Friday, March 20, 2015

Too hysterical !!!

Tuesday I worked and didn't get to see the LPs so Wednesday, we were ready to play!!!

Hilda came to clean so I wanted to get out of her hair. I pumped while I fed them their bottles and sweet potatoes. They are still screaming for more and I think it's too funny. I wish I had enough hands to record it. 

We went to Target and the car wash to get away. The boys loved the car wash. Their eyes got so big and they kept looking around in amazement. At Target, I pushed the stroller with the boys in it and attached my bag to my mommy hook! Genius!!! We got the few things we needed, checked out and headed home. 

We played for a while and then they went down for a nap - in their cribs. This is a big deal folks! I'm working on it. Normally they nap in their momma Roos but I'm trying to transition them to their cribs. It will be a process that's for sure. Their morning nap didn't go as well. But the afternoon was a success!!!!

Before bed I was working hard to keep them awake. We had bath time and then we were doing some tummy time, followed by playing on the playmat. I was laying next to the boys when I watched Pierce reach over to Knox and pull his pacifier straight out of his mouth. Knox was NOT happy. He screamed and screamed. I gave Knox his paci back and what happened? Pierce reached over and took it out again!!! What's any good mom supposed to do? Take a picture of course!

Look at what's in P's hand. 

I couldn't help myself. I couldn't stop laughing. Poor Knox. It's already happening. Love these boys and our time together. 

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