Friday, May 8, 2015

Our Little House

What a bittersweet day. Thursday, we closed on our very first house.  I hope the new homeowners, Emily and James, enjoy this house as much as we have. 

This house was Nick and I's first home. I remember looking for houses the first time around. We knew what we wanted. A house we didn't have to fix up that was close to downtown ( we didn't want to commute) and was in a good school district. That was our main criteria and exactly what we found in this sweet little Tudor house on a beautiful street called Vanderbilt. 

There is also a lot that comes with buying a home that was built in 1946. We had to replace windows, have the pier and beam checked, our gate has been a huge nuisance as has been our sprinkler system. We get cockroaches - especially in rainy weather- no matter how many times we have the house sprayed. Luckily they die pretty much as soon as they get inside but I scream like a girl nonetheless. We've had trouble with the pluming and our water has had to be turned off on at least two occasions that I can think off. I know there is more but I think it's clear. An older home = more money for repairs. 

This house has been so good to us. We had some hard times too, but overall, I don't think either of us would have chosen it to be any other way. We have thrown countless parties here - ugly Christmas sweater party, NYE, and my favorite, our gender reveal - to name a few. We made this house our home. 

This home is always filled with love and laughter. That is something I hope and pray we take to the next house. We have a sign hanging when you first come in the door that says, " in our home let love abide and bless all those who step inside."  I love this saying. 

The true reason I will miss this house is because this is where we brought the boys home. This is the one place they truly know. While I was on bed rest some of the most important and special people in my life, turned my vision of the LPs nursery into reality. They created a beautiful space for them to grow and thrive and I am, and forever will be, grateful for that. 

I'm sure things will go wrong at our new home too. They always do but I'm thankful for the new home warranties and looking forward to more space. I'm extremely anxious to just get in there!!! It's been a long process for us to find a home we could both agree on and that was once again in a good location, in a good school district, and had (most) of the things we were looking for in a house.  I think whatever may have been missing, we can still create. I'm looking forward to making memories in our new house and I hope and pray the boys adjust well. 

Thursday was a whirlwind. I had a CUSP meeting at 0730 at work and decided to take the boys with me. They did great and everyone loved loving on them. 

My boss and the LPs

After the meeting, I picked up breakfast at mcdonalds and headed home. Nick and I ate while I pumped and then I fed the LPs. They sure do LOVE to eat!!!

Next stop was the title company. Sweet P fell asleep in the car on the way over and continued to sleep for the entire meeting. We signed our house away and walked away with two babies and a big check! A check that is going immediately into the buying of our new home. 

Pierce  continued to sleep on the ride home and then for another 30 minutes once we got home. I think the ladies at work wore him out. Knox and I got a little one on one time while bubba slept. 

Mommy and Knox

They ate again and played for a while and then it was nap time again. This time they both slept for an hour. And mommy got a small nap in too!

We played for a while and then ate again. Eating is messy business so off to th tub they went for bath time. They ❤️ Bath time!!! They love to splash and kick and I am constantly pouring water over their heads because I want them to get used to it and not be afraid of water on their face. They did great. 

It was time for bed and daddy had just made it home. We snuggled the boys and gave them their bottles and then it was off to dreamland....after Kman fussed for about 15 minutes. It's been his new thing. 

Thomas, one of our college friends, came over and chit chatted for a while and then Nick and I ate dinner and off to dreamland we soon went. It was a busy busy day. 

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