Saturday, January 31, 2015

Wedding Bells Are Ringing!!!

Today my Aunt Debbie got married! She and Loren are so perfect for one another and their love for each other is beautiful. You can see their admiration and adoration for each other - it's in their eyes, their smiles and their laughs. It's a genuine joy radiating from each of them. 

They started dating on Super Bowl Sunday of last year. They've known one another for a LONG time. Loren is my Uncle Louie's best friend. Who would have thought!?!?! All these years later and they are finally together!

Loren and Debbie are both such strong Christ followers. They wrote their own vows and both of them had me tearing up. The love they share is so beautiful and I wish them nothing but the very best!!!

Knox on the way to the wedding
Pierce on the way to the wedding 
Daddy and Pierce. Both very dapper!
The venu. 

Where they were married!
Our table
They share a love of baseball
The head table 
The cupcake cake. Anyone who knows me, knows I LOVE a cupcake!!!
The bouquet with a picture of my Poppie (grandfather)
Blurry but a pic of the lovebirds!
Amanda and Knox
Maid of honor speech. She winged it and did awesome!
The first dance 
Family dance 
My cousin Matt holding Knoxwell
Holly and K
Cutting the cake 
Cupcakes for the Maltbie's

The LPs were fabulous! We started feeding them right before the ceremony began and they were finishing up as everything started. Knox fell asleep on my chest and Pierce was wide eyed and bushy tailed taking everything in. There was hardly a peep out of either of them. I was so relieved. Thank you Lord. 

It was an adventure trying to find a place to pump. I went to the bar that was closed off and all the sudden people started taking tours through there. I packed everything up and asked the wedding planner if there was somewhere better I could go. She led me to a cold dark spot with no electrical outlets and was as cold as a dungeon. I hadn't planned my attire appropriately and had a normal bra on and a dress that I couldn't unzip myself. I had to set up my pump with my battery pack and go find my mom to come help me. I ended up having to undress to my waist, put on my pumping bra, recover myself with my sweater and my mom's coat ( it had to be 50 degrees in there) and hook up the pump. The good news was, it was a good pump. The bad news- I froze the whole time. Anything for my LPs!!!

The reception was fun.  The LPs were passed around and did fantastic. Nick and I were even able to squeeze a dance in!!! It was a beautiful wedding and I am beyond thrilled for Loren and Debbie. 

We drove home and it wasn't quite time to feed the boys. Nick had Pierce while sweet Know remained in his car seat passed out cold. Pierce wasn't having it. We ended up giving him so formula to calm him down. I just can't keep up with them sometimes. It breaks my heart. 

Pierce and Nick 

We went over to my Aunt Anita and Uncle Louie's for leftovers. We had so much fun visiting with family and doing what we do- eating! Everyone loved on the boys until they started to loose it and we headed to the house. 

We fed the boys and there were out like a light. Nana, Nick and I chatted for a while and then I attempted to pump. It was not a successful pump for me. I'm so short today I am terrified my supply is plummeting. Tomorrow I am going to have to be hyper vigilant about pumping on schedule and drinking enough water. I'm honestly a little heart broken that I am not making enough for them.  It's truly killing me inside. I just want this for them so bad. 

During my pump, I was falling asleep. It was time to call it a night so we did. It was a busy day and we were all exhausted. Happy wedding day Aunt Debbie! You were stunning!

Fun on Friday!

The boys did amazing last night. They slept for 12 hours! It's insane! The time change didn't seem to bother them too much. Plus, Thursday was a busy busy busy and exciting day!

The boys were fed and changed and by 9:45 the ladies were out the door to go get our nails done and then have lunch.  There were quite a few of us. The Bride (Aunt Debbie), Amanda (cousin), Nana, Aunt Pat (Nana's sister), Aunt Anita, Holly (cousin), Mary Kay (godmother), mom and myself. It was so much fun. We had mimosas and talked girl talk while getting pampered. My Aunt is so relaxed and it's so heart warming to see her so happy. 

The Bride!

Pampering at its finest!

After the nail salon we ventured over to a yummy little Greek restaurant. Amanda and I surprised Aunt Deb with a bottle of my favorite wine- Decoy. We all enjoyed a leisurely lunch sharing hummus and flaming cheese before our entrees came. Most of us had some version of a Greek salad. I chose the seafood sampler and it was scrumptious. A piece of mahi mahi, a sea scallop, a prawn and some bay shrimp over a greek salad. Yummmm!

Aunt Pat, Aunt Debbie, and Nana (L to R)

Mom, Mary Kay and Aunt Anita

Amanda, myself and Holly

The girls and their mommas

After lunch we headed back to Nana's. We needed to relieve Nick, Uncle Louie and Uncle Paul from baby duty. The boys did great while we were gone. I am thankful for that!

