Friday, February 27, 2015

5 on Friday!

Well I haven't done this in a while, so back to 5 On Friday!!!!  I'm on call today and hoping and praying I don't get called in. Here are a few things to make you happy! 

1.  This bag from Express. It's only $29.99 and adorable to boot!!! Who doesn't need another tote ! 

2.  I love these Kendra Scott Ellie stud earrings in platinum Drusy. They are a little pricy for a stud but would go with so much! I think they're totally with the $65!!!

3.  This jumpsuit is from Target of all places! I want to try my hand at a jumpsuit but because I don't know how much I will wear it, I don't want to invest a lot of money. At $29.99, I think I can give this one a shot!

4.  I don't know about you but before I go to bed at night I take all my jewelry off. I used to set it on my nightstand but would find things on the floor in the morning. In comes the jewelry dish. These are adorable and can be found on Etsy. You can even monogram them with your initials. All for under $10! I need this!

5. Alex and Ani is becoming my new thing. My bestie Heidi and my mom introduced me to this collection and I want them all! I only have this one and I love it. It looks so good paired with other bracelets or your watch or all by itself! Plus each one has it's own meaning which I love. 

Hope you enjoyed! Have a wonderful weekend!

Thursday, February 26, 2015

Back to work

Today I am back in my routine- back to work. I am sitting here doing my 5 am pump session that I do every morning, and feeling so torn. I have been with the LPs 24/7 the last week and I don't know what I'm going to do without them today. It was like being on maternity leave again. Oh how I wish I could rewind to those days! 

I think I could be a stay at home mom. I always said "I couldn't do that" but in reality, I totally could! I just wish I got paid for it :). I love playing with them and watching their personalities blossom. I love their smiles and giggles, yawns and stretches. I love being here and seeing them imitate me and what I do. They are so much fun, especially right now. 

As I head back to work today, I look forward to seeing my friends and catching up. I look forward to taking care of people who are about to be blessed with the greatest joy God can give us (God willing -Sometimes it isn't so).  I'm thankful for a job that I love and the people I work with, but I look forward to clocking out at 19:10 and getting home to love on my babies. 

Unfortunately, I may not even see them today. We've been putting them down at 1830 and if that happens tonight, I will have missed an entire day of their precious lives. That makes me so sad. But I know they need their sleep to grow and develop. Here's to maybe getting off a little early so I can snuggle my love bugs. 

Happy Thursday!!!!

Wednesday, February 25, 2015

Lactation cookies

I tried my hand at another batch of lactation cookies last night. This is round 4! 

The first batch I made were no bake ( because I'm lazy) and they turned out pretty gross. I never looked forward to choking them down and eventually threw them away. 

The second batch I made were also no bake and were actually really good! I kept the "batter" in the fridge and would eat a scoop here and there. I wish I could find the recipe again because they were quite tasty! Even Nick would have a spoonful occassionally - and no, it didn't make him lactate :)

Third batch - just plain gross. I made peanut butter and chocolate drop cookies but the brewers yeast taste was so overpowering, I was gagging to eat them. So yesterday, they got tossed in the trash. 

Pinterest has been my go to for lactation cookie recipes and I finally decided to do what I had been avoiding all this time - baking. I decided to actually turn my oven on and give it one more shot. Boy am I glad I did!!!! My newest batch of cookies actually turned out delicious!!! I had two last night! One before dinner and one after. Just call me "Tiff's Treats!"

Here is the recipe I used from (thank you!!!!!)

Blueberry cheesecake lactation cookies:

1 box (7 oz) Jiffy muffin mix (I used blueberry)
2 oz softened cream cheese (I used whipped because it's what we had)
5 Tbs softened butter
1/4 cup packed brown sugar
1 egg
3/4 cup white chocolate chips ( I used milk chocolate because it's what I had)
1/4 cup brewers yeast (key ingredient for lactation)
1/2 cup ground flaxseed meal (other key ingredient)
4 Tbs filtered water
1 cup whole grain rolled oats (I used steel cut because it's what I had)

The mix after two hours of refrigeration and one batch of cookies in the oven.  


