Sunday, January 31, 2016

16 months

Hello sweet LPs!!! Oh my how you are growing and learning more and more everyday. Here is what you are up to right now. 

You are about 20.5 lbs from the few times we have attempted to weigh you at home. You're pretty squirmy so we aren't 100% sure but you sure are getting big!
You love cars and when I say you love cars, I mean you REALLY LOVE cars. You make a "vroom" noise every time you see a vehicle of any kind and you love all of your car toys. You love to go down your slide that your Nana and Aunt Debbie got you but you especially love to try and climb up it. You are a pretty good little eater. You still love watermelon and you are now very into your milk ("ma") and cheese. You like avocado a lot but tend to throw any sort of meat, other than lunch meat, on the floor. You are able to sign "more" and occasionally "milk". Just recently you have been signing "eat" when you are hungry. Especially in the morning. You say a handful of words: duck, nana ( banana), dada and sometimes, mama. You are so loving and have gotten really great at giving kisses- especially to mama. You're not a big talker but you certainly know what you like and want and find a way to let us know. You love your blanket and your paci. They are must haves in th crib for sleep times. 

You are about 21.5 lbs (22 when we took you to the doctor for an URI but you were fully clothed). You are growing more and more everyday! You love, love, love this cell phone that Aunt Anita brought you last summer. We call it your "boom box" and you love to take it anywhere and everywhere that you go. You also love the slide that Nana and Aunt Debbie got you. You will go down it repetitively and let me tell you, it wears this mommy out!!!  You are a fantastic eater and a little bit adventurous. You will at least attempt to eat anything we put in front of you, but that does not necessarily mean that you will like it. You make it known when you're not a fan of something by spitting it out. Mommy and daddy are not a fan of this. You still love watermelon, are a huge cheese fan and love yourself a smoothie and avocado.  You are so good at signing "more". So good in fact, that you sign "more" for most things. It's pretty cute. You know that in order to get your water, you must sit down and you will  ask for your water by sitting down. You say a few words: duck, dog, dada, mama, nana (banana), e-I-e-I (no -o yet), and eYa (light). We have no idea where eYa came from but it's always consistent with light. You still love your paci and you love to throw them over the side of your crib during bad and in the morning. 

You guys go to bed around 7-7:30 and sleep about 11-12 hours every night. Unfortunately, I think we are about to transition to one nap a day but up until now, we have had two naps a day. Usually we put you down around 10:30 and again at 3 and y'all usually sleep for about an hour each time. You typically protest your naps but it's not too long before you're both asleep. 

You both eat well. Usually you have yogurt for breakfast along with peanut butter on a waffle or eggs and oatmeal or a nitrogen in bar along with milk. Lunch is typically a peanut butter and jelly sandwich or a turkey and cheese sandwich along with fruit and a cheese stick. Dinner is a gamble. We try hard to feed you whatever we have made for dinner but that doesn't always go over well. We resort to pouches a lot of the time. We try to incorporate some sort of vegetable, a protein and fruit. Quesadillas are on the menu a lot, along with grilled cheese, an attempt at pasta, grilled cheese sandwiches, grilled chicken and/or cheese of any kind. 

We recently started going to church again and you have loved going to the nursery and playing with the other kids. Unfortunately that means that we have also been introduced to new germs and both of you have had a cold. My theory, it's better to get sick now than in kindergarten and miss a lot of school so, let the runny noses and coughs begin! We have kept them so healthy for so long that I am actually really proud!!!!

It's also been a very bittersweet time for me. I stopped breastfeeding this month and boy was that hard for me. When I say hard, I mean HARD. Luckily, it was not a hard adjustment for the LPs. They were the ones who ultimately made the decision and I am extremely proud of us. It was a tough journey but so rewarding. An added bonus- we have breast milk for weeks stored in our freezer so the boys are covered for a while. 

Knox and Pierce, you are the light of my life. I cannot imagine a day without you in it. Thank you for making me the happiest mommy in the world. Even on the hardest days - and there have been some hard ones - you are the reason I strive to be better and better. You make life joyous. You both bring a smile to everyone's face who meets you. You are both so much fun to be around and I cannot wait to see what the future holds for you. I love you boys. With all of my heart. Forever and always. 

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