Monday, I slept in. A true shocker because this is very rare for me. Once I got motivated and moving, I went to Autumns and got adjusted. I was clearly in need as I have not heard that much popping in a long time and I felt a ton better the rest of the day.
That evening, we interviewed another nanny. She's a young gal who was extremely bubbly and sweet. She works for two other people part time and is also a sonic car hop. She is taking online classes for a business degree and so is her husband. I liked her a lot and did most of the interview on my own since she was early and Nick wasn't home from work yet. That being said, I feel like my gut is telling me to go with Lena. Pray because we have to make our decision soon.
Kelly came over and we were going to watch Bachelor in Paradise. Well that never happened!!! We ended up talking for 2.5 hours straight so we are taking a rain check for later this week. I love going through this with her.
Tuesday morning was my weekly doctor appointment. Erin did my sono and they both looked great! They are so cute. I just love them so much already.
Baby B on top and Baby A on the bottom

Back in June before I went into preterm labor, I had gotten my hair cut and highlighted. While I was there I went ahead and made my next appointment. Well that was this past Wednesday. I decided to keep my appointment because I was in desperate need of some color and I figured it's still bed rest since I would be sitting. EJ is my hair guy and he is pretty good if I must say so myself. I decided that I needed something a little less high maintenance than blonde. I have been on pinterest looking for different hair ideas and I decided to go with the ombré look. EJ worked his magic and I am officially back to my roots with blonde at the bottom. It's a pretty drastic change but I know it will fade a little as I wash it and I know that with my sweet baby boys coming, I am not going to have time the first year to get my hair done. I don't want to leave them more than I have to. Although I did tell Nick that I need to get my nails done every two weeks. :) That is one thing I can't stop doing. That will be my "me" time. Plus it doesn't take nearly as long as getting my hair done does.
This isn't the best pic but you get the idea. Bye-bye blonde, hello mommy hair!!!!!

