Sunday, July 12, 2015


Monday and Tuesday I worked so Lena was at home with the boys. Have I mentioned how much I dislike working two days in a row? Because I STRONGLY dislike it. It means I don't get to see the LPs unless they wake up at night. I miss my babies!!!!

Wednesday I had a doctors appointment in Dallas so after the boys morning nap - and a last minute, trying to get out the door, poop by Mr. P - we were finally locked and loaded and headed into town. 

The boys were a hit at the doctors office. Everyone "ohhhed and ahhhed" over the boys and they were pretty good if I must say so myself. P lost it a little towards the end but all in all - amazing kiddos we were blessed with. 

Knoxer boxer hanging out

Mr. P didn't want to be put down. 

After the doctors appointment I called to see if I could get the boys adjusted at Cafe of Life but they were closed for the week on vacation. Boy was I bummed! I really wanted them to go. They need it but hopefully we will have better luck next week after their weight check. 

I ended up taking a wrong turn and happened to drive by our old fertility clinic. On a whim, I swung in. I tried calling but no one answered so I chanced it and took the boys in. My fear was that the waiting room would be crowded and that Dr. Pinto would not be there. By the grace of God, no one was in the waiting room ( I still remember that feeling all too well) and Dr. Pinto was actually in the office! He owns two different clinics so you never know where he is going to be. 

Boy was the staff excited to see the boys. And they remembered me!!! I know they see so many faces month in and month out. I can only imagine how rewarding it must feel to see the product of their hard work and dedication. These are the people who spent their Saturday mornings with us. And many week days at that. Everyone in the room lit up when the LPs showed up. 

Dr. Pinto and Pierce

Dr. Pinto and our miracle babies

Dr. Pinto asked if I was still working ( he was surprised I was), if we had to buy a larger car, how my pregnancy went and was beyond excited when he heard I made it to 35 weeks and 2 days. He held both of the boys and smiled for a picture. I could tell he was happy to see us - and he's a tough cookie to crack!!! 

We made our way back to grapevine in yet another monsoon. I swear, all this rain  has me feeling like we live in Washington or Oregeon! Sheesh!

The boys took a quick nap and then we spent the rest of the evening playing until daddy got home.  Then it was time for some snuggles and our bedtime routine. 

Thursday morning we got up and played and the boys nursed a lot. Around 12, we ran to the grocery store really quickly. It was our normal "are they twins?" "You have your hands full" comments and the boys did awesome. They got lots of puffs while mommy unloaded the car and put everything away. We had quite a bit of stuff since we have company coming!!!! Yay!!! 

The rest of the day was spent playing, eating and playing some more. It was a pretty laid back day. 

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