1.  Cream butter, sugar and cream cheese ( mix until small lumps of cream cheese remain)
2.  In a small bowl, stir together brewers yeast, flaxseed meal and filtered water. Add to creamed butter mixture. 
3. Add egg
4.  Using a rubber spatula, add in muffin mix
5.  Fold in oats and chocolate chips ( I'll be honest - I mixed everything with my mixer!)
6.  Refrigerate batter at least 2 hours (I feel like this is the key!)
7.  Preheat oven to 350
8.  Scoop onto cookie sheets lined with parchment paper and bake for 12 minutes or until edges are slightly golden brown ( it was more like 14-15 minutes in my oven and I used a baking sheet sans paper. Turned out perfectly!) 

Final product!

It made almost 40 cookies and I am hoping and praying they work. I know my LPs are going to need more milk here soon as they just keep growing bigger and stronger. Mommy wants to try and keep up so here we go! Prayers and fingers crossed they work!!!!

Tuesday, February 24, 2015


February 24, 2014 is a day I will never forget. This was the day we found out that there was not just one Little President growing inside of me, but two. 
There they are!

Nick just found out he was going to be a daddy x2!

Surprised and excited and in shock

We had an idea that we could be having twins but didn't really give it too much thought. We were so elated to be pregnant! Imagine our surprise as Dr. Pinto took the probe and showed us not one, but two babies. He then made the comment, "ok where is the third?"  Nick and I both about pooped our pants. 3??? Thankfully, the "third" baby was just another large cyst. 

I remember walking out of his office in complete shock and disbelief. Not only was I pregnant, but I was pregnant with twins!!! I was overwhelmed with emotions. Could I carry twins? Will they both have heartbeats? Will I go into preterm labor? Will they be boys, girls or one of each? Will I have to see a Maternal Fetal Medicine (MFM) doctor? Will they both be healthy? These were just a few of the thoughts running through my head at 100 mph. 

It took a while for it all to sink in. To this day, I still have to occassionally pinch myself. We have twins! Could I carry them? Yes- to 35 weeks and 2 days in fact! Would I go into preterm labor? Yep. And thankfully I have a smart physician who did everything in his power to keep me pregnant. Will they be boys, girls, or one of each?  We have two handsome, sweet, loving little boys. Would I have to see and MFM doctor? Yep and I didn't mind a bit. I loved getting all my sonos. Will they be healthy?  Thankfully, aside from a small NICU stay, they are both healthy and thriving. 

We are beyond blessed. As I was putting the boys to sleep tonight, uncontrollable tears were streaming down my face. God blessed us with the greatest joy imaginable. My little presidents have no idea how wanted and loved they are. But I plan on showing them each and every day. 2/24/14. A day I will never forget. 

Sleet day

Well today I had to call into work and I'm pretty upset about it. Our nanny cancelled on us and I was unable to trade days with anyone, so in turn, I have to miss work. The good news is I get to spend the day with the Little Presidents. Bad news is, strike 2 for the year. I had to call in a few weeks ago when I was sick. Anyway, it is what it is but it stinks. 

Nick got stuck at DU and has a TON of work so there was no way that he could watch the boys. Everyone where he works decided to call in because of the weather so Nick is at work, working for the people who called in. DU has a full house too -800 people- so that makes it more tough on the people who are at work. Anyway, I'm praying he can make it home safe and sound tonight and that he's not too stressed out. 

Yesterday it rained and sleeted most of the day. The ground has a beautiful blanket of white ice everywhere. (Ha!) We spent the day snuggled up inside, hanging out and playing. We moved from tummy time to our bouncy seats to our bumbos and around again. Changing stations and taking naps was how we spent our day. Oh and of course, eating! These boys know when their tummies are getting empty. 

I put the boys down at 6:30 and they slept until 7 this morning!!! Not sure if it's the weather or what but this mommy appreciated it. I slept pretty restlessly. I'm worried about Nick, worried about having called in and worried about the boys and possibly not hearing them. I know I shouldn't worry but it's easier said than done for me. 

Therefore do not worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will worry about itself. Each day has enough trouble of its own. 
Matthew 6:34

Isn't that the truth! Each day comes with it's own set of challenges and God is with us each and every moment. He is there to guide us and love us every step of the way. It's allowing Him to take our hand and for us to completely relinquish control to Him. I will try not to worry and allow Him to guide me. 

