Tuesday, September 1, 2015

Fun times!

Thursday I worked and didn't get to see my sweet nuggets but we made up for it on Friday where we played all day!!!

Daddy sent me this pic of the boys eating breakfast. 

Playing with mommy Friday afternoon 

Friday morning we had an appointment at 9:30 at Dove's Mother's Day Out. We met sweet Jean and her 6 month old, Andy. The boys played while we chit chatted about MDO and had some mommy talk. It was something I was hoping we could do but it's quite a bit financially. I am going to pray about it and see what happens. I've also contacted some other places to see what they run. It would be fine if it was just one baby, but for two. Well it adds up. 

So handsome!

The remainder of the day was spent destroying the playroom! The boys LOVE to take everything out of their toy box. I love watching them pull things out, occasionally they play with a toy they took out, and then grab out some more toys. I make sure at the end of the day that they see me pick up and put toys away. I sing them the "clean up" song and then we go downstairs for dinner. 

Daddy had to work late Friday night so I flew solo with bedtime. The boys were exhausted and halfway through their bottles they were zonked out. 

Saturday, we got up and took the boys for a walk. It wasn't a very long one because it got hot fast. At their first nap, I left and went and got my nails done, went to go get my car inspected but they were closed, got a coffee at Starbucks, stopped by the Dollar Tree and got some things for the LPs birthday party, stopped into World Market and then ended my adventure at Target. I got a lot done in the 4 hours I was gone. It was nice to have a little "me" time and Nick enjoyed having his one on one time with the boys. When I got home, he was feeding them lunch and about to put them down for nap number two. I helped get them down and Nick worked some more while I got some stuff done around the house and showered. 

Saturday night was our friend Lauren's birthday. About a month ago she invited us to join them for dinner in Plano at a place called Urban Crust. I immediately lined up a baby sitter. 

Rachael came over at 7 and we had a little trouble putting Knox down. Lately he has been refusing to drink all of his bottle. We've been putting him down when he stops eating but within 20 minutes he is crying for the rest of his bottle. Well he did this Saturday night so we were late getting out the door. We had a 40 minute drive in front of us too. I texted Lauren to have them start without us. 

Luckily we made it while they were still on appetizers. We had a great time eating pizza, sipping on wine and talking. After dinner we headed upstairs to an Ice bar. We all had a cocktail and then a few people headed home. Brent and Aubrey, Steven and Lauren and Nick and I headed to a bar next door. We hung out for a little while, chugged some water and then headed home. We had a babysitter to pay after all! 😜

Rachael said the boys were great which I was happy to hear. I pumped and then we headed to bed. 

Sunday morning we got up and played with the boys. I decided to make a big breakfast for all of us. On the menu, French toast, eggs, and fruit!!!!

After breakfast, the boys napped and Nick and I relaxed. I watched church and before we knew it, the boys were up. It was a short nap. 

We played while Nick got some work done. At lunch time I made everyone sandwiches. It was the boys first sandwich and they loved it!!! They love feeding themselves and I was pleasantly surprised to find out that most of the sandwich actually made it into their mouths!!!! I followed their sandwich up with some fruit and off to nap nap time they went!!!

We played with the boys until supper time and then our bedtime routine went into full effect. 

Nick and I watched Big Brother and ate cheese! Our Sunday Funday!!!!

Monday, the boys and I got up, nursed and played. Before too long it was time for breakfast and a nap. I was able to get one load of laundry done before P money was up. Not too long later, K was up too and off to play land we went. 

We played and played until it was time for nap number two. The LPs had another sandwich, yogurt and some fruit. 

Pierce loves Turkey and Cheese!!!

So does Knox!!!

After nap nap them we headed back upstairs to play. Before too long it was time for supper. Nick made it home just as I was beginning to feed the LPs. He took over while I got everything else ready for bed. 

We had a rough night Monday. Pierce woke up around 9.  He finally calmed down and went back to sleep just as Knox woke up screaming bloody murder. It wasn't long before Pierce was up again. We gave them each a bottle and put them back down. They both continued to scream for at least another half hour. We finally decided to turn the monitor off so we don't know when they finally fell asleep. I turned to monitor back on when I left for work Tuesday morning. 

Nick said the boys slept until 7:15 and 7:30. They must have worn themselves out. 

Nick took these pictures as he was getting the LPs ready for bed Tuesday night. 

Wednesday we played all day and made a Sonic run. Knox is on a bit of a nursing strike. I'm hoping it's just due to teething. Big news for today: Pierce got his first tooth!!! It just broke through the skin so hopefully the rough part is over! I know there are many more to come!

Fighting over a book



I work tomorrow so I won't get to love on my nugs. I'm so bummed but I know they are in great hands with Lena!!!!

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