Friday, February 20, 2015

Rough night

Holy cow last night was terrible. Neither boy slept. They were both up every 3 hours and it was brutal. Nick fed while I made bottles. He said one of us should try and sleep. Unfortunately, I could hear them crying so eventhough Nick tried to let me sleep, I didn't. I kept coming out and offering assistance - and occasionally, accidentally, scaring the crud out of him. Oops. I've gotten good at tip toeing in our old, creeky house!!!

The LPs had two doctors appointments this morning. Well, Pierce had two. First stop was the pediatrician. We got our next round of shots. Ouch!!!! I had premeditated the boys with Tylenol before we left. All in all, they did great!!!  They let out a few screams which is to be expected but quickly calmed down. Before their shots they were all giggles. The office staff just loves them!!!!! We even got to weigh them. Pierce is 11#10 oz and Knox is 10#12.5 oz. !!!! Getting big!!!!!!

They have no idea what's about to happen, poor muffins. 

Getting their shots :(

After the pedi we had time to kill before Pierce's  follow up with the helmet doctor in Addison. We stopped at one of my favorite breakfast joints, Dream Cafe. We were able to eat and warm up their 2nd bottle of the day. They sucked their bottles down in record time and off we went to Pierce's follow up. 

Praise The Lord, we bought ourselves one more month of observation. P had had an improvement in his numbers and we were told they could tell we had been doing lots of tummy time. They want us to keep doing what we have been as well as trying to get P to look more to the left. We need to guide his head to the left with his daily activities ie: riding in the car, in the mama roo, while getting his diaper changed etc. 

Daddy and P waiting (mommy was pumping)

The machine that measured P's head circumference.

We are prayerful that tonight is better. If you have a moment, please pray for us!

Naps after a feed. Tired little ones. 

Lactation drop cookies I made ;)

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