On Tuesday, I got my hair done. I usually go to San Antonio for my highlights, but it was time to find someone here. My awesome stylist in SA recommended a guy that she trained named EJ. It just so happened that EJ's salon is literally blocks from my house. He's a really nice guy and he did a great job - not as good as my Abby and Vicki - but still good!
After I got my hair done I met my best friend from nursing school, Allison and her two kiddos, Gavin and Brooklynn, for lunch at Corner Bakery. Alli has gotten into essential oils and has drawn up some concoctions for me. Over the past few weeks I have been battling insomnia and restless leg syndrome something fierce. I am looking forward to trying them out and praying that they help!
I love visiting with Alli. We can not chat for a while and pick up right where we left off. It's one of my favorite things about our friendship. While we were eating, I started to feel really bad. Alli said I became extremely pale and I told her I felt like I was going to faint. Everything started to go black and cave in all around me. I put my feet up and drank some water which helped, but didn't feel like myself for several hours. It really freaked me out.
That evening, I went out to the car to run to the store real quick only to discover that I had a flat tire :(. I was so bummed. Needless to say, the next day was spent getting my tire fixed.

The doulas that I work with a lot hosted a free class at Pure Barre that I attended and loved! The moves are isolated and they are able to give you modifications if you are pregnant or just not quite at their level yet. I had a great time and really enjoyed being around the ladies who were there. I talked to Nick, and I think I may continue to do it for the remainder of my pregnancy. I got the A ok from my OB so I think I'm going to sign up next week!
This is the last weekend that I am able to travel. Dr. G informed me very early on that I would not be able to go out of town after 24 weeks, so this weekend my mom, Mary Kay and Barb Mac hosted a baby shower for me in SA. My Nana and Aunt Debbie from California were able to come and my cousin Amanda and Aunt Anita surprised me!!! I didn't think that they would be able to make it and I was beyond thrilled to get to see them and spend time with all of them. I sure do miss them and they are all so excited to meet these little guys.
Amanda and me

My MIL Noel, SIL Aubrey, and Nick's Aunt Margie, who is also from California, were able to come. My best friend Nikki and her little girl Caroline drove down with me. Caroline did so awesome and is such a laid back little lady. I feel beyond loved that they were able to come. My other bestie, Jenny and her girls Drake and Myrick also drove in. One of my dearest friends from high school, Analisa, drove in from Houston. All of the ladies who were there are near and dear to my heart. They have been praying for Nick and I over the years- from when we got married to our struggles with conceiving these sweet boys. There have been many prayer chains started and many churches that have kept Nick and I in their prayers and for that I am eternally grateful.
Me :)

Sweet Caroline. Love that sweet smile!

Me, Aunt Margie and Noel

Me and Auntie Aubbie!

The shower was held at The Gunther House and it was everything I could have dreamed of and more. It was sweet, simple and elegant. There were white hydrangeas everywhere, with white linens and touches of baby blue here and there. There was a buffett of breakfast items that were delicious, as well as a Nothing Bundt White Chocolate Raspberry Cake and Barb Macs infamous sugar cookies.
After we ate, we played a game of "a Guess what's in the diaper bag." This was a lot of fun. I loved hearing what people thought you should have in there.
I opened presents a little while later and we received so many amazing gifts that we are incredibly grateful for. We got one of our strollers, both of our car seats, our mamma roo, our pack and play, play mat, frames, their first set of Legos, and countless adorable outfits. The boys are already better dressed than mommy and daddy. We appreciate it all and are overwhelmed by everyone's generosity.
One of the most special gifts that we received was made by my Aunt Anita. She spent countless hours making the boys two t-shirt quilts. One has a Texas Tech shirt as the center and the other has a Denver Broncos (Nick's favorite football team) as the center. I cannot wait for the boys to love on them. I have a blanket that has been very loved and I hope the boys do the same with these.

It was an amazing weekend and I feel so extremely loved. On the drive home, all I could think about was how much God has truly blessed us. We have incredible people in our lives who love us and that we love dearly. I don't think we would be where we are today if it wasn't for these people and all of their love and prayers. I'm humbled and overwhelmed by everyone's generosity. My sincerest thank you to everyone who was there.
I wish I had more pictures but they were all taken with a professional camera and my mom has the card they are all on.
What's going on with the Job boys?
Babies are the size of grapefruit!
The bones in your baby's ears have hardened and he or she can hear you!!! So go ahead- talk, sing, read to your little one. They will know your voice better than anyone else's. Nick and I talk to the boys multiple times a day and have placed earphones around my belly so they can listen to classical tunes.
By now the amniotic sac contains a pint of fluid that replenishes itself every 3-4 hours. The amniotic fluid protects your baby from infection, keeps them warm, and provides buoyancy so your little one can squirm and wiggle.
What's going on with mommy?
If you have not already, it's time to sign up for a childbirth class. Most start around 32 weeks but classes may fill up fast so the sooner you sign up the better. I have yet to do this. I better get on it!!!
Have you noticed yourself feeling more tired and sluggish than usual? Have you experienced weakness, shortness of breath or fainting spells? You may have iron deficiency anemia. Iron is necessary in order to produce red blood cells ( RBC's). RBC's help to circulate oxygen for you and your baby. I unfortunately think I am anemic as I have had many of these symptoms. There are several ways to increase your intake of iron. Liver is a great source but most people are not interested in eating liver, including myself. Other excellent sources of iron are red meat, blackstrap molasses ( not really sure what this is ), lentils, and of course leafy greens such as spinach and collard greens. Or there is the option of an iron supplement. I'm getting blood work done at my next appointment and will find out if my instincts are correct. I've also read that a deficiency in iron can cause restless leg syndrome....I'm going to go with I am more than likely anemic :(
It is time to be aware of the signs and symptoms of preeclampsia. Preeclampsia is characterized by high blood pressure, edema ( aka swelling), and protein in your urine. You should be having your blood pressure checked along with your urine at each prenatal visit. About 7% of pregnant women will develop preeclampsia. If you also notice that you have blurry vision, headaches or a sudden swelling in your feet or hands, call your provider immediately. The earlier preeclampsia is caught, the better off you and your baby will be. The longer preeclampsia persists, it can cause decreased blood flow to your placenta and to your baby.

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