On Thursday, I took a really big test that I have been preparing for for a while. It was the Electronic Fetal Monitoring (EFM) test. I was terrified that I would be a huge distraction to those around me. The test is held at a HR Block office where there are cameras surrounding you and you get a print out of your results as soon as you are finished with your test. You're in a tiny box of a room with about 6 computers side by side with dividers between each one. Each chair is filled with someone taking some sort of test. They give you ear plugs to wear but I knew that as much as my cough annoys me, it had to annoy those around me. Thankfully I was able to keep it together and I PASSED!!! Hallelujah! Now my title is Tiffany Job, RNC-OB, CFM. WHAT WHAT!?!?!
Nick and I also celebrated our 6 year wedding anniversary this weekend. It's amazing to me how fast time has gone by. With each passing year, I love my husband more and more. He truly is my best friend and rock. We have had our ups and downs along the road, but there have been far more ups than downs. I know each and every day how loved I am and I make sure that he knows how much I love him.
To celebrate, Nick planned a spa day for us at the Crescent Hotel here in town. We started with a couples massage that was followed by a couples mani/pedi. We had our own room with two chairs and I actually think Nick enjoyed it!!! (He's very anti mani/pedi!) After my nails were dry, we changed into our bathing suits and headed to the pool. We caught some rays, ate some lunch and hung out in the pool for a few hours. We then packed all our stuff up and headed home. Our intentions were to go to a really nice restaurant for dinner, but when it came time to go, I showered and was too exhausted to finish getting ready. So we did one of our favorite things! We ordered pizza and rented a movie. It was a great day!!!! I look forward to a hundred more anniversaries with this amazing man. God truly blessed me when Nick Job walked into my life.
What's going on with the Job babies?
Babies are the size of mangoes.
If you're having a girl, she has about 6 million primitive egg cells. By the times she is born, she will have 1 million, which is all that she will ever have. It's crazy to think about, but the eggs that you had when you were born are the egg(s) that have made your baby(babies.)
If you're having a boy, it doesn't take much to see that he is clearly a boy on sonogram.
The skin is now covered in a thick layer of vernix. Vernix is a waxy layer that protects their skin from the amniotic fluid they are surrounded by.
What's going on with mommy?
Have you noticed a tugging sensation that causes a dull or sharp pain in your lower abdomen? This is known as round ligament pain and can be pretty intense. Luckily it passes fairly quickly. It is caused by stretching of the round ligaments as your uterus grows in size. I have had this for a while now and notice it more when I get up too quickly or when I change positions. Rest tends to help.
Chloasma, better known as the mask of pregnancy, may be visually apparent now. It causes dark spots on your nose, cheeks and forehead. Don't try to scrub- a - dub - dub it off. Unfortunately it won't budge. Make sure you wear sunscreen when you're outside and know that it is from those lovely pregnancy hormones and will disappear after delivery.
The linea nigra is the line you may have noticed that runs from your belly to your pubic bone. This too is from hormones and will also fade after you deliver. Personally I started to notice this fairly early in my pregnancy and it's a very faint line for me.

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPad
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