Thursday, January 22, 2015

Hump day

What a hump day it was! Yesterday was crazy busy for me. I had Lena come watch the boys from 10-2  because I had two doctors appointments and a few errands to try and run. I'm so glad I did. I was able to get SO much done!

The boys did awesome in their cribs Tuesday night. They slept all night. P woke up at 5:45 this morning. I fed him and put him back down and then was able to get myself ready. I had to physically way Knox up at 7:30. That kiddo was OUT!  I fed him and we played for a while.

Our cleaning lady, Hilda came over at 9:15. We were in dire need. I'm able to keep the house clean on the surface but she really gets in there and scrubs. I love when she comes!  Lena arrived at 10 and we chatted for about 10 minutes and then I had to go! Lots to do!!!!

Wal Mart was first on the list. We needed the basics. Water, diapers, paper towels. You know - the things we run out of almost weekly! I also got non perishable Items since these things would be sitting in my car for a while. 

Next stop- my neurologist. I have a history of migraines and was due for my treatment. It's crazy because a few weeks ago my headaches were REALLY bad. And they've been a lot more frequent. Nick was the one who recognized this and asked me if I was going to the doctor soon. Sure enough, I was and now, I did! It usually takes a few days to kick in and then I feel like a new person. Migraines are terrible things. 

I pumped in the parking lot of the mall and then ran inside to exchange an outfit I had bought the boys for my Aunt's wedding next weekend. It was a bubble outfit from Janie and Jack. I exchanged it for the most adorable sailor outfit. 
If you look closely, you can see the little anchors. I'm only slightly obsessed!!! Love it!!!

I also stopped by Starbucks and got 2 bags of my favorite coffee and a latte. Starbucks fuels me these days ;)

I hoped back in my car and off to Dr G's I went. I chose to get the Nexplanon as birth control. It was pretty cool the way he inserted it. He numbed the inside of my arm with Lidocaine and then inserted it. I made the mistake of looking at the needle. If you choose this route, I am warning you - don't look. It's not little. Great part is, I didn't really feel much. There's an edge that they can't numb but it honestly was so quick! I was able to palpate it before he put a bandaid on it and wrapped it up. You can barely even tell it's there. I can't take the wrap off until Friday and the bandaid Saturday. All in all, not bad. Last night it was pretty sore. I think I held one of the boys weird and it has been a little irritated since. I also rolled on it a few times while sleeping and it woke me up. 

Sprouts was last on my list. I had 30 minutes to spare until I relieved Lena and I needed meat and produce. I ran in and grabbed what I needed. I made it home at 1:58. Go me!

Lena was relieved and the boys sat in their bumbos in the kitchen while I put all the groceries away and got dinner going in the crockpot. They started to get fussy towards the end and I put them down.  They only took a 30 minute nap and were up again. I stalled them for a little bit but they were hungry. I breastfed them and then packed them up. We needed to go see Dr. Autumn and Dr. Tom!

Watching mommy put groceries away

Nick wanted me to ask Autumn her opinion of Pierce's head and to see if his neck muscles were tight. She palpated him and assured me that we have nothing to worry about. She's going to make sure and keep his first vertebrae in line. She claims she sees helmet pworthy/wearing babies all the time and Sweet P is not one of them. She said he has a big head - which he does- and that in about 3 months, he will be normal. She also told me I would have never thought his head was flat if I didn't have Knox to compare him to. Knox's head is pretty darn symmetrical - she has a valid point. She also said that Dr. Agrawal is extremely proactive which is why she sent us for an evaluation. That also eased my mind. I know the boys have a great team of physicians who love them and want what's best for them. Their mom and dad wouldn't have it any other way!

We packed up and headed to Walgreens. It's been a battle trying to get our scripts refilled. I don't know if it's because of the new year or the pharmacies issue but it sure is irritating. I was only able to pick up the boys Zantac and had to have Nick stop on his way home to pick up Prevacid. 

I played with the boys when we got home. I put them in their bumbos and low and behold, they both were reaching for their toys. Knox didn't quite make it to pick his toy up but Pierce sure did! It was amazing to watch. They observe everything we do. I am truly loving this stage!

"Whatcha got there bruder???"

When they'd had enough of the bumbo, I switched them to their playmat. They did tummy time for a good 40 minutes. The first 10 minutes were spent screaming but the last 30 minutes, with pacis in place, they laid there only occassionally crying out or whimpering. To me, this is success!!!!

I had fixed dinner in the crockpot. A full chicken with spices and lemon. After we fed the boys and put them down, we ate! It was scrumptious. Overall- I'd say it was a VERY productive day!

Chicken- it's what's for dinner. 

Happy hump day y'all!

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