After changing up my look, I headed straight to Cafe of Life to get adjusted. Melissa was there and getting adjusted next to me. We chatted about the Blessingway and I told her that I am still on a high from it. My heart is still so full and I am incredibly honored that there are people in my life who think so much of me. It's unbelievable.
I stopped by Walgreens to pick up my test strips and nifedipine. Small problem, they had my test strips but not my nifedipine. I literally have enough for one more day. The pharmacist contacted Dr. G's office and I will follow up in the morning. I am praying that it all gets taken care of or I may not be pregnant much longer. Saying lots of prayers.
I rested and then Kelly and I finally caught up on Bachelor in Paradise. That show is all kinds of crazy. I have to wonder where they find these people. So much drama. Better them than me!
Last week we had interviewed a nanny, Lena, that Nick and I both liked. We tried to call her tonight to tell her that if she was still available and wanted the job, it was hers. Unfortunately she did not answer. Nick left a message for her and I will try to call her tomorrow. I am praying she is still available and interested. If not, we will be starting from square one all over again.
We had Taco Bell for dinner. So unhealthy!!! Nick had also picked up McDonalds McFlurries on his way home. Not a healthy combo but my blood sugar was 66 so I think a McFlurry is perfectly alright! Between watching Big Brother, eating steak soft tacos and a m&m McFlurry, I went to bed a very full and happy lady!
Thursday was a day spent in a lot of prayer. My sweet friend is making a lot of big decisions that are taking their toll on her and has been causing her a lot of anxiety so she has been on my heart. I have a family member who is struggling with some things that I have also struggled with and she has been in my daily prayers. One of my besties just dropped her daughter off at college and headed home today. It doesn't seem that long ago that my parents were doing the same thing (ok - it was 14 years ago but I remember it vividly). I have two dear friends who are due any minute now and I have been praying that they each have fast, safe deliveries of healthy, sweet babies. There are many more on my heart but that's just a few.
Then there are the prayers for me, Nick and the boys. All week I have woken from my sleep because of contractions. I begin needing my nifedipine about and hour before it is due - especially in the morning- so I try to wait 30 minutes and then take it 30 minutes early. If I am having a relaxing period and it is due, I try to wait it out 30 minutes to try and even out the times. So far this has been working. I pray my system works and that I can hold onto these nuggets a while longer.
I prayed a lot today for our answer to the nanny situation. I tried calling Lena again this afternoon and got no response. I left her a message telling her that we would love for her to work for us but letting her know that if she had found another position, we understood and to please return out call regardless of her decision. I will be honest, I was stressing out a little because I REALLY like her and I wanted her to be part of our family. Around 3 my phone rang. It was Lena. Here we go. Much to my surprise, she said she would love to come work with us!!! God is so good and we are so incredibly thankful. I pray she is exactly what we were looking for and that the boys love her.
I also cancelled our maid service and am trying to find someone who costs less. We have a lot of added expenses coming our way. Something has to give! Plus right now, I'm not making much of a mess on bed rest :)
On to the nifedipine debacle. Aye aye aye! As I told you earlier, the pharmacist at the pharmacy we use, left a message with the doctors office. I called the pharmacy and the prescription had not been filled so I then called the doctors office to talk to the nurse. When she called me back, it became clear that she had sent the prescription to the wrong pharmacy. She said she would transfer it to the correct one and I asked her to please take that particular pharmacy off of my name because we use the other one more. A few hours later my phone rang and it was an automated message from the pharmacy we like saying they were awaiting approval from my insurance company. Ugh! I called Nick I was so frustrated. I figured that the script had probably already been filled at the first pharmacy so I decided to head up there and see. I only had enough pills left for the day and I was major stressing. Sure enough and praise The Lord, my prescription was there and waiting for me. Unfortunately the whole situation caused a lot of confusion and frustration.
There are 120 pills per prescription which leaves me running out on September 10 and I'm not supposed to go off of it until September 15. Not gonna worry about it right now! Crazy to think about though.
Friday morning I woke up with excruciating pain under my left breast. I literally woke up crying. I was contracting and having this pain at the same time. Of course I did my normal thing - I got up and drew a bath and googled. I found some "answers" after googling, " piercing pain under left breast while pregnant." The
general consensus seems to be that it's the babies feet pushing against your ribs which causes your ribs to push into your muscle. All I know is it freaking hurts! I feel like my rib cage is bruised.
I did my normal thing - took my nifedipine, checked my sugar, ate breakfast and did my devotional. I got up, made the bed and headed to the chiropractor. It was SO BUSY there today. That makes my heart happy for Autumn and Tom but I know it is taking its toll on them. I am praying they find a new space soon. They need it! Anyway, when it was my turn, I told Autumn about my rib pain. She adjusted me and then adjusted my rib. She told me that I am "running out of room." Tell me about it! There is not much room left!!!!
While I was at Cafe of Life I started talking with a mom of 3 with another on the way. We were making small talk and as I was looking at her, I started seeing spots of flashing lights all around her face. I knew something was up with my sugars. I had not brought my meter with me. Oops. I checked my sugar the second I walked into the house. It was 57. No wonder I was feeling like crap. I immediately ate lunch followed by dessert and began feeling a lot better. I honestly do NOT think that I have GDM. If I ever get the time ( ha) after the boys are here, I want to do some research on diabetes and twins. I honestly feel like the parameters should not be the same as with a singleton. It's so frustrating. I have not had one bad sugar.

Nick brought chick-fil-a home for dinner. Yummy! We ate and then watched a football special on HBO. I am so ready for fall and football! I love that the boys will be here in time for some Texas Tech football! I hope they love it as much as mommy and daddy do. I'm ready for cooler weather, boots, vests, scarves ( not that I let summer stop me from this), pumpkin everything and changing colors! I love the fall!!!
Friday night fun!

