Thursday, July 23, 2015

Weird week

This week was a little different for us. Typically I work Tuesdays and Thursdays. It works out best with our nanny and I like having a day off in between. However, Thursday we are driving down to San Antonio for a wedding. So mommy worked Monday and Wednesday this week. 

Tuesday the LPs and I played all day. They are so funny and so active!!!! They love to climb on everything. Mainly me and their exersaucers. I was feeling a little off with my tummy and was in the bathroom. I left the door open and could hear the boys playing. When I came out, I found this:

It was only 8:30! They usually nap around 9-9:30. I paid another visit to the ladies room and found this when I came back:

Epic mommy fail. Luckily they didn't sleep long. We went downstairs and I fed them breakfast and then laid them down for their real nap. 

We ran up to Tom Thumb to grab a few things for our trip. We needed more pacifiers and oatmeal. Somehow paci's disappear in our house. And we keep about 3 in their cribs at all times- makes the middle of the night paci cries a little easier. 

We played and played and before we knew it it was time to start our bedtime routine. But not before taking a bath! The LPs were filthy!!! I wish I could have gotten some pics but I flew solo on bath time so no go!

Nick and I put the boys down. Knox had a rough time. I think sometimes between the oatmeal, baby food and bottle, they get a little too full from time to time. I think this was the case Tuesday. Poor K-man spit up ALL over Nick. Nick even had to strip and change Knox's wombie. 

After the LPs went down, our interior designer, Melanie, came over. She picked out some really cool stuff for our dining room. 

Wednesday I worked and a sweet friend and co worker of mine came in at 6 for me. Nick was supposed to have a meeting in Dallas. I say supposed to because the person he was meeting with cancelled. Grr. I sat in A LOT of traffic. Made me thankful for getting off at 7 because I usually miss that stuff. What really made my day was this :

Pierce immediately came to mommy. Knox was too busy playing but he too crawled over to mama. Oh these sweet nuggets!!!

We did our bedtime routine and while I was feeding Pierce, I must have been sitting funny. I hurt my back pretty bad. I ended up taking a muscle relaxer and going to bed before 10. The babies woke up shortly after I fell asleep. Nick gave P a bottle and gave Knox his paci back. Around 4 I heard P crying and I tried to get up. I was in so much pain. I ended up  letting P cry it out and both boys slept until 6:50 !!! That's unheard of for us!!! Way to go LPs!!!

Thursday we played and waited on the washing machine repair guy.  Our brand new washer is leaking.  Of course the repairman rang the doorbell during their nap. Luckily the LPs both slept right thru it. I'm also glad the only thing wrong with the washing machine is that one of the parts is cracked and just needs to be replaced. Also I'm still able to use it!!!

Knox learned how to stand up in his crib 

Around lunch time we went to Sonic.  Mommy needed her diet cherry limeade! It was brutal at lunchtime. I think I will stick to going during happy hour (1/2 price drinks from 2-4!!). 

We played and ate until daddy got home. Nick packed while I fed the boys and went through their nighttime routine. It was a little off and you could tell they were so confused. 

Currently, we are driving to SA. So far we've done ok but we are only in Waco. We have a while to go. Wish us luck!

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