Noel and I went to the chiropractor. I think that she may try to start going as well. Kemba, the secretary at Cafe of Life, is going to call as soon as an interview spot becomes available for her to attend. Autumn and Tom like to meet with you and make sure that you are right for them and they are right for you before they go to town on your back. I love this about them.
I have had a few talks with Autumn about having a vaginal delivery and I told her that Dr. G is only ok with me trying for a vaginal delivery if both babies are head down (vertex.). Last week she had me do this funny thing with my leg while she applied pressure on certain spots in my stomach. She did this again and I felt some weird stuff. I'm keeping my fingers crossed that Baby B is now in the right spot.
We then went and grabbed a bite to eat at Baker Brothers. Noel helped run some errands for me. She went into Michaels and World Market and got a few things I requested. We came home and to my surprise, my sweet hubby had sent Noel and I some Tiff's Treats. Tiff's Treats is a cookie delivery service that sends you cookies freshly baked and warm out of the oven. They are delicious!!! And of course he got all my favs!!! I had a cookie and then I worked on putting my thank you bags together for my upcoming showers. Charlotte had brought me a canvas and gold leaf pen to write a Bible verse on for the boys room. I had run out of gold leaf pen and Noel had picked up another one for me at Michaels. I traced over what I had already done and it has made an incredible difference. I wish I had a before and after picture.

We interviewed our first nanny Monday night. Lena came highly recommended from a lady who belongs to a fb group called Baylor babies that I also belong to. She too has a set of twins and her kiddos are going to school this year so she will only need Lena one day a week. The fact that we only need her part time is pretty perfect. She seemed sweet, compassionate and you could tell she loves children. She is on board with the things that are important to Nick and I. No tv, no driving, she thrives off of having a schedule, she wants to take them for daily walks, she is ok if one or both of them are sick, she is willing two get dinner started for me and keep the kitchen tidy. She believes in tummy time and spending quality time with the babies. She claims she does not like her cell phone and only uses it when she has to. She is also willing to teach the babies Spanish which is something that Nick and I really want. Start them while they are young!!!!
Tuesday was Noel's 65th birthday. I had an appointment with Dr. G and invited her to come with me. She was able to see the sono. I could tell she was really touched. It truly is one of the neatest things in the world. It was also my last cervical length - HALLELUJAH!!!!!! My cervix was still nice and long at 2.8. Bed rest and nifedipine are working. I feel so blessed. And the most exciting news for me was that both of the babies are VERTEX!!!My hopes of having a vaginal delivery might just happen!

After my appointment we went and got massages at Massage Envy. I told my lady that I only wanted my back massaged. She did not need to do anything else on my body. And guess what? She actually listened. Every time I say that I still get 10-20 minutes wasted on body parts that I don't want to be massaged on. I was happy about that. They only thing I wasn't a fan of was that she spoke to me too much during it. Pregnancy tends to make people talk. I have no idea why. Noel said her massage was great and just what she needed as well.
We then went to a place called Start. Start is a healthy restaurant where you can get fresh food fast. We went through the drive thru and we both got amazing salads. We then drove through the drive thru at Walgreens so that I could get my protonix. My last dose was taken on Monday night and I need that stuff. Especially as I am getting bigger and bigger!!!
At home we ate our salads and then Jenny swung by to pick up some carafes she is borrowing for my shower Saturday along with a picture of Nick as a baby. Then, Noel ran to Target while I worked on ideas for "Nick day". Nick has had very little time for himself because he's always doing things for others. He has helped friends move, his brother build and paint a fence, his parents move, and has done everything I have been requesting of him. In turn he has had to burn the midnight oil even more than usual because he gets behind. So I decided that since I have a shower on Saturday and Sunday, it would be the perfect opportunity for him to do something that he wants to do. I made a list of 7 or 8 things going on around Dallas this weekend that he may be interested in doing and then got him a hotel room for Saturday night so he can sleep in Sunday. I'm hoping he just has a day where he feels loved and does something for himself. I've enlisted Brent to help out and have given him money to take care of everything.
My friend Whitney ( the one who brought me my mango habanero fro-yo in the hospital) stopped by after work today. She had class until 4 and came and hung out. I love her company and it was great to see her. She and her husband Jeff are some of my favorite people. They truly share in our joy and have been praying for us since we opened up to them about our struggles with fertility.
Dinner was at a place called Stampede 66. It's true southern comfort food. We ordered beer bread and jam, deviled eggs, and I got honey fried chicken as my entree. Let's just say that my dinner did not like me. I spent the next two hours after we got home throwing up periodically. Don't get me wrong, it was delicious but this girl does not eat food that rich and I was pretty miserable.
We had Society cupcakes to celebrate Noel's birthday. They were delicious but didn't last long with me either sadly.

