The same day as my MFM appointment, I babysat for my friend Kat's two little boys. They are so precious and the next morning Kat texted me saying her 2 year old was crying for me. I'm glad he had as much fun as I did :)
Work is getting a bit harder I'm not gonna lie. I was baby nurse this week and I got my booty kicked. I came home from work, sat on the couch and contracted for a good hour or so. I started contracting sporadically at about 18 weeks, but lately it has started to get a little more uncomfortable from time to time. Sometimes it's not just tightening but it's tightening with pain. Drinking a ton of water and putting my feet up usually does the trick but this week it wasn't helping quite as fast as it normally does.
This weekend we went to see Green Rover Ordinance (GRO) perform. GRO is one of our favorite bands and this is the second time the boys have been to one of their concerts :). We went with 2 of our very best friends, Jeff and Alma. They got engaged at the end of last year and are getting married next June in Mexico. I am beyond excited for them and cannot wait to celebrate such an amazing couple. Anyway, we met them for dinner in Fort Worth and then headed to the concert. Nick had upgraded our seats and I am so glad he did. Alma had never heard of GRO and I really think she enjoyed them. I sure hope she did because I loved it! They put on a fantastic show and afterwards there was a huge firework display. It was a beautiful evening which is very rare in Texas in June!!
GRO with Jeff and Alma :)

On Sunday we went over to our other dear friends Landon and Lauryn's new house. They just moved into an amazing place that they have put their hearts and souls into over the last year or so. Nick and I have gone over and helped them chop firewood, build a fence, and Nick helped them move from their old house to the new one. The house is built on a few acres and has a barn where they have 3 goats and are soon going to have chickens!!!! It's stunning. Everything about it!!! There are no two people who deserve it more than them. We hung out, played darts in the barn, played with the goats and then retired to the kitchen to eat
cheese and crackers. Landon always has me in stitches and my abs always hurt when we are around them from laughing so much!
At L2 new casa!

What's going on with the boys?
Babies are the size of a papaya.
Your baby's arms and legs have met their final proportions and they are now kicking, flexing and clasping their little hands!
The eyebrows are now grown in although they are white and difficult to see.
What's going on with mommy?
Enjoy this honeymoon stage. You're not big enough to be uncomfortable, but when people look at you they know you're pregnant and did not in fact eat too many cheeseburgers. You also may notice that you are starving - ALL - THE - TIME!!!! Eat!!! Eat what you want in moderation and remember that your sweet baby can taste what you eat, so give him or her things that you want them to eat as toddlers.

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPad
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