Hope y'all have a great day. I know I will- snuggling with my nuggets. 


Monday, February 23, 2015

Car trippin

The LPs are troopers. We spent most of the weekend in our vehicle house hunting and these boys were champs. They let us tote them along and didn't really cry until the end of the day when they were ready to play. 

We made numerous stops - mostly at Starbucks - to heat up bottles and feed babies. They did great. We would house hunt for 2-2.5 hours, pull over, heat bottles, change diapers, feed, play and then back in the car seat and off to look at more houses while mommy pumped. It's quite funny when I sit back and think about our new weekend routine. And these boys- they're amazing. 

Here are a few pics from our weekend. 

Mommy and K man!

Family selfie at Fuzzy's Tacos

Daddy and P money!

Tummy time before house hunting Sunday

Daddy and P cuddling. 

Mommy and Knox hanging out

Mommy with the LPs!!!

After a full day of house hunting, chillin in their chairs. 

We are getting closer to finding a house. We found a lot that has an amazing view and is in our budget. Now to buy and build! We are hoping and praying it all works out. If so, Keller, here we come!!!

Saturday, February 21, 2015

5 months (only a few days late !)

I say it every month but how can it be? How are the Little Presidents already FIVE months old??? The days are long but the years are fast as they say. 

Pierce- you are still my fierce and feisty nugget. You know what you want and when you want it and everyone knows it. It's quite comical. You don't just cry, you screech- mostly when you're hungry. And you are a bottomless pit. If we let you, you'd eat 24/7. You love your food sweet P. In fact, you're almost a full pound bigger than your brother. Mommy has a hard time keeping up with you and occassionally we have to supplement with some formula. This breaks mommy's heart but it is what it is and you are a happy, growing, thriving boy! You have the two sweetest dimples and daddy and I LOVE to make you giggle and smile. You rub your eyes when you are sleepy and yawn very big and loudly. Mommy knows she has a small window to get you to sleep when you do this. You like your bumbo and each day we can tell you are getting stronger and stronger. You love to hold your head up and look around. You don't want to miss a thing!!! Pierce, you make mommy and daddy laugh and we love seeing you develop your strong personality. We love you sweet P. 

P can't miss a thing!!!!

Knox, you have finally found your voice sweet nugget.  You are now able to compete with your brother when you are hungry. Mommy has gotten a lot better at recognizing your tired cues and you have become more vocal about them. You tend to get super fussy and if mommy gives you 5 minutes, you are usually out like a light. You are a pretty good sleeper and there are days that daddy and I have to wake you up to feed you because you'd rather just snooze. You have a sweet and quiet cry until you are mad. Then you amp it up. You like your exercaucer and tolerate your bumbo in small increments. You are getting stronger day by day. You're lifting your head up more and more and love taking your paci out of your mouth!!! You move a lot in your crib and mommy has had to cut several knots out of your long hair. You give us lots of giggles and love when mommy and daddy smother you in kisses. And believe me, you and your brother get LOTS of kisses :) You are still pretty laid back and go with the flow. Daddy and I love watching you giggle and smile and it's our daily goal to make you two happy. We love you Knoxer Boxer.

 Knox has mastered the art of paci removal!

5 month weights:
Pierce - 11#10
Knox - 10#12.5 

The LPs!!!

Getting big angels. You are now in 3-6 month clothing and size 1 diapers. We are moving on up! Your diapers swallow you guys but the newborns were pretty snug! Slow and steady wins the race my LPs. You're a far cry from the 4#2 we brought you home at!!!!

Dream big little ones. The world is your oyster and daddy and I will do everything we can to make sure you're provided with every opportunity to be who and what you want to be. We love you and truly desire nothing but the very best for you both. The sky is the limit!!! 

Friday, February 20, 2015

Rough night

Holy cow last night was terrible. Neither boy slept. They were both up every 3 hours and it was brutal. Nick fed while I made bottles. He said one of us should try and sleep. Unfortunately, I could hear them crying so eventhough Nick tried to let me sleep, I didn't. I kept coming out and offering assistance - and occasionally, accidentally, scaring the crud out of him. Oops. I've gotten good at tip toeing in our old, creeky house!!!

