On Tuesday I laid low and wasn't really feeling too hot. I spent most of the day in bed. The terb I had been given makes you feel pretty bad so I think I was still recovering from that. Not to mention my nerves were shot worrying about my 3 hour glucose the next day.
Wednesday morning Nick and I headed to the office for my glucose test. I was in a tiny room and given 100 gm of glucose to drink in 5 minutes. Not to mention it was HOT! I begged for a glass of ice and was told no. It was the most disgusting, nauseating thing I have ever had. I do not have a huge sweet tooth so this was sickening for me. The way the test works is you go in and they draw your blood fasting (I didn't get to eat anything after midnight), another blood draw one hour after drinking the nasty drink, a third blood draw an hour later and finally a fourth blood draw an hour after that. I had my glucometer with me and was checking my sugars after the lady drawing my blood left. According to my calculations, I passed. We shall see. I unfortunately have never had a good feeling about it. My mom was a gestational diabetic (GDM), I am pregnant with twins, and I have PCOS. All of these things increase your risk for GDM.
On the left, the cold drink for my 1 hour
On the right, the HOT drink (gross) for my 3 hour.

Thursday morning I got the dreaded phone call from Dr. G. I failed my 3 hour by 2 points in 2 categories. In order to pass, you have to pass three out of the four blood draws. I was so freaking bummed. Dr. G told me he would write my prescription for the test strips and lancets. I was instructed to check my blood sugar when I first wake up (fasting) and then again 2 hours after every meal. Insert gigantic sigh here. Ugh!!!
Later that day we had maternity pictures. I know I am doing them early but since we have had 2 scares now, it made sense to go ahead and get them done. One of the girls I work with is an amazing photographer and has a business aside from her nursing career. She was so great about having me sit for a lot of my shots and letting me take breaks because I get tired pretty easily. Plus, we had a few rough patches along the way. First of all, I thought that Nick had grabbed my change of clothes but when we got there, I realized he had only grabbed his. Good thing we live pretty close to where we took the pictures because Nick had to turn right back around and go get them. Then when we did change our clothes, there was no where to change and a wedding going on. There were tons of people filing into the reception and walking by us as I was changing. I'm just glad I didn't get arrested for indecent exposure!! Due to the chaos of trying to stay hidden while changing ( believe me, no one wants to see this!) I forgot my jewelry. So poor Nick had to go back to the car and get my jewelry. There were quite a few pics taken without my jewelry which bums me out. Oh well. I'm thankful we were able to take them and thankful for sweet Katie's patience. I was still recovering from the glucose test I think because I was feeling pretty yucky. Katie is quick! I have received 3 previews and I love them all but I will share my favorite with you.

Friday I received a beautiful bouquet of gerber daisies from my Aunt Anita, Uncle Louie and cousins in California. It truly brightened my day and was just what this finger sticking girl needed when she was starting to feel sorry for herself. I cannot thank the Collier Clan enough!

My mom came into town this weekend and she was able to help Nick get a lot done around the house. She got cute boxes to organize the armoire and little chalkboard signs to label what was inside if everything. She organized their clothes in the closet and was able to help me narrow down the search for cribs since the last ones didn't turn out the way we thought they would. The ones that we ordered were supposed to be mocha which is what the furniture in the nursery is called but when it came and we unwrapped it, well - it's brown. So back to the store they went. We were also able to get mattresses for their cribs too. The nursery still looks a mess but I feel like things are slowly but surely coming together. The only bummer is that the new cribs we ordered are supposed to take 4-6 weeks to get here. Oh well. Hopefully nothing will happen before then.
Rejected cribs

Mom also brought the fabric for the bedding. One of the doulas I work with, Michelle is going to be making their bedding. She came over Saturday evening to pick up the fabric and we discussed what all we wanted. I am really looking forward to seeing the final product. We are keeping it pretty simple. Black bed skirts, white bumpers with black piping and each nugget gets their own blanket. I am going to order custom pillows for their beds once we figure out their names.

Mom headed home Sunday afternoon, Nick worked and I kept the couch company. My mom is like the energizer bunny. I love it and I am so thankful and grateful that she came.
What's going on with the Job boys?
Babies are the size of a rutabaga.
Until this week, a baby's eyes are fused shut. This week they open !!!! This is huge. The visual part of the brain has developed and they can now see. There of course is not a whole lot to see inside the womb other than amniotic fluid, but they can tell the difference between light and shadows.
Not sure how to view this one, but your kiddo is more likely to be asleep during the day due to your movement. Movement creates a rocking sensation that rocks them right to sleep. Therefore, when you lay down and are still, they wake up well rested and ready to rock out. No wonder they have their nights and days confused when they are born. :)
What's going on with mommy?
Remember how full your breasts became in the first trimester. Well the changes keep a comin! I'm sure by now you've noticed that your areola have grown a bit in size. No one knows exactly why this happens but it is thought that it makes your breast look more like a target, helping guide your sweet baby while Breastfeeding. This target like state lasts about a year.
Have you noticed that you are having bizarre and vivid dreams. These are completely normal due to our raging hormones and possible our subconscious trying to deal with the stress we are feeling. To be honest with you, this has not happened to me. I haven't been sleeping well for quite a while and most nights I don't think that I even get into REM sleep. It stinks but I try to look at it as preparation for twins. Bedsides, I can sleep when I die. I don't want to miss a thing!

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