Tutu watched the boys while I showered, pumped and got ready for the day. We decided to take the boys to the mall and do a little shopping. My birthday is coming up and there's a Swatch watch I want for work ;)
We got the boys ready and fed and off we went. First stop, Breadwinners, one of our favorite restaurants. Pierce was not wanting to stay in his car seat so Tutu played with him and kept him entertained whole Knoxer - boxer took a siesta.
The staff at Breadwinners could not stay away. They were loving the LPs and were mesmerized by the fact we had twins. We got so many ohs and ahs- it was greatness!
Our food arrived and Tutu and I took turns holding Mr. P to eat. While distracted by my food, I heard a familiar voice ask me, " do you come here often?" It was Jared and Kelly with baby Jackson!!! We of course had to catch up. I haven't seen Kelly in weeks and Tutu had never met Jackson. We all got to talking and 20 minutes later we got back to eating. It was so good to see them and catch up a little. Kelly and I are going to get together next week and I'm excited. It sounds like we both need it!
After lunch, we started shopping. First stop, Swatch. I love it when I can walk in, know what I want, point to it sand be done!
I got the gold jelly watch :)
We then started making our way around the mall. We found two books for the boys at Kate Spade that I can write the funny things they do and say in as they get older. I love this idea from Tutu and I'm sure those books will fill up fast!!!
As we were making our way through Tory Burch, I noticed Pierce was getting a little fussy. I looked down at my watch and it was just about time to eat. We put our shopping on pause and headed to Starbucks.
Normally the line at Starbucks is a mile long but luckily today there were only a handful of people between me and the hot ester I needed for their bottles. I ordered Tutu and myself a coffee, the boys water, and got some coffee for the coffee pot. Tutu entertained the boys while I got everything organized and ready to feed. While Tutu was walking the LPs around, Piercemeister fell asleep. Tutu fed Knox while I ran into Banana Republic. I tried on some jeans and shorts and found a few pairs of shorts for this summer.
I came out of Starbucks to find P just waking up. Perfect timing ( I was gone 15 minutes tops! - I have little cat nappers!) we finished feeding the boys and then went and did some damage at J. Crew and Tory Burch ( thank goodness for gift cards!)
We headed home just in time to play with the boys little bit before feeding them their beloved banana. While at the mall I started talking to a girl with a 10 month old. She had told me that they had started her son on rice. Did rice for a week then went to oatmeal. He did fine on both. The third week they went back to rice and he had an allergic reaction. He has a rare food allergy and so she has to be careful with what she can feed him. I've decided to keep going with just banana for a while. Believe me, I don't think the LPs will mind at all!
We couldn't get the banana in their mouths fast enough. We then fed them and they took a short nap. When they woke up, Tutu did some GOOD tummy time with them.
They hate tummy time.
Tutu and I played with the boys and kept them awake until 6:30. Time to get ready for bed! We did our night time routine. Dim the lights, change into night time diapers, woombie and prayers as they eat their last bottle. Both of them fell asleep quickly.
Tutu was kind enough to watch the babies so Nick and I could have date night. We waited an hour for a table (burbs are sounding better and better!) but had a delicious meal at Tavernia. Nick had gnocchi and I had steak :)
We came home to Tutu making bottles. We are so lucky to have her and it was awesome to have a few hours to ourselves. We need to do it more often. Thank you Tutu. You're the best!
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