The LPs had two doctors appointments this morning. Well, Pierce had two. First stop was the pediatrician. We got our next round of shots. Ouch!!!! I had premeditated the boys with Tylenol before we left. All in all, they did great!!!  They let out a few screams which is to be expected but quickly calmed down. Before their shots they were all giggles. The office staff just loves them!!!!! We even got to weigh them. Pierce is 11#10 oz and Knox is 10#12.5 oz. !!!! Getting big!!!!!!

They have no idea what's about to happen, poor muffins. 

Getting their shots :(

After the pedi we had time to kill before Pierce's  follow up with the helmet doctor in Addison. We stopped at one of my favorite breakfast joints, Dream Cafe. We were able to eat and warm up their 2nd bottle of the day. They sucked their bottles down in record time and off we went to Pierce's follow up. 

Praise The Lord, we bought ourselves one more month of observation. P had had an improvement in his numbers and we were told they could tell we had been doing lots of tummy time. They want us to keep doing what we have been as well as trying to get P to look more to the left. We need to guide his head to the left with his daily activities ie: riding in the car, in the mama roo, while getting his diaper changed etc. 

Daddy and P waiting (mommy was pumping)

The machine that measured P's head circumference.

We are prayerful that tonight is better. If you have a moment, please pray for us!

Naps after a feed. Tired little ones. 

Lactation drop cookies I made ;)

Wednesday, February 18, 2015

Ash Wednesday

Today begins Lent! 40 days before Easter and a time to concentrate on what sacrifices God did for us by sending his only son to live and die so that our sins can be forgiven. Wow. The truest sacrifice.  

As we begin the season I was thinking of what I want to give up. Initially it was Facebook because I feel like I waste a lot of time on it. However, we communicate a lot about work through Facebook so I decided that I will instead limit my time but still check it so as not to miss work related things. 

The more I thought about it, I also decided that the season is not necessarily about giving things up, but for doing something outside of your norm. Something that makes you stop and think. A lot of people give up sweets, or foul language or social media, but I've been thinking. I think I want to be more intentional with my time and more present with the boys.

Sometimes I feel like I am just rushing through the day, trying to keep my head above water between playing with the boys, feeding them, pumping, and worrying about household chores. I want to take a step back and enjoy the little moments. The moments that only happen once and will soon be a distant memory. I want to embrace every little smile and every giggle and coo. These days will pass all too quickly and I want to remember the small things not just the big. So for lent, I want to be more intentional with my time in every way - with God, with Nick, with the LPs, with my family and with my friends. I want to make a concentrated effort to be fully present in their presence and not think about the 100 other things on my "to do" list. 

So things may be a little chaotic and out of order for the next 40 days or I may find that I'm actually more on top of it than I thought I would and could be. Time will tell. But for now, I want to thank God for the blessings He has given us. They are far beyond my wildest dreams and I want to appreciate the little moments, for time is passing so quickly. 

What are you doing for lent? Are you giving anything up?  Embracing   something new? Being more present? Whatever it may be, I wish you all the best! Happy Ash Wednesday!

Tuesday, February 17, 2015

The LPs first Valentines Day!

The LPs had a pretty low key first Valentines Day! We spent the day mostly at home, loving on our perfect Valentines! 

The boys had a great night and slept in until almost 8. Nick was a sweetheart and let me sleep in. I was still feeling pretty under the weather and appreciated the extra 2 hours of sleep I was able to get. Thank you honey!

The boys and I spent the day Friday making daddy's Valentines Day present. Wednesday, I had stopped by Michaels and picked up some heart shaped frames and some paint and ink pads. I decided to paint the frames gold and to write a little love note/poem in the middle of the heart cutout. While I was changing the boys' diapers, I attempted to get their footprints on the frames. This went ok on some and not so ok on others. Some frames look like the boys have 10 toes! It's the thought that counts though right?!?  Anyway, the frames turned out pretty cute and daddy loved his. We also made them for Tutu and Papa, Grammy and Grandpa and Lena!!! Hopefully they love them as much as daddy does. 

