopped by to visit around 3:15. At 3:30, Beth gave me my terb. It took a few more contractions before it kicked in. I was taken off the monitor and about an hour later, I started contracting again. I told Noel and we watched it for a little bit. I called Beth back in and asked her if I could have some fluids. She said she would page Dr. G and ask but that she wanted to start with norco. I got a norco, and was put back on the monitor.

Around this time, Jill came in. She had gotten off a little early and had brought a changing table to work for us to borrow. Nick was supposed to leave work early and put it in his car. I texted him and told him what was going on. He said he was on his way. Jill hung around to see what was going to happen because she is going out of town tomorrow.

Beth returned with terb in hand - I was contracting regularly again. I got my second dose of terb and an IV. I was bolused one liter and the contractions slowed down. I remained on the monitor a little while longer and was irritable but not like it was.

Dr. Cammack came up and checked me. I changed from 2 cm to 3 cm. She said she would talk to Dr. G and get back to me. By this time it was shift change and Jackie took over. There were no new orders so I guess we are just going to play it by ear.

Monica, Martha, and Susie stopped by after work. Everyone wants me to keep them cookin. I'm trying but not sure that it's going to happen. I've had a weird feeling all day. I don't know if it will be today, tomorrow or the next but I just feel like it could be soon.

We ate dinner and Noel went home. Nick is currently asleep in what looks like a very uncomfortable position. I just got my 2 hour post perineal blood sugar and it was 65. I get to be restuck and am currently eating again. So frustrated. At least I'm eating ice cream :)

I called Jackie in to ask her if I should go back on the monitor. She asked me if the contractions were hurting like they had been before. I told her not all of them, but some of them do. She said that I should wait. Okie dookie. So I did what I like to do when I feel like I'm contracting too much. I got in the shower ( they really need bathtubs up here). I let the warm water beat down on my belly for about 15 minutes. It felt so good.

It's funny. The closer delivery potentially gets, the more nervous I am. I also feel an overwhelming need to be clean. I keep thinking that it may be my last shower for a little while. Or I may not get to do my hair for a few days. I feel so silly as I write that but it's true. Surely I'm not the only one who has felt like this.

Here's to being pregnant another day!


Monday, September 8, 2014

34 weeks!

Ahhhhhh!!! Is it true? Someone pinch me!!! 34 weeks!!!! GOD IS GOOD!!!! I am still in disbelief and I cannot sing His praises enough. My nuggets, hubby and I are blessed beyond words. Thanks you Lord!!!!

Nick and I toured the NICU around midnight last night. Lola was in charge and she explained to us where the babies would be admitted (north hall) should they go to the NICU. She showed us what kind of bed the boys would more than likely be in now that we are 34 weeks. She explained that once the boys were stable, we could see them and that if all they need to do is learn to feed and grow, they will be moved to the south hall (feeder/growers). Before they can go home they will ensure that they are feeding appropriately and they have to pass their car seat test. I have often wondered what this entailed. Well, it's exactly what it sounds like. You bring in your car seat and the baby is on the monitor for 90 minutes in the car seat. They make sure that the baby's vital signs remain stable and that they don't have a desaturation in their oxygen levels. For some reason I always thought the car seat test simulated the movement of a car but it doesn't!!! I'm praying both the boys do well and don't have to go to the NICU. We were told they have to weigh at least 1500 grams to stay with us but I'm pretty sure it's 2000 grams (4# 6 oz). I'm anxious to find out what they weigh. I know it's all a guess but I'm praying they are big enough and don't have any trouble breathing or with their sugars. Come on Job boys!!! Grow grow grow!!!!

Last night, Sarah put me back on the monitor around 0100. I was contracting and hurting pretty bad. Sure enough I was contracting every 2-5 minutes. I got my terb and was able to go to sleep. I actually slept pretty well too. I have been exhausted lately. Sarah came in again at 0400 for my nifedipine and I was able to fall back asleep pretty quickly.

This morning, one of my favorite residents rounded on me. I wanted her to get a cup of coffee, pull up a seat and chat with me. We probably talked for about 15 minutes. Love that lady!

When she left, I was able to fall asleep again and I completely missed my friend Whitney dropping off a latte and some blueberries for me. What a sweetheart!!!She said she had read the blog and thought some blueberries would help with my Greek yogurt in the morning. How sweet and thoughtful. I truly have the best friends. So thank you Whit! And thanks for reading my nonsense!

Nick left for work around 7:20 and told me Whitney had been by. He kissed me good bye and I was on my own. I got up and since I showered last night, I got dressed and did my hair and makeup. I sat down and enjoyed my Greek yogurt with blueberries. What a perfect addition to something that has become so boring! It was delicious and just what I needed.

My latte from Whitney

On Friday, my mom had called and set up an appointment for someone to come and do my nails at 9. I have been looking forward to this for a while now! Nine rolled around and then pretty soon it was ten. I decided to call. No one picked up so I left a message and the salon immediately returned my call. I explained to him that someone was supposed to have been here at 9 for a shellac and pedicure. He called Stephen ( the guy who was supposed to come) and then called me back again. Apparently there was some miscommunication and Stephen is coming tomorrow at 9. I'm just glad he's coming. These nails look horrid! And my toes.... Let's just say socks are my friend right now.