Uncle Paul and Uncle Louie

Nick was able to sneak away and go to the movies. He saw American Sniper. Uncle Paul and Uncle Louie had said he needed to go see it and I am so glad he did. I want to see it too but I will have to wait until it comes out on DVD. Anyway, Nick said it was powerful and he's so glad he was able to go. 

Dinner was at David Wongs. A Chinese restaurant that we have been going to for years!!! They had us in a back room and served everything family style. There was so much to choose from: Chinese chicken salad, a beef dish, green beans, sweet and sour pork, chicken fried rice, chicken and shrimp lo mein and tempura shrimp. We have leftovers that could feed a small army. 

Pierce had a rough time during dinner. I tried everything to calm him down but I think he was just over tired. I walked with him, breastfed him and changed his diaper. Finally about 45 minutes later, he calmed down. All in all, they did pretty well. 

At Nana's we wombied them, fed them and they were down for the night. Another long day for P&K! They are super   babies!!!!

Friday, January 30, 2015

Zero sleep

It's almost like the LPs know that today is a big day .... Both of them woke up at 3:30. Mommy and daddy got in bed after 1 and I didn't fall asleep for the longest time despite my exhaustion. 

I attempted to breastfeed Pierce. About 15 minutes in he started arching his back and screaming at the top of his lungs. This woke his brother up. Nick entered the nursery and I asked him to make the boys a bottle. He was on it! 

Both boys were changed and fed. P went down without an issue. K on the other hand is still a bit fussy. Not sure if he's still hungry or if it's gas. 

I ended up laying on the couch with Knox. He woke about every 10-20 minutes and would cry out. I have no idea why. Poor guy. Little sleep has been had by all. I'm hoping and praying they will sleep on the plane but I have a feeling that is wishful thinking. 

Fast forward 8 hours and we are in Cali! The boys did pretty darn well if I must say so myself! 

We made it through security which was a doozie. Everyone was super nice about us basically unloading EVERY SINGLE THING we had with us. Nick and I each held a baby through the security lane and thankfully neither of us set it off (I am notorious for setting those bad boys off. Insert HUGE sigh of relief here!). We moved our gazillion pieces of equipment over to the "put yourself back together" area of the security line. They ran some test on my breastmilk while we packed everything back up. You should have seen it! It was like a 3 ring circus was coming through. We had our diaper bag, my purse, my pump bag, the snap and go stroller, both car seats, a cooler full of breastmilk, and 2 babies. We got multiple "I feel sorry for you" glances, a few annoyed glances and a few "oh honey, we've been there" talks. It's quite comical reflecting back on it!

And this was before Nick's suitcase was in!

We found a nursing room - who knew those existed in airports???( I thought those were reserved for Nordstrom and Buy Buy Baby!). We were pleasantly surprised and made ourselves right at home. I pumped while Nick changed the boys diapers and then we both fed a baby. We changed them again and put them back in their car seats. 

At the gate, we took the boys out and checked the car seats and stroller. We held the LPs and waited to board the plane until everyone was on. We busted out 2 bottles with 2 ounces of breastmilk for takeoff. We were hoping that would top them off and they would sleep. The nuggets did great during takeoff and not too soon after, Knox was out. Pierce on the other hand, well there was too much to look at and see. He's always so curious and takes everything in. I noticed his eyes were starting to get heavy so I stood in the aisle and patted his bottom until he finally fell asleep. The second I sat down, his eyes popped back open. We did this about 4 or 5 times until finally he fell asleep. It was short lived. Maybe about 20-30 minutes. We played the stand up in the aisle, pat your bottom until you fall asleep, wake when mommy sits down, game for most of the remainder of the flight. P only had one big screaming fit in which I took him to the back of the plane and warmed up his bottle. He was good to go after that. About 20 minutes later, he was out and didn't make a peep during landing. 

Knox slept for the most part. Shortly after Pierce's little fit, he woke up and Nick went to the back and warmed up his bottle. On the decent down, he took another 2 ounces and did fantastic. 

We waited for everyone to get off the plane before we got off and changed the LPs diapers while we were waiting. This saved us from having to make a stop at the bathrooms.  The flight attendants were wonderful and very supportive of us. I'm so thankful for that!

All in all, they did beautifully. I hope and pray it goes just as well on the way home - if not better. 

Mom and MK had rented a van for all of us and were waiting for us when we got off the plane. Nick helped reorganize and load up all the luggage. It was a loaded down van between the 6 of us!  

Mom drove and an hour later we were in Stockton! P was a bit of a bear in the car and fell asleep the last 10 minutes so I didn't want anyone to touch him. He needed sleep!