Daddy's frame <3

Mommy's card from the LPs :)

Nick ran some errands Saturday morning - dry cleaners, car wash etc. while the boys and I hung out. We then decided to load up and head out to Buy Buy Baby. I think the boys are ready for an exercaucer. Especially Pmoney.  He is jumping and standing all the time and sweet SpecialK isn't too far behind! They are so much more active now! And getting so strong. 

P in their new toy!

While at BBB, we ran into my sweet friend Darci and her husband, Cameron. She is pregnant with their first baby and I saw her a little overwhelmed in the stroller aisle. No worries sister, we can totally relate!  We chatted for a while before the LPs started to lose it. They were hungry and needed to eat. Off we went to the nursing room! 

Knox has been spitting up A LOT more than usual these days. Every since we bumped them up to 5 ounces, he hasn't really been tolerating it. I'm thinking about bringing him down a notch. Poor guy. Anyway, he projectile vomited all over Nick multiple times. Who knows if anything even stayed in the poor baby's belly?!? 

We then headed over to Bed Bath and Beyond and purchased a Nutribullet. I want to make the boys baby food. I think this bad boy will do the trick!!! Nick and I are excited to get it up and running. I even made a special trip to Sprouts just so we can have stuff to make smoothies :)

When we got the LPs to bed, we ordered Louie's margherita pizza, opened a bottle of Pinot and made a big salad. Like I said, pretty low key V-day but just how we wanted it :)
Happy Valentine's Day from the two sweetest boys in the world!!!!❤️❤️

Thursday, February 12, 2015

Sick day

You know that commercial that says mommy's and daddy's can't take sick days? I was blessed enough to be able to take a sick day today. 

I had every intention of going to work this morning. I woke up and pumped and was feeling really crummy. I was praying if get a call from the charge nurse to grant me my "me day" at work. That didn't happen and after I pumped I crawled back into bed with Knox who had been fussing. Nick told me to call in. Lena was coming today anyway and this way I can lay in bed and get better. 

I am so happy Nick suggested this. I think he knew I was feeling pretty bad because last night he made me some Emergen-C and I actually took it. Normally I refuse it because it tastes so bad but I was desperate. This morning I could do nothing but sneeze and my nose was like a faucet. It still is. 

Lena stayed with the boys and I only came out to put my breastmilk I had pumped in the refrigerator. I've had no appetite and all I've wanted to do is sleep. That's exactly what I did all day. As I sit here typing this, I'm ready for bed and I've only been up for a few hours. I'm utterly exhausted. 

Thanks babe for letting me take care of me. It's hard to do when all you think about are your kiddos but I will be a much more available mommy tomorrow. I'm already beginning to feel a little bit better. I started a zpack today and I am hoping and praying I caught this before it got the best of me. 

Here's a few pics of the boys from this evening after Lena left. Love these two littles more than they'll ever know. 

Weren't loving their bumbos tonight so bouncy seats it was. 

In the table for two!


Me and sweet P. Excuse my puffy eyes and red nose. 

Wednesday, February 11, 2015


We all have noses. They are a necessary part of life. Currently in the Job household, 2 of our 4 noses are a mess. Luckily the messes are mommy and daddy. P and K are hanging in there as we try to stay out of their faces. 

Nick is a runny faucet. Every morning for a few weeks he has been waking up with the sneezes. He stays pretty drippy until his allergy meds kick in which can take a little while. Although the boys do a really good job of sleeping through the night, they do wake up several times each night in search of their pacis. One of us has to put it back in. I usually take the front half of the night and Nick takes the back half. It goes without saying that we get sleep but in small doses. I'm not complaining though. Our boys are great little sleepers 90% of the time. We are blessed. The lack of consecutive sleep is finally taking it's toll on us though. My nose isn't runny yet but I feel like I'm on the verge. You know when the back of your nose, kind of by your eyes, starts to feel dry and tight and the back of your throat gets scratchy? That's how I feel right now. I don't know if it's allergies or a cold. What I do know is that all I want to do is stay in bed and of course that's not really an option. 

I've also noticed a decrease in my supply. I know the boys are eating more but I'm not producing what I was even a week ago. I'm trying not to let it stress me out but it is. Sometimes I wish I exclusively breastfed. Then I wouldn't put a number to every feed. Oh well. I've done pretty good for having almost exclusively breastfed for 4.5 months. It is what it is right?!? The boys need to eat!

