Saturday, August 23, 2014

Hospital bed rest vs home bed rest

Disclaimer!!! This post is purely my feelings from my experience and may not be the same for others.

Hospital bed rest was anything but restful. There was a constant stream of people in and out of my room. Sometimes it felt like a circus. I enjoyed having all of my visitors because it made my day fly by. It was the ancillary staff during the day that was a bit of a beat down. The housekeepers,dietitians, PT, OT, chaplains, etc.
Then there were the nurses ( which I have to do too, so I get it) and techs checking vital signs and blood sugars, handing out meds and rounding. Sometimes I felt like I couldn't even pee without someone coming in! The weekends were a little better but there were still a lot of people in and out. I know everyone is just doing their job but it does wear on you.

Here are some things that kept me sane while in the hospital:

1. My husband. He rarely left the hospital!!! He kept such a positive attitude and was able to make me smile when I was down. He loves these boys so much and we both just want what is best for them.
2. Visitors. I loved seeing family and friends. It truly made my days brighter.
3. My devotional - Jesus Calling. It was a New Years Resolution of mine to spend more time with Him. I have been doing it all year and it has made an immense difference in my life.
4. Things to occupy your time. For me it was thank you notes from my shower the previous weekend.
5. Social media. FB, IG, and Pinterest occupied any unoccupied time.
6. Magazines, magazines, magazines! So many sweet friends of ours brought magazines. I still haven't made it through all of them :)
7. Wheel chair rides for fresh air!

Being at home has it's own advantages and disadvantages. At the beginning it was great because Nick was here daily. We ate all of our meals together and had a routine of watching Family Feud at lunch time. Now that he drives out to DU every day, I really miss our time together. Another thing is I don't have nearly as many visitors as I did in the hospital so some days drag on. I love that I don't have people coming in and out all day. I love that if I get a package, I get to open it immediately! I love that no one is coming in and out to check my blood pressure and sugar and I can do it on my own. I dislike having to set my alarm daily for every 4 hours to remind myself to take my nifedipine - although my uterus tends to dictate when that is due. Even in the middle of the night. I love that I can take a bath! And I take a lot of them! I love that I don't have to eat hospital food every day but it's annoying that I can't go to the grocery store. Sending Nick = a MUCH larger bill than if I had gone. Bless his heart - and that's with a list :). I appreciate him so much. He truly has had to step it up and has done an amazing job. I hate that I can't go anywhere other than to doctor visits. I really want to go to the movies. That's technically bed rest right!?!? I would be sitting!

Things that have kept me sane at home:

1. Cable and netflix! I have the tv on most of the day even though I am not watching it half of the time.
2. Scrap booking. I haven't done a whole whole lot of this but I have done a little bit and it's fun. I get frustrated when things don't turn out just right though.
3. Reading. I currently am reading " Healthy Sleep Habits, Happy Twins" by Marc Weissbluth, M.D.
4. Blogging :)
5. Designing the nursery
6. Baths
7. Making a labor playlist
8. Online shopping (shhhh. Don't tell Nick!)
9. Having visitors ( not nearly as often as I did in the hospital but it's the highlight of my day when I do!)
10. Drs appointments. I LOVE seeing the nuggets.
11. Printing out all the pictures on my iPhone and putting them in a photo album
12. My art project for the boys room
13. Keeping up with my pregnancy journal
14. Reading other peoples blogs
15. Writing thank you notes for my work shower :)
16. My heating pad and ice packs
17. Researching about Cord Blood Banking
18. Researching how to Breastfeed twins
19. The chiropractor
20. My iPad and iPhone - social media has no limits with both of these!
21. My devotional
22. Snacks I want when I want them :)

I'm sure there are more things but these are the basics for me.

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPad

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