After getting sick, I think my hormones were all out of whack. Nick and Brent had tried rearranging the furniture in the nursery and I hate the lay out. I have no idea what we are going to do. I think we may have to move the armoire out to the spare room in order for my vision to happen. It makes me want to cry just typing this.
Disclaimer: this may be TMI for some and is really just a b*tch session for me. Please forgive me. I just need to vent.
I also flipped about being pregnant. I am so grateful to be this far and still prego but I am hurting - constantly. At my doctors appointment my fundal height was 36 'almost 37' weeks. So basically I look and feel like someone who is term with a singleton. I feel that if that was the case I could hang in there knowing that the end is in sight. For me, the end seems so far away. I feel like my stomach cannot possibly get any bigger. It is stretched so taunt. I am tired of constantly contracting and having to take medicine every 4 hours - even in the middle of the night. I'm tired of checking my blood sugars all the time and worrying about what I am feeding my babies. My back is in CONSTANT pain. Even the masseuse today told me my back was really messed up. My ribs hurt from all of their sweet kicks (this I am ok with because feeling them move is my favorite thing!) I have had a bloody nose for weeks now and haven't slept more than 2-3 hours straight in months (I'm also semi ok with this because it's going to be my reality for a while.). I have no time to myself and that's not going to change for the next 18 years or so. So anyway, I'm struggling a bit. Please keep me in your prayers. Bed rest is starting to really get to me.
I wish I could say things got better on Wednesday but they didn't. When the guys moved the baby furniture last night, Nick also moved the cable connection so our cable in our room is out. I didn't get to have my normal routine this morning and it set the tone for my day. Ugh.
I spent my morning in bed stalking fb and IG. I did find that one of the blogs I love and follow,, had put me in their blog today:). I submitted a photo of me at 23 weeks. The blog has been around for 23 weeks and every Wednesday, they post pics of twin mommies at the age of the blog. So next week, they will post pics of mommies at 24 weeks. Here's my photo !!!

Noel ran some errands and I took a shower. The massage therapist yesterday had rubbed a bit too much oil through my hair. Yuck. Anyway, I was too tired to dry it so I went wavy today. Not my best look but oh well.
Nick called me from work which rarely happens. He had some bad news. At some point he misplaced his wedding ring. I remember he had it on at dinner last night and the man never takes his ring off. He was panicking and really distraught. I reminded him that it's just an object and it can be replaced. I understand where he's coming from though. I would be a HOT MESS if I lost my ring. If you have some extra prayers in you, please pray it is recovered. We've searched the house high and low with no such luck.
I got adjusted at Autumn's and told her the amazing news! My sweet friend worked her magic and the boys are both vertex and we are all praying it stays that way!!! She was ecstatic. She looked like she wasn't having a very good day either and I think my news revived her. At least I hope it did!
Nick had a work dinner so Noel and I fended for ourselves. I was anxious for Nick to get home. When he did, he looked like a puppy dragging his tail. Poor guy is really upset about his ring missing. I can't blame him, I would be the same way. Praying it shows up somehow.
Thursday, Noel and I went and got a mani/pedi at Lush. We also got our eyebrows threaded - it was a first for Noel. I have been doing it for years and love it!!! I think she really liked it. It felt good to get out of the house and get pampered a little bit.
When we got home, the cable lady was here waiting on us. They were supposed to be here between 12-4 and she got here at 11:38!!! Good thing we were on our way home. The lady was really nice. Because we moved the modem from the twins room to our room, they were supposed to charge us $99 to move it. She told me that if we had a phone jack in the room, she would code it different and we wouldn't have to pay. Needless to say, she went home with some Tiff's Treats!
There was a knock on the door and when I went to answer it, there were two packages for us. Both of the gifts were from my sweet coworkers and friends. Heather sent a nursing bra for pumping and Sherri sent us our boppy and boppy cover. I am so grateful to both of them. Things that we definitely need!!!
The rest of the day was spent resting and fighting with HR. HR is a post in and of itself so I am not going to get into it. That being said, it has been a battle from day one.
Noel picked up a rotisserie chicken and we had salads with chicken. Nick stopped by Sonic on his way home from work and got me my favorite, ICE and he also picked up milkshakes. I got a salted Caramel milkshake. I eat a little bit every night for a 4–5 days. Gotta make sure my sugars stay good!
Nick was so sweet Thursday night. He is every night, but exceptionally so tonight. He loves to talk to the boys and he laid his head on my belly as he sang to them. It warms my heart when he does this. I was able to capture the moment without Nick knowing. Here's a peak.