Praying our runny noses don't get passed to the LPs. We appreciate any and all prayers! 

Monday, February 9, 2015

Essential Oils

So I'm contemplating jumping on the essential oil bandwagon. There are several girls I work with who swear by them but I have my hesitations. Really, it can go one of two ways. 1. They work - yay! Or 2. They don't and I've wasted our money. 

As you know, it's cold and flu season. It's also RSV season and that scares the crap out of me with the LPs. There are a few people I work with whose kids have recently been diagnosed and I am praying hard my sweet littles don't get it. In fact, part of the reason we have a nanny is so we can try to keep them as healthy as possible!  Essential oils diffusing through the house may help us stay healthy though. 

Nick has been a sneezy mess every morning. His allergies are pretty wicked and my hope is that there is something for that too. 

Apparently there are essential oils that help with lactation as well. That being said there are also ones that can decrease your supply too so there is a fine line one must walk. That makes me nervous. Especially since we just bumped the boys up and I'm barely squeaking by. 

Anyway, if any of y'all have jumped aboard the EO train, I'd love to hear your feedback. What brand do you use? What are your favorite combos? What have they helped you with? This mama is curious and any info is much appreciated!

Friday, February 6, 2015

Lena and Grammy

Today, Noel (Grammy) got to see what a day in the life of Pierce and Knox is like with our incredible nanny, Lena. I anxiously awaited the end of the day so I could hear all about it!

Lena is a natural. Noel said she lights up when she walks in the door. I've seen this myself and it warms my heart. She immediately walks to the kitchen sink to wash her hands. When she is done, she beelines towards the boys, ready to love on them and play with them. 

They started their morning with a feed. Pierce must have been a hungry little guy because not only did he suck his bottle down, she gave him a full 2 extra ounces of formula. My pumping can't keep up with these boys. I hate that but I'm glad they're getting most of their food from me. Anyway, Knox slept until8 am!!! That's 12 hours folks! He must have worn himself out with all his crying. Knox took down his bottle no problema and was satisfied. Lena and Grammy played with the boys and then it was time for a short siesta. 

Noel said Lena just moves then from station to station. They have their playmat, toys, bumbos, bouncy chairs, mama Roos, books and of course, Lena. She keeps them moving and watches for clues their tired and then will lay them down. They take a few cat naps for her too and then one longer nap. 

Lena told Noel that it's different for her to take care of the boys than it is for me. When I am home, I have household chores to keep up with. I have laundry and dishes and picking up to do, whereas for her, she solely takes care of the babies. That's it. Hearing that made me feel good because it's true. Not only am I trying to take care of the LPs, I'm trying to keep the house up and running. There's not enough time at night to get things done so the day time it is. 

Once again, we are truly blessed. Of all the nannies out there, I think we struck gold. Lena is kind, caring, compassionate, giving, and most of all, she loves Knox and Pierce. As a parent, I could not ask for more. Thank you Lena. For all you do!

Wild Wednesday

What a day. Today was one of those days I questioned whether or not I was meant to be a mommy. My patience was tested in every way and I just felt utterly defeated. 

The boys did well through the night and woke up around 6:45 to eat. They ate and then went back down for another hour. I took this time as an opportunity to pick up the house, get some laundry started and then shower. By the time I was done with my hair, the LPs were stirring. I got them ready for the day and we played until their next feed. While I was getting their bottles ready, Hilda, our cleaning lady, arrived. I'm so glad she came! My house was a disaster zone. It needed a scrubbing. Anyway, I fed the boys and packed them up to go to the chiropractor so that we would be out of Hilda's way. 