Friday night/ Saturday morning was not good to me. I woke up around 3 in agony. Pierce's feet are right under my left rib and every time I contract ( on average 5 x an hour, Sometimes more sometimes less) he kicks. Don't get me wrong, I adore these love taps, my ribs however do NOT! It's a strange sensation. It burns, feels bruised and aches all at the same time. It will all be worth it. Not too much longer!
I took a bath to try and ease the pain but was really uncomfortable so I got up and moved to the couch. I ended up watching a few think less tv shows and fell asleep probably around 5:30. I woke up to my alarm at 8 to take my nifedipine and got back in bed. Once I wake up, I am usually up and ready to face the day. Saturday morning I was exhausted. Nick and I ended up sleeping until nearly 11! I guess we both needed it.
We got up, ate breakfast and then Nick went to West Elm to buy our glider. In an earlier post, I posted a pic of the inspiration board for the nursery. We ended up going with glider in that picture. Nick says it is super comfy. There was apparently a little confusion when the lady was checking him out and they ended up giving us $100 off and free shipping! I hate that there was a mistake but I am glad it worked to our advantage! Nick had other errands to run and didn't get home until almost 8.
McDonald's was on the menu. Call me crazy but I love their grilled chicken salad. Ok and their McFlurries ;). We ate dinner and a little while later, ate our McFlurries. My sugar was 86 afterwards. This GDM thing ticks me off everyday. I honestly think the whole thing is bogus and I am so annoyed by it. Oh well. As long as the boys are safe that's all that matters.

Sunday morning we got up and thanks to technology, streamed church onto our tv again. I love that we can do this because I sure do miss going to church. It was the start of a new series this morning and it's going to be a good one. I'm already looking forward to next week.

My sweet, amazing friend Alma came by this afternoon and brought me Velvet Taco. We talked for a good 4 hours. I adore her. She is someone who truly has a heart of gold. I love her and value our friendship. Her fiancé, Jeff was fraternity brothers with Nick. We have gone on multiple vacations together - Napa, San Francisco, and Florida to name a few. They are so easy to travel with and we always have the best time. It was so good to spend some QT with just my "Almalita" which is what I like to call her ;)
My best friend Heidi's husband, Justin is staying the night with us. He is here on business (they moved to the Houston area a little over a year ago) and we love hanging out with him. He and Nick just got back from grabbing pizza at J's favorite place, Bryan Street Tavern and they brought me home a McFlurry.
Hope everyone had a great week. In a few more hours we will be 32 weeks. Thank you Lord! What a blessing!!! Thank you for all the prayers. More next week!
What's going on with the Job babies?
Babies are the size of a pineapple - and boy does it feel like it!
You may notice less movement as your baby is growing and space is becoming more limited. I on the other hand, feel like they are moving more. Everyone is different! I feel lots of kicks right up in my ribs - which are always sore ;)

Movements are now more intentional and organized. If your baby wants to suck their thumb, they don't wait for the thumb to move by their face, they think about it and do it! So incredible.
What's going with mommy?
Make sure that you are doing kick counts. Pay attention to when your baby is the most active and try to do your kick counts at the same time daily. Lie down and see how long it takes to feel 10 kicks, flutters or rolls. Sometimes it will only take a few minutes or it could take up to an hour. If you haven't felt 10 movements in an hour, get up, drink and/or eat something, perhaps something with some sugar, and then try again. If nothing in that hour, call your doctor. You may need to be seen.
Are you having difficulty breathing or getting winded these days? That's completely normal. Your diaphragm is being pushed into your lungs by your ever expanding uterus. Consider yourself lucky if you are carrying low. At 36 weeks or so, you may get some relief as your baby drops into your pelvis.
If you're going back to work after baby, it's time to consider child care options. Whether it be daycare, a nanny, or a relative, you should begin researching and interviewing potential candidates. Even if you're not going back to work, you may want to line up some potential baby sitters for date nights and mommy days.
Have you experienced some tightening around your tummy lately that goes away when you change positions and are irregular? These are Braxton hicks contractions, which are no cause for alarm, and they are intended to help your body get ready for labor. If you have painful contractions that are fairly regular, call your health care provided immediately.

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