My contractions have been terrible. Mostly every 15 minutes. I'm a little worried. I woke up about 30 minutes before my nifedipine was due all night and have known when it's due all day. I'm getting a little stressed that my uterus may be wanting to crap out on me soon. Time will tell. I really want two to four more weeks.
Friday morning my mom flew in from San Antonio. Noel and I picked her up from the airport. The girls went to Buy Buy Baby and Hobby Lobby and returned with lots of goodies. There were new mattress protectors, bottles, travel gear and so much more. These grandmothers are already in full on spoil mode!
They had gotten me a few things I needed from Hobby Lobby to finish my thank you bags. After my last shower, I will share with y'all what all was in them. I'm pretty happy with the way they turned out and I really hope that all the ladies love them.
While I was busy putting the bags together, my mom and Noel were slaving in the garage. They cleaned it out, got rid of things that we did not need, and made space for all of my entertaining pieces to be stored outside. Whoo- hoo!!! Thank you a million mommas. Nick and I appreciate it more than you know!
Landon and Lauryn came by to help us with the nursery. We ordered Thai food and got to work. The boys put the mama roo together, the stroller together, as well as the car seats and the pack and play! Whew!!!
The girls worked on the nursery under my supervision ;). The boys moved the armoire into the spare room and the bookcase that was in the spare room into the nursery. We were having issues with the cribs fitting in the room and allowing us enough space for a glider. With this switcharoo, we made it happen!! And I love it!!!!
The boys hung a bunch of pictures that had been moved during "project nursery" as well as some new ones. Things are really starting to come together. The nursery is beginning to look like a nursery and the spare room/office is looking more put together. I am a happy girl!
New picture frames in the hallway for the boys monthly pics!
A bookshelf replaces the armoire which was moved to the office

Our mamma roo, bath, and car seat adaptors for Nick's car. The 4 moms pack and play is hidden behind the boxes.

They have cribs!!! That match!!!! And most importantly car seats so we can bring them home. Just waiting on bedding and wall art! Their rug is in the corner surround by diapers and wipes. Hallelujah!

The girls from work threw me an amazing baby shower on Saturday and I was overwhelmed by the love in the room. Jenny, Nikki, Charlotte, Heather, and Kathy know how to throw a party. It was held at Jenny's newly remodeled home and was perfect. There was quite a spread- fruit, veggies, salad, cheese and crackers, and tea sandwiches. My sweet friend Jill ( the one with the twins who brought me so many things the twins will need ) made me an amazing cake. It was so cute and was delicious!!! Even better, I had a slice and my blood sugar was only 77 two hours later. Diabetes my butt!
Me and my hostesses with the mostesses!!!
From left to right: Charlotte, Heather, me, Jenny and Nikki

Jill with her twins :). Note to self- how to feed twins at 9 months

I wish I had a better pic of the cake but they are on my good camera. It had two blue bows and was delectable!!! Thank you Jill!