We waited for about an hour at Tom and Autumn's before we were seen. Pierce got adjusted first, then Knox then mommy. Autumn even commented that she thought P's head looked better! Yay!!! When she adjusted Knox, she noticed his shoulder was tight and she loosened him up and got him back in alignment. I was next. I was out of wack more than usual and Autumn spent some time getting me straightened out. 
Pman getting adjusted 

While the boys were getting fixed up, Autumn and I were chit chatting. I told her that I was having a rough time some days feeling like I was a good mommy. That in all honesty, some days I feel like I am a terrible mom and that when I can't calm the boys down, I feel even worse. She assured me that I'm doing a good job and that it's ok not to love the job of mom everyday. That was music to my ears. It was reassuring to hear that I am not the only one with these feelings of inadequacy. She went on to tell me that when her son was small her mom told her, "Autumn, you don't have to love being a mom. What matters is that you love your children."  It's so true! I love my kiddos more than anything in the world. No one can do anything to change that! I don't have to love my role as "mom" everyday and that's ok. It was what I needed to hear today. Have any of you mommies had days that made you question your sanity or days that you just don't really love being "mom"? I know I do. 

It's almost as if the LPs knew I was doubting myself and my abilities today. When we got home, it was time to feed again. I choose to breastfeed them this time. They latched on and we snuggled and they ate. About 45 minutes later they were both coming off and seemed satisfied. As I attempted to move them to their cribs for a nap, they both went crazy on me. Screaming at the top of their lungs, nothing I did or said could console them. We rocked, we attempted to play, we gave gas medicine, we did baby massages, we sang, we danced, we walked, we laid down, we changed diapers, we read books. To no avail. Not one thing I did helped. I eventually was starting to loose it myself. I decided my best option was to let them cry it out. No baby has ever gotten hurt by crying right? Into their mama Roos they went. They eventually both fell asleep after and hour and a half of nothing but crying and tears. It...was...AWFUL.  Talk about feeling like a crappy mom. I felt like the crappiest mom on the face of the earth. At the end of the day though, it bothers me more than it bothers them I suppose. Anyone else out there have a moment where you just had to walk away?

This was after crying for an hour and a half. Poor muffins. 

I texted Nick. I needed words of encouragement. Not only were the boys in tears but so was momma. I needed to hear that it was going to be ok. Nick finally got back to me and suggested I walk away. Noted and already done. Glad we were on the same page. 

Nick came home from work and it was time to put the LPs to bed. We did our nightly routine. Change diapers, Wombie, pray and eat. The boys went down without a fuss. I know they were exhausted. 

After they ate, I ran to the grocery store. We had next to nothing in the house and needed food. Noel, my mother in law, is coming into town to see the nuggets and I want to have stuff to cook. Plus, there's nothing for Lena to eat either!  Since it was so late by the time I was done, I swung into Taco Cababa and grabbed some fajita tacos for us to share. 

Grammy made it! She hasn't seen them since Christmas and I'm sure she's excited to get to love on them for a while. She's going to hang out with Lena tomorrow. I can't wait to hear what Lena's secrets are - especially after a day like today. 

Love these boys with my whole heart. 

Wednesday, February 4, 2015

Home sweet home

We had a great time in California. It was so nice to see family and for everyone to meet the Little Presidents. I have to say, I was really impressed with how well the boys adapted to their environment. They did really really well and I am one proud mama. 

It's nice to be home. Having everything I want and need at my fingertips is great. The boys missed their mamma Roos and their playmat. They went to town on their playmat as soon as we got home Monday night. 

They did great on the plane ride home. Pierce slept in Nicks arms almost the whole way and Knox was a little squirmy with Kyle but slept off and on and did really well too. 

When we got home it was a high traffic time so we decided to go look at some lots. There was one we were particularly interested in. It was ok. Not exactly what we are looking for and we have a few questions about the land that we will inquire about. I hope and pray we are getting close to finding something. We are outgrowing this house at a rapid pace. 

The LPs were none too pleased to be in the car. They both were fed and changed but still cried for a good 45 minutes. It was actually Knox who was so unhappy. He finally fell asleep about 15 minutes before we got home. It was hard to listen to them and know we had no option jut to be in the car. Poor babies. 

At home, Nick unloaded the car while I played with the LPs. We were in major need of some tummy time. After our bags were out and the necessities put away ( breastmilk!!!!), we bathed the nugnugs. They smelled like spit up and airplane. Gross. 

Bath time was a success and not too much later both boys were fed and out like lights. Poor guys were exhausted. I worked on Tuesday so I had to get everything ready for the nanny. Laundry was started and the dishwasher was run. I got myself unpacked but the boys will have to wait until I can get in their room. 

It was a beautiful and fun trip but there's no place like home.