Melanie, my diet tech, came in this morning and we went over my menu I really like her and she usually stays and talks for a while. She is a type 1 diabetic and understands my frustration with Baylor and their policies for diabetics. For example, they won't let you have fruit for breakfast - something about too many carbs. I'm so happy and thankful they changed my diet to a regular diet. I was miserable on the diabetic diet.

Dr. Gunby stopped by and gave me some Sees candies. I just love that man. We are so blessed to have him as our Head of OB. He always knows how to make me smile.

I went to find Emily to get my monitoring done and ran into Toya. We talked for about 20 minutes. I really do miss all the girls I work with. They are such a great group of ladies and have been so supportive of this whole process.

I got my monitoring done and sans terb so far! Whoo-hoo. I have been researching Pediatricians all morning as well vaccinations. I always thought I wanted to split them up but now I'm thinking maybe not. I need to pray about this.

Exhaustion doesn't even begin to describe how I feel. Besides not being able to get comfortable at night, there are always people coming in and out and I can hear when people ring their call lights. I am a terribly light sleeper for the most part and they currently have a lot of Post Partum holdovers on AP right now so those moms call out at all hours for help with their baby. I understand that and I may soon be one of those moms, but in the meantime, sleep is hard to come by. I decided to try and take a nap. It was drizzling outside and that created the perfect environment for a little siesta. I dozed off from about 2:30-4:30 with a few interruptions in between. At some point Bruce stopped by and he said hello and then was quick to let me rest some more. Emily came in at 4 and gave me my nifedipine. I closed my eyes after that but never really fell back asleep.

I played on my iPad for a while and around 6:15 I was getting more water when I ran into Emily. She asked me if I needed anything and I told her I had been contracting about every 10 minutes. She asked if I wanted to be placed on the monitor. I told her I thought I was ok for now. She said to drink water and she would be in in a little while to check on me. She came in about 10 minutes later and told me she wanted to go ahead and monitor me and I agreed. She got me all hooked up and I was contracting every 2-5 minutes. Some contractions were tolerable while others hurt. She gave me my terb and she gives it so fast it doesn't hurt. I told her that I love it when she gives me terb!

Dinner was a jalapeño turkey panini. I should have taken a picture but I forgot. This sandwich is legit! It was a little too buttery for me and huge. I was only able to eat half and it was delicious.

I've still been contracting despite the terb and my 8pm nifedipine. I am praying that the babies stay put. Tomorrow is a full moon which makes people contract and makes people SROM ( spontaneous rupture of membranes). Say a prayer if you can please.

I talked to my sweet friend Jill and she is going to bring the changing table with her tomorrow and put it in Nick's car after work. She's the best! Mom is going to paint it this weekend. It's such a project I would love to do. I got on etsy to try and order bedding for the cradle but it's all so expensive. I'm going to keep looking around. That doesn't mean I didn't find something I love though! I found this adorable garland that I want to hang somewhere in the nursery. Perhaps on the mirror over the dresser or over the prints on the wall. I'm really excited about it! I also found a nightstand at Target that I adore. I'm thinking it may work next to the glider.

Nick just walked in and I am about to jump in the shower. We are going to catch up on Big Brother and then call it a night. Sweet dreams!

What's going on with the Job babies?

When the babies are born, their eyes will look blue. It takes about 6 months to 2-3 years before their true eye color is revealed.

Once again, you may notice that your baby is moving less and less as they run out of space. When you do feel them move- whoa buddy! Will you feel them move! You also may get good at distinguishing between body parts. For me, I can see knees and butts. I've also had to rearrange the boys from the outside a few times. My kiddos move like crazy still and I am trying to enjoy every last moment of it.

The amniotic fluid is made up of urine, sweat, as well as other fluids. It replenishes itself every 3 hours!

Babies are the size of a butternut squash

What's going on with mommy?

Labor is right around the corner ( or in my case, an almost daily thing we are trying to stop!). Please please please familiarize yourself with the signs of labor. No two labors are the same, so don't expect what happened to your mom, sister or friend to be the exact same thing that happens to you. The most common signs and symptoms of labor are regular contractions ( every 5 minutes) that are occurring in short intervals. It is usually accompanied by lower back pain or menstrual like cramps, and sometimes some bloody mucous. Occasionally your bag of water may break - if you're not sure, put a pad on. If you saturate it in an hour, notify your primary care provider. Just because you have some of these symptoms, it does not mean that you're in true labor. You may have some of these signs for days, sometimes weeks (like me!)

You may notice that your eyes are feeling dry and/or irritated due to a decrease in tear production. You also may notice that your vision may not be as sharp as you're used to. This is because there is fluid behind the lenses of your eyes which changes their shape. This too goes away after delivery.

If you're interested in formulating a birth plan, now is the time. There are a lot of great examples online. Here are a few places you can find examples.



