Nick got stuck at DU and has a TON of work so there was no way that he could watch the boys. Everyone where he works decided to call in because of the weather so Nick is at work, working for the people who called in. DU has a full house too -800 people- so that makes it more tough on the people who are at work. Anyway, I'm praying he can make it home safe and sound tonight and that he's not too stressed out.
Yesterday it rained and sleeted most of the day. The ground has a beautiful blanket of white ice everywhere. (Ha!) We spent the day snuggled up inside, hanging out and playing. We moved from tummy time to our bouncy seats to our bumbos and around again. Changing stations and taking naps was how we spent our day. Oh and of course, eating! These boys know when their tummies are getting empty.
I put the boys down at 6:30 and they slept until 7 this morning!!! Not sure if it's the weather or what but this mommy appreciated it. I slept pretty restlessly. I'm worried about Nick, worried about having called in and worried about the boys and possibly not hearing them. I know I shouldn't worry but it's easier said than done for me.
Therefore do not worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will worry about itself. Each day has enough trouble of its own.
Matthew 6:34
Isn't that the truth! Each day comes with it's own set of challenges and God is with us each and every moment. He is there to guide us and love us every step of the way. It's allowing Him to take our hand and for us to completely relinquish control to Him. I will try not to worry and allow Him to guide me.
Hope y'all have a great day. I know I will- snuggling with my nuggets.
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