I got a massage on Monday. It was heavenly. My back has been killing me for over a month now and is pretty much nothing but a wad of knots. It's terrible and I cry almost every day because I am in so much pain- especially by the end of the day. Sweet Nick has been an angel and massages my back daily but to no avail. It always hurts. Quinn is the lady who performed my massage and God truly gave her a gift. I left feeling a lot better. Unfortunately it was short lived but I scheduled another one for when I meet my next goal- 32 weeks!!!
There was a lot of prayer going on this week as one of my sweet friends had a cerclage placed. Thankfully, the procedure went well and she is home and thriving. God is so good. My heart is so full knowing she is well. I hope and pray the rest of her pregnancy is smooth sailing.
Nick's childhood friend, "Butch" stayed with us for a few days. I felt like I already knew him but even after 12 years with Nick, I had never met him until now!!! He bought Nick and Brent amazing tickets to the Rangers vs Yankees game. Apparently Butch is a huge Yankees fan. They had amazing seats and it was nice getting to know him.
What I was doing while the boys had awesome tickets to the game.

My sweet friend Charlotte and her new baby Hattie Lane came by to visit this week. They were so sweet and brought me chick-fil-a for lunch. Sweet Charlotte also brought a canvas and pen for me to write a Bible verse on for the nursery, a stack of prayer cards that I adore, and a sweet journal that asks you questions about your childhood. I honestly have the sweetest, most thoughtful friends in the world. I know I've said this a hundred times, but I truly am so incredibly blessed.
The inspiration:

My version:

I watch The Bachelorette with two sweet, really good friends. Typically we watch on Monday nights when it airs, but due to everyone's schedules, we didn't get to meet up until Wednesday. Kelly, who I have mentioned before, is also pregnant and also having a boy. It's been fun to go through this together. And Crystal may be one of the sweetest girls I've ever met. It's nice to have company when making fun of the show ;)
On Thursday Nikki and the girls came by. I love hanging out with Nik. We get each other. We are a lot alike in many ways and the same things tend to bother us. On the flip side of that, the things that make us happy are the same. I love the way she is raising her girls and I hope that the boys are as sweet and well behaved as her little ladies are.
That same afternoon, my sweet friend Susie stopped by. It was nice catching up on what was going on at work. I also appreciate and value her opinion and loved bouncing my feelings of delivery and life in general off on her. She is so positive and has such a great outlook on everything. It was a great day.
Saturday, our good friends Matt and Michelle were in town for their baby shower. They moved to Austin a few years ago but come up often. They are also pregnant with a little boy, Caden "Cade" and we are due 4 days apart. It was nice to get out of the house for a little while and to spend time with friends. Of course I spent the entire shower with my butt planted on the couch. Bed rest is so hard for me. I wanted so badly to get up and walk around and talk to everyone but I didn't want to start contracting so my booty stayed put. Matt and Michelle had a great turn out and they got a lot of stuff they will need. After the shower some of our friends came and hung out for a while. It was so nice to lounge around and be surrounded by so many people I love. The boys went and got velvet taco and we sat around, ate and chatted. I was exhausted by the time everyone went home :)
Me at 28 weeks and 5 days!

Matt, Michelle and Caden

Sunday was spent at my in laws. They are both officially retired and moving to Utah. They sold their house and have to be moved out by next weekend. It's sad to think that we will no longer be spending weekends and holidays at the Job house. There have been many great times had there. I hope and pray that the next family creates as many unforgettable memories as we did.
Nick and I in his parents backyard.

Noel and Keith in front of their "sold" sign

What's going on with the Job babies?
Babies are the size of an eggplant.
Your baby (babies) can hear all sorts of things now. They hear you when you're singing in the shower, when you're talking with your spouse, even when your tummy growls!!! And don't be surprised if you feel them respond. I personally love putting headphones around my belly and watching my tummy dance as they listen to music. Feeling them squirm and move is my favorite thing!
Surfactant is now being made by your little one. This will help keep the air sacs in his or her lungs from sticking together. The surfactant allows them to breathe properly after birth.
What's going on with mommy?
If your blood work showed that your blood type was negative, you will receive Rhogam this week. Don't forget that you will also get Rhogam within 72 hours after delivery if your baby is a positive blood type.
Stretch marks - ugh. Some lucky ladies will avoid these while others may not be so lucky. Genetics play a huge roll in this. If your mom got stretch marks, you will more than likely get them too. The good news is, they tend to fade after delivery. So far, I continue to be a "lucky" one. I have found a cream that I cannot live without and am on my 3rd bottle - almost my 4th!!! It's expensive, but I swear by it.

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