Everyone finally met the Little Presidents! There's still a few more who are coming in Friday :)

Aunt Anita and the boys :)

The rehearsal dinner was at a cute italian restaurant where they served all kinds of yummy dishes family style. It was nice to visit with everyone and the boys slept the whole time. They were exhausted! 

We got home, fed the LPs their last bottle and off to dreamworld they went!!! It's going to be a busy and exciting weekend. They need all they sleep they can get!

Wednesday, January 28, 2015

Tough morning

Wow. Tuesday was a rough morning for P money. My patience was tested for sure. All Mr. P did was cry. Scream really. There was very little I could do to console him. I was desperate. He brought me to tears. Tears of frustration because I couldn't do anything to make him better and it was breaking my heart.  I changed him, fed him, loved on him, played with him, read to him, gave him gripe water, played peek a boo, put in his paci at least 50 times, burped him - you name it. I was trying it. To no avail. 
They finally fell asleep. It was short lived. 

Happy Knoxy!!!

This went on and off for about 2 or 3 hours. My friend Mary came over to visit us and I had every intention of getting the house picked up but it didn't happen. I was horribly embarrassed but the more I thought about it, I wasn't. We have outgrown this home. That is obvious. I know she wasn't  judging me anyway. 

Mary helped me feed and while we were feeding, both boys were tooting machines. Sure enough, they both got a visit from the poop fairy and both were in much better moods! Hallelujah!!!

We played for a while after Mary left and then both boys went down for a nap. Pierce even napped in his crib!!! Such a good boy! While Knox, well he fell asleep on me and I wanted to cuddle. So that's what we did. They both slept for a little over an hour which is so not normal for my LPs. I was ecstatic!

I breastfed them when they woke up and they both fell asleep again on my chest. It would have been a great pic but my phone was too far away and not worth waking them to get. 

Nick brought Chipolte home. Yummy. I was able to get a few things done while he played with the boys!

Love to all. Hope you had a great Tuesday!

Tuesday, January 27, 2015

Monday blues and packing too!

Monday is a day I don't care to work for multiple reasons. The major one- it's Monday! Mondays are hard. It's hard to get into the groove. I like having my extra day to have my routine with the LPs going. 

This week I had to work on Monday. Lena was able to adjust her schedule to be available Monday and Wednesday this week and for that I am very thankful. 

Normally I work Tuesdays and Thursdays. Lena watches other families too and this works out for us. This week, however; is our first BIG trip with the Little Presidents. We are flying out to California Thursday afternoon and to say I am nervous would be an understatement. 

I spent every spare moment I had Sunday, packing for Cali. Babies need a lot of stuff!  Here is what's been packed so far:

1. A playmat type blanket each
2. 4 receiving blankets each 
3. Multiple burp cloths ( we go through a lot of these daily)
4. 2 outfits per day
5. 2 outfits for wedding day
6. Diapers
7. Wipes
8. Travel sound machine
9. Travel bottle warmer 
10. Outfit for the Super Bowl
11. Bath towels/washcloths
12. Bath wash/lotion
13. Healing balm
14. Nail clippers - I'm constantly having to cut their nails
15. Brush 
16. Neosure 
17.  Copies of birth certificates 

Things to pack last minute
1. Bottles
2. Pump
3. Bibs
4. Diaper bag fully stocked 
5. Medicines (Zantac, Prevacid, gas drops, Tylenol)
6. Sterilizer bags
7. Milk bags
8. Daddy's diaper bag also fully stocked 
9. Wombies!

I'm sure there are things I am forgetting but that's all I can think of for now. Needless to say, the boys are almost ready but mamma- she's far from ready. Tuesday will be spent going through everything at least 100 times I'm sure. 

Back to Monday blues. I had a really sad scenario at work today which got me thinking about people with low self esteem. I have struggled with my self esteem. If we were all honest, we all do - at least at certain points in our lives. Anyway, my heart was heavy all day. I wish there was more I could do but I did everything I could. I left knowing that. 

2 Corinthians 12:10
For the sake of Christ, then, I am content with weaknesses, insults, hardships, persecutions and calamities. For when I am weak, then I am strong. 

1 Corinthians 3:16-17
Do you not know that you are God's temple and that God's Spirit dwells in you? If anyone destroys God's temple, God will destroy him. For God's temple is holy, and you are that temple. 

Matthew 11:28
Come to me, all who labor and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest. 

To all who struggle internally - and we all do from time to time- know that God loves you and YOU ARE WORTHY. hugs to all. And prayers for an un eventful and safe trip with the LPs please!

