On Saturday we had about 30 of our closest friends and family over to find out the gender of these sweet nuggets we have waited so long for. We had quite the spread- chips and dips, assorted candy, chick-fil-a nuggets ( pun intended), and a cake from my favorite place, Society bakery.
Nick is amazing at many things and one of those things is navigating a computer. He click, click, clicks away and magic happens. I on the other hand, can barely type! Naturally I roped him into making the invites for me and they turned out so cute!!!
We had a sign with old wives tales posted on it and I circled which one was true for me. We also had a chalkboard where people could write down name suggestions - which ended up hilarious and I highly recommend this!
Around 4 everyone went outside and we Face Timed with friends and family that were unable to make it. I opened the first box and Nick opened the second. Out of the first box came a number of BLUE balloons!!! When Nick opened the second box and another stream of BLUE balloons escaped, I think our moms about died. They were convinced it was one of each and were so excited to find out that they were having two grandsons!!!! So there you have it, Baby A and Baby B (our little nuggets) are both BOYS!!!!!!

Our friends are amazing and stuck around until well after midnight. This momma was tired and had to hit the hay. It was a long and VERY exciting day. I feel beyond blessed to be the mommy of these two loved boys.
On Sunday we drove to Southlake to have a late Mother's Day brunch since all the mommas were in town. My mom, Mary Kay ( my godmother) and Noel ( my mother in law) all met at Brio Tuscan Grille - and Nick - lucky man surrounded by all these ladies :). After we had finished a delicious meal I all of the sudden felt a fluttering sensation in my left rib cage. I put my hand down to see if I could palpate it and sure enough I could!!! It was one of the babies moving!!! I was beyond ecstatic and had everyone feel him. He performed for everyone and has randomly "fluttered" here and there ever since. I absolutely love it and find it so incredibly reassuring!

What's going on with the Job babies?
Babies are the size of sweet potatoes! Mommy's favorite!
Finger fat is starting to develop which will eventually turn into the fingerprints that set each and every baby/person apart.
You may feel your baby's first kick this week. Like I said before, this can happen anywhere from 16-20 weeks. Moms who have had a baby tend to recognize movement earlier than first time moms. I spoke with my OB and I have a fundal placenta (Baby A) as well as an anterior placenta (Baby B.) A fundal placenta is when the placenta is on top of the uterus and you have a better chance of feeling the baby move. An anterior placenta is when the placenta is positioned in the front of your uterus, making it harder to feel the baby move.
What's going on with mommy?
For some reason when you're pregnant, everyone wants to give you advice. Take it for what it's worth and ignore whatever you don't agree with. People are just trying to help. I've come up with what I believe is a great response when people start giving me unsolicited advice, "thanks I'll keep that in mind." It's polite and opens the door to change the subject. That being said, you never know when you'll get some amazing tips!
Your heart is working 40-50% harder than it was before you were pregnant which can lead to dizziness and feelings of being lightheaded. This along with the increased pressure of your growing uterus can cause you to feel faint, especially if you get up too quickly. Try to slow down, rise slowly and lie on your left side whenever possible to increase circulation.

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPad
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