I loved seeing everyone, and especially all the babies! I miss work so much. I love what I do and it is so incredibly rewarding but I also love the girls I work with. You spend long, sometimes stressful days with these ladies. You rely on one another. You trust and respect these girls and they become like family. There are no words to thank them for their generosity. I tear up just thinking about it. The highlight of my entire shower though was when Charlotte led us in prayer. She talked about our journey to get to this point as well as the ride we have been on. She prayed. for the boys and their health and safety and for their entry into this world. There wasn't a dry eye in the room. These girls mean the world to me and I love them to the the moon and back.
Sunday, we all got up and enjoyed our coffee during a pretty severe thunderstorm. I love a good thunderstorm but it scares me while I'm pregnant because there is something about a storm that sends women into labor. I don't want that happening to me anytime soon!!! We need 4 more weeks!
Nick and Brent got home from their little man venture around 12:30. I think they had a really good time. I'm glad they got to get away and do some fun things. They went to the gym, went to the Deep Ellum Brewing Company and then met up with some more friends at Kung Fu Saloon. They checked into the Belmont hotel and then went to Tillman's for a steak dinner. I think they called it a fairly early night and Sunday morning they had brunch at Company Cafe. Not too shabby!
At 2, my sweet sister friend Melissa had a blessing way shower in my honor. I plan on writing an entire post about this as it was one of the most memorable days of my life and one of the most special things anyone has ever done for me. I've never felt so blessed or so loved. Stay tuned... More on that later!!
Noel is staying with Brent and Aubs for a little while so once we got home, they took off. My mom picked up around the house for me and then it was time to take her to the airport. Her flight was delayed because of the storms earlier in the day and she wanted to see if she could get on an earlier flight.
After dropping her off at the airport, I was hungry so we stopped at Wendy's. So random! We never eat at Wendy's because there isn't one very close to us. I wanted a small fry, small frosty, and a strawberry fields salad. What does my crazy hubby order? A large frosty, medium fry and my salad. Ugh! He does it every time! When we got home and started eating he did admit that he went a little overboard ;)
We watched American Ninja Warrior and Big Brother. My contractions have gotten more intense and more frequent. We are saying lots of prayers they go away. Hang in there boys. Not too much longer!!!
What's going on with the Job babies?
Babies are the length of a cucumber!
The brain is no longer smooth, but now has wrinkles that are also known as convolutions - the little grooves and folds we are used to seeing on a brain. These folds give the brain more surface area so it can hold more cells. Smarty pants in the making!!!
Remember how we talked about Lanugo- the ultra fine hair that surrounded the baby? Well, this is now starting to disappear. There may be small patches when the baby is born but most of it will fall out.
Most babies weigh about 3 pounds this week and are about 17 inches long. No wonder my comfort level is rapidly decreasing. For me, that's 6 pounds of baby!!!
What's going on with mommy?
Nutrition, nutrition, nutrition. Now it is so important to get all of those vital nutrients in. Your baby (babies) are growing rapidly from this point on and need the proper vitamins and minerals. They are taking nutrients directly from you to build up their internal stores and to gain weight. Drink milk!!! The calcium goes directly to building their bones. Eat iron rich foods such as red meat and green leafy veggies and don't forget to take your prenatal vitamin. All of the iron you take in boosts his/her iron supplies that will last until he/she is 6-9 months old! Unreal right?!? Protein is vital. It supports healthy cell growth throughout your baby's body. Eat your meat ladies!!!
You may have more intense itching these days. More than ever before and not just on your tummy, but everywhere. Try your hardest not to scratch as it can make the itching worse.
Researching pediatrician so should soon be on your agenda. It's important to find someone you're comfortable with - you will be seeing them a lot- especially the first year. Ask for recommendations and interview a few until you find the right fit for you.
Don't forget to ask about your Tdap shot and flu shot. I know, no one wants a shot but they are both so important for your sweet kiddo(s)!!!! I got my Tdap at my doctors appointment this week and I asked about the flu shot. It will be a few more weeks before they will have it available. I'm getting them to make sure that my kiddos don't get whooping cough or the flu - especially when I go back to work.

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