Monday, January 26, 2015

Sentimental Sunday

January 25, 2014 will be a day I never forget.  This was the day of our last IUI. No matter what happened this time, we were moving on to IVF in February and Nick and I were ready. We were pretty relaxed this round of IUI and were leaving for a wedding in Utah so I don't think either of us felt much pressure this go round. 

Lo and behold, this was the one that worked. Never in my wildest dreams. I was at peace with the thought of IVf. I had done injectables with this last round of IUI so I knew I would be able to continue on without a problem with IVf shots. I was convinced that was the route we were to take. 

Today, I reflect back on that day, and every other hope filled day, when we walked in for procedure after procedure. I think of the many women and men who come in and out of that same office month after month. I pray for each and every one of them. And for all couples experiencing any struggles with conceiving. When your heart desires something so bad and it's not happening- it can be heartbreaking. 

My faith in The Lord was strengthened throughout our journey. Without Him, this wouldn't have happened. Without all of the people praying for us, this wouldn't have happened. 

Today, if you have some time, please say a prayer for those who desire a baby. Whether or not they are going through procedures to become pregnant, trying on their own, or are exploring other venues, please pray for them. That they will find peace in God's plan and that in some way, shape or form, they will have the desires of their heart. Pray for those who may be carrying a baby via surrogate. Pray for the health of the mom and baby who is making the difficult decision to give her baby up for adoption. Pray for the adoption agencies and fertility clinics. For the doctors and the nurses. Please pray for all involved. Including the daddies. It's easy for them to feel lost in the midst of all of this. 

Thank you for taking a little time out of your day to do this. I know it was important for me during our journey. And I am reminded daily of God's grace when I look into both of my sons beautiful blue eyes and see their smiling faces. 

One year ago, we were blessed with not one, but two fertilized eggs. Two little guys that grew and matured and are now in their cribs sleeping as mommy thanks God for the beautiful blessings He has given her. Thanks be to God. 

Mark 11:24
"Therefore I tell you, whatever you ask for in prayer, believe that you have received it, and it will be yours."

2 Corinthians 4:18
"We fix our eyes not on what is seen, but what is unseen. For what is unseen is eternal."

Jeremiah 29:11
"For I know the plans I have for you" declares The Lord, "plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future."

This is my hope. This is my future. Thank you Lord. 

Sunday, January 25, 2015

House Hunting Continues

The Little Presidents did so well last night. Pierce woke up at 5:45 and I fed him. Shortly thereafter, Knox started kicking his legs so I woke him and fed him. They both were placed back in their cribs and we were able to get about another hour of sleep!!!

We had a fun morning laying in bed with the LPs. Prior to bringing them in to cuddle, we listened and watched the monitor. The nuggets were talking and giggling together. It was the sweetest sound!!! 

Fam Bam!

Selfie with Sweet P!


P money!

We got ready, fed the boys and loaded up for a day of house hunting. We drove out to some areas that we liked and then stumbled upon some open houses in Carillon in Southlake. We walked into a model that far exceeds our budget but wanted to check it out anyway. It was a blessing in disguise. 

Have to have this fan!

And fireplace 

Amazing vanity in the master bath (minus the sconces)

And this "air" tub! No bacteria from jets! Must have for my inner germaphobia!

Doesn't even begin to show how huge this closet is. Oh, and there's a hidden tornado closet tucked in here. 

We ended up meeting the builder of this house, Jon Atwood and we gave him our budget. He said he could work with us on a custom home! Hallelujah! I feel my prayers being answered. Thanks be to God!

He was the nicest guy. He doesn't seem like he's out to get us or all of our money. We will be involved in every decision. Down to where plugs go and light fixtures. He encouraged me to look at Pinterest ( on it!) and an app called "Houzz". He wants me to bring all my ideas so we can figure out a way to make it all work with our allotted price. I am beyond stoked!

We continued to drive around, this time mostly looking for land to build on. Jon is doing this for us as well. We found a few plots we are inquiring about and hoping and praying one of them works out!

The LPs did great. We were out ALL day. From 10:30-6:30. We got them out to feed and play but for the most part, they were in their carseats a majority of the day. Poor guys. 

We went to Gloria's to eat a snack - their shrimp cocktail was calling my name- but mostly to feed the LPs and to let then stretch and play a little. 

2 little men and their mommy!


We looked at a few more places before we lost all our daylight and then headed home. 

It's amazing how quickly the day went. When we got home, P lost it. We tried to do some tummy time and play with them but the boys weren't having it. So we fed then and put them to bed. They both laid in their cribs for a good 20 minutes before shutting their beautiful blue eyes and drifting off to dreamland. 

Speaking of beautiful blue eyes! These are untouched - their true eye color! Knox on left, Pierce on the right. 

Nick and I decided to have wine and cheese night. While I picked things up and got comfy, Nick got everything ready. 

