Saturday, August 2, 2014

Week 16

This weekend we drove to Lubbock for a wedding. It was so much fun to be back in the town where we met, started dating, and got engaged. It's crazy to think that we graduated almost 10 years ago and have been together since 2002! When I think back on our college years and everything we have done in between- there are so many amazing memories and I know that the best is yet to come. It also reminds me that time flies and to enjoy each and every second of my pregnancy, as well as each and every second of these babies lives. Before we know it, they will be off to college, getting married and having children of their own. Maybe I'm getting a little ahead of myself ;)

What's going on with the Job babies?

Babies are the size of daddy's favorite food - avocado!

The muscles in your baby's neck are now strong enough to lift its head!

Your baby is now getting his or her workout on! Their little arms and legs move vigorously and sweat glands have developed!

Some women report feeling movement this week and say it feels like butterflies in their stomach. I haven't felt anything like this yet but I can't wait until I do!!!!

What's going on with mommy?

Sleeping on your stomach is a no no during pregnancy. It is preferred that moms sleep on their side - the right is fine but the left is better. Lying on your back can increase pressure on the vena cava ( the blood vessel that returns blood to your heart.) Many women find a body pillow to be helpful. Personally I recently invested in one of these and I love it! I'm not too uncomfortable just yet but I'm sure my days are numbered and I would rather be prepared.

This is the one I have:

Have you noticed a recent shortness of breath or have you found yourself huffing and puffing? This is completely normal and I can totally relate. I've done pretty well but occasionally I feel like I can't quite catch my breath after doing even the simplest tasks. The reason behind this is that pregnancy hormones cause fluid to collect in your lungs which makes it hard to draw a big breath in. And no worries, the breathlessness you may be feeling does not harm your baby.

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPad

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