Sunday, April 12, 2015


Saturday morning we got up and around, slowly. Mom and I showered and played with the boys. We fed them carrots and Knox couldn't get them in his mouth fast enough. It's pretty hysterical to watch. He screams at you, demanding more, in between bites. 

Tutu and her LPs. 

After we bathed the boys and got them ready, off we went. We decided to hit up Nordstrom Rack and we found a few things that we couldn't live without. The boys did a pretty good job until Fierce Pierce started to loose it towards the end. Nothing a little snuggle from mommy ( and not being in his car seat) couldn't fix!

We then headed to their first birthday party for Gavin. He is my best friend from nursing schools son. I cannot believe he is 6!?!? Where does the time go? Anyway,  Tutu and I were both starving and it was just about time to feed the boys so we stopped at a favorite of ours, Abuelos. (In case you don't know - mom and I could eat Mexican food every single day and it would be alright.). It was also time for the LPs next meal so wrestled up their bottles and fed them too!



Once we were all stuffed silly, we headed to our first birthday party celebration! The boys did great. Prior to leaving the house, I doused them in Theives and coconut oil. Theives is an essential oil that wards off illnesses. Since I didn't know if there would be any kids with colds there, I thought it would be wise to try and exhaust all my options to avoid them getting sick. We also avoided letting too many people get too close to them. Mostly adults. Thankfully the kids just wanted to play, so they were off running around and being kids. It's crazy to think that this time next year, that's what the boys will be doing. 

Tutu and Bethany with the LPs 

Tutu was smart and recommended packing their pajamas with us. At their second to last feed, we changed them into their pjs and visited for a little while longer. The boys knew it was past their bedtime and started to fuss so we loaded up and headed home. We had a great time catching up with old friends and meeting new ones. I even met a lady who had twins at 24 weeks and a lady who is 24 weeks pregnant with twins. Our blessings are astounding. God is so good and faithful. I hope He knows and that I tell Him, how incredibly grateful I am for everything we've been given. Our path could have been so much different had our babies arrived earlier and I will never be able to thank Him enough for allowing me to carry them as long as I did. Also, I feel like I am a tool he can use to help other moms - especially those of twins, and for that I am thankful. I want to be a resource to anyone who desires my two cents. 

We got the boys home, slathered them in lavender and coconut oil, changed them into their night time diapers, said their prayers, and fed them their final bottle. Knox had a rough time falling asleep but after a few rocks and burps by mommy and a final burp by Tutu, off to dreamland he went. 

I ran to the store because we needed diapers desperately! The boys had been living in nighttime diapers and those bad boys are expensive! We needed our regular ones with the yellow lines (they turn blue when babies pee). I also picked up a few more things we needed and then headed home to make bottles. I put the groceries away and mom and I dried bottles and then assembled them. 

I pumped while we watched Shark Tank and was falling asleep while pumping. As soon as I was done, it was bedtime. About an hour later, Nick made it home. It was so good to see him through my sleepy haze!  

The boys had a pretty good night although they haven't been getting as much sleep as they're used to and have been a little more cranky than normal during the day. We will get back on track though!

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