Pierce, big boy, you are growing like a weed and as always, you LOVE to eat!!! We started you and Knox on bananas and sweet potatoes and you are in heaven. You love to watch mommy and daddy eat. You are glued to us and I can tell you're trying to figure it all out. You love to wave your hands around and you hate waiting for your bottle. This is the hardest thing for mommy when she's home alone with you. She has to get K ready too and you haven't quite figured out that there is someone else you have to wait on ( and vice versa)! You are still quite opinionated and let me know when you aren't happy. You love to talk and sometimes let out little screams that mommy is still trying to figure out. That being said, you are a very happy boy. You are full of smiles and I love making you giggle. You love "the claw" and you like when mommy and daddy smile and make faces at you. You still love to put your hands in your mouth and mess with your capes (aka bibs). You have even figured out how to take them off!!! I love how super smiley you are and I hope you're always as happy as you are now. We can't wait to find out how much you weigh but I'm thinking somewhere around 13 pounds!!! Your energy is contagious and mommy cherishes the moments that you decide you want to cuddle because they are few and far between. Fierce Pierce, you are so very loved and I cannot imagine my life without you.
Knox, baby boy, you are slowly getting bigger and stronger every day. You're lifting your head up and looking around more and more. You both still despise tummy time but occasionally, you figure out how to roll over and you're so happy when you do! You're doing a great job sitting up in your bumbo and exercaucer. You love to eat food!! Bananas - you weren't too sure about those at first but now you love them. And sweet potatoes??? Oh my!!! We can't get them to you fast enough!!! You've found your voice (especially while eating) and you love to babble. You will let out an occasional squeal here and there when you get going. Mommy and daddy like to kiss your belly when changing your diaper because it sends you into a fit of giggles. This warms our hearts. We love how happy you and your brother are. You've mastered the art of taking your paci out and mommy is trying to teach you how to put it back in. You are beginning to drool quite a bit and love to have anything and everything in your mouth. From your hands, to your toys, to the hands of anyone who will let you. You're gumming everything like crazy. You are a little more serious than your brother and you like to take things in. You're a great sleeper for the most part and usually only cry out for your paci. You will lie there with your eyes open waiting for mommy and daddy to come get you. Knoxer boxer, we love you so much and we cannot imagine life without you.
It's hard to remember what life was like before you came along. You two have filled our lives with so much joy and happiness. We occasionally have a rough day just like everyone does, but most days are filled with so much love and laughter mommy sometimes can't help but cry because she is so thankful and greatful for her blessings. You two have such bright futures ahead of you and there is no doubt in mommy or daddy's mind that you two are going to be successful, happy people. As much as mommy wants time to slow down because you're growing so fast, she and daddy look forward to what the future holds. Pierce and Knox, never forget that you are loved deeper than the ocean and higher than the sky.
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