Since I was in the hospital when my original glucose test was scheduled, I had to reschedule it. I rescheduled it for 2 weeks after my steroid shots because the steroids cause an increase in your blood sugar which can cause you to have a false positive on your glucose screen. I took it on Tuesday and it was terrible. I honestly haven't felt so bad since I had heat stroke in high school.
Dr. G had sent me home with the glucose drink at around 20 weeks and I was instructed to refrigerate it. He gave me fruit punch because he thinks it tastes better than the orange. Well I bet neither of them tastes good!

I got up early for my appointment and took my shower. I blew my hair dry and I then went to the fridge, got the drink out and looked at my clock. You only have 5 minutes to drink the glucose. The first sip wasn't too bad, but each subsequent sip was TERRIBLE. I finished the drink in my allotted 5 minutes and not too long later, I began to feel like I was going to throw up followed by the sensation that I was going to black out. Everything was closing in around me and turning black. Thankfully, Nick was going with me to this appointment and was able to drive. I don't think that I could have driven myself I felt so weak and nauseated.
We got to the doctors office and I told them what time I had finished the drink. They called me back a few minutes later and the phlebotomist came in and drew my blood. She was to draw my glucose level as well as a CBC. Its time to see if I'm anemic! I asked her to please stick me with a butterfly needle and showed her all my war wounds that were still in place from the hospital. She happily obliged. Now normally I am the type that probably freaks people out because I watch you stick me. I tried to watch her do it and became so nauseated I thought I was about to blow chunks all over her. As I was turning my head away from my right arm, the black started tunneling my vision and I had to lay down. She finished putting my band aid on and left while I laid there swallowing my own vomit. As I sit here typing this, it makes me sick just thinking about it.
My other arm looked the same way, but in my AC. Yay for butterfly needles!!!!

When Dr. G walked in the room, the first thing he said was "you don't feel well do you?" I told him, "NO! I feel terrible!" He started talking to Nick and then did all the normal stuff. He checked my fundal height, checked the babies heart rates and reviewed the plan of care from here on out. We are to see the MFM doctor at 28 weeks and from 28 weeks on, we will have a weekly appointment with Dr. G. The weekly appointments will consist of the normal appointment stuff- pee in a cup, weight, blood pressure, fundal height, and fetal heart tones on the babies. In addition, we will have weekly BPPs to make sure the nuggets are doing well. This may have been the best news I heard all day. I LOVE seeing my sweet boys on sono.
As we were leaving, I was talking with the scheduling lady and Nick and Dr. G were chit chatting. We were going to take Dr. G over to the hospital so he could get his vehicle. While she was booking my next appointment, I started to get nauseated again. The guys had already wandered out the door while I had to sit down because the whole room was going black around me. I sat for a few moments until I regained my composure and then chased the boys down. Neither of them realized that I wasn't there until they couldn't get in the car because guess who had the keys???
After dropping Dr. G off, Nick and I went to get some food. I had not eaten anything since the night before and it was almost 11. I was starving and nauseous at the same time. We ended up driving to sonic because I wanted a diet cherry limeade and we were out of sonic ice. Nick worked the rest of the day while I laid around feeling terrible!!!
Wednesday morning I got 'the phone call.' Jennifer, Dr. G's nurse called and informed me that I was anemic and needed to start on iron daily. She recommended that I take brand called feosol. She then informed me that I had also failed my one hour glucose. The cutoff at their office is 130 and I was 152. Suck. She scheduled me for my three hour next Wednesday and gave me the rules. Nothing to eat or drink after midnight and only sips of water to take my meds. I was to come in at 8:30 for a fasting glucose blood draw. I would then drink a stronger version of the glucose solution and have my blood drawn at one hour, two hours and three hours after drinking the dreaded drink. She told me I would have somewhere to lay down if I started to feel bad and to bring a book to read. Ugh. I had a feeling but I was trying to stay positive. Now I am just praying I pass the 3 hour.
If I'm going to be completely honest, I spent most of Wednesday crying and feeling sorry for myself. I had Nick buy me a glucometer because I was curious as to what my sugars were. They had been so awesome in the hospital that I had a really hard time wrapping my head around all of this. Sweet soul that he is, he went and got me one even though he thinks I am jumping the gun. But it makes me feel better.
Thursday and Friday were spent doing what I do best these days - keeping our new couch and chair broken in. I have a daily routine of waking up, Nick makes me a cup of coffee while I do my devotional. I then watch Good Morning America and the Today show - I flip back and forth between two. After that, I have breakfast and move to the couch where I watch Live With Kelly and Michael. I then play on fb, IG, and surf the web. I work on the blog and then it's time for lunch. Nick usually has a beak around 1, so he makes us lunch and we watch. Family Feud. We love that silly show! Nick goes back to his office and I read and do some online browsing and /or shopping. I do a lot of research on cribs, crib mattresses, Breastfeeding.... You name it, I'm researching it. No better time than the present and I feel fortunate that I am able to do these things. Around 6 or 7, Nick will emerge from his office and we will decide what to do for dinner. Usually Nick goes and picks something up. On Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays, going to the chiropractor gets thrown into the mix. We go whenever Nick can get away from work for a little bit. It's what I look forward to. The more weight I gain, the more and more my back is killing me. It makes sense but it is not fun. I already have a bad back after herniating my L5 a few years ago. Something about being in the hospital and the hospital beds has aggravated my back even more. I keep reminding myself that it will all be worth it. No pain no gain right?!?
I've also had lots of time to think about the boys nursery. I saw this picture a long time ago, and it immediately became my inspiration. Here's the style board:

On Friday, my mom drove in. We got so much accomplished this weekend I can hardly believe it. We still have a LONG way to go but at least we have a good start!!!
Saturday morning mom and I organized a few things in Nick's office. That afternoon, my good friend Kelly had a gender reveal party. She and her husband have been so supportive of us and our journey that I wanted to support them too. I went with my mom and mother in law. Kelly and our friends were nothing but super gracious. I had a spot on the couch and everyone brought me my food and water. I was able to maintain my bed rest rules!!! I was happy to get out of the house for an hour and to celebrate their exciting news. They shared a really sweet video of their journey together and then popped balloons to find out if it was a boy or a girl. There were 5 black balloons and only one of them held pink or blue confetti. The other four had yellow confetti in them. As her hubby poked the first two, the anticipation was killer. Third time was a charm - they are having a ....BOY!!! We are going to have our own Red Raider baseball team before you know it!!!!
When we got home, mom went to town cleaning things out. I sat on the bed saying "keep" or "toss." I figure if I haven't used it in over a year, I'm probably not going to. Also, if I throw something out that I need later, I know it's my own fault and I will buy a new one. Mom is really good at organizing and she was beyond helpful in putting things up and away in an orderly fashion. She truly has done so much for us and I don't think I will ever be able to repay her.

Later that evening, our good friends Landon and Lauryn came by. The boys were supposed to work on the nursery but we were having such a good time talking that that didn't really happen. That being said, they did hang a mirror over the dresser in the boys room ;)
Nick and Landon hanging the mirror.

L2 and us :)

What's going on with the Job boys?
Babies are the size of a head of lettuce. I think we should have a Cobb salad to celebrate :)
Your little ones nostrils are open and they are now practicing breathing. There is only amniotic fluid for them to "breathe" but they are practicing inhaling and exhaling.
Sucking their thumbs and grasping their cords become their main forms of entertainment. No worries though- the umbilical cord can take it :). I've seen our boys both suck their thumbs. It's so crazy!
What's going on with mommy?
Nutrition is vital while pregnant. If you begin to feel hungry, eat a snack or have a meal. Small, frequent meals tend to keep your blood sugar stabilized and prevent mommy from getting too hungry - or as I like to say, hangry. I get downright upset when I'm too hungry. It physically hurts. So crazy. I've never been like this before. Since I learned this the hard way, I now keep multiple snacks with me at all times. Two of my favorites are pre packaged
almonds and Justin's organic peanut/almond butter in individual packs. It's quick, easy, portable, won't melt in the Texas heat, and doesn't take up too much room in your purse. Find something you like and keep it with you.
Some women wonder if they should stay away from spicy foods while prego. If you are already accustomed to eating spicy foods, continue to eat what you like. If it upsets your tummy afterwards, stay away for a while, but spicy foods won't harm you. Nor will they send you into labor as some people may tell you. If you are not used to eating spicy foods, pregnancy is probably not the time to see if you'll enjoy it. Our tummies are already a little sensitive, not to mention, if you suffer from acid reflux like I do, you may be in a world of hurt. Proceed with caution when trying new things ;)

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPad
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