Saturday, February 21, 2015

5 months (only a few days late !)

I say it every month but how can it be? How are the Little Presidents already FIVE months old??? The days are long but the years are fast as they say. 

Pierce- you are still my fierce and feisty nugget. You know what you want and when you want it and everyone knows it. It's quite comical. You don't just cry, you screech- mostly when you're hungry. And you are a bottomless pit. If we let you, you'd eat 24/7. You love your food sweet P. In fact, you're almost a full pound bigger than your brother. Mommy has a hard time keeping up with you and occassionally we have to supplement with some formula. This breaks mommy's heart but it is what it is and you are a happy, growing, thriving boy! You have the two sweetest dimples and daddy and I LOVE to make you giggle and smile. You rub your eyes when you are sleepy and yawn very big and loudly. Mommy knows she has a small window to get you to sleep when you do this. You like your bumbo and each day we can tell you are getting stronger and stronger. You love to hold your head up and look around. You don't want to miss a thing!!! Pierce, you make mommy and daddy laugh and we love seeing you develop your strong personality. We love you sweet P. 

P can't miss a thing!!!!

Knox, you have finally found your voice sweet nugget.  You are now able to compete with your brother when you are hungry. Mommy has gotten a lot better at recognizing your tired cues and you have become more vocal about them. You tend to get super fussy and if mommy gives you 5 minutes, you are usually out like a light. You are a pretty good sleeper and there are days that daddy and I have to wake you up to feed you because you'd rather just snooze. You have a sweet and quiet cry until you are mad. Then you amp it up. You like your exercaucer and tolerate your bumbo in small increments. You are getting stronger day by day. You're lifting your head up more and more and love taking your paci out of your mouth!!! You move a lot in your crib and mommy has had to cut several knots out of your long hair. You give us lots of giggles and love when mommy and daddy smother you in kisses. And believe me, you and your brother get LOTS of kisses :) You are still pretty laid back and go with the flow. Daddy and I love watching you giggle and smile and it's our daily goal to make you two happy. We love you Knoxer Boxer.

 Knox has mastered the art of paci removal!

5 month weights:
Pierce - 11#10
Knox - 10#12.5 

The LPs!!!

Getting big angels. You are now in 3-6 month clothing and size 1 diapers. We are moving on up! Your diapers swallow you guys but the newborns were pretty snug! Slow and steady wins the race my LPs. You're a far cry from the 4#2 we brought you home at!!!!

Dream big little ones. The world is your oyster and daddy and I will do everything we can to make sure you're provided with every opportunity to be who and what you want to be. We love you and truly desire nothing but the very best for you both. The sky is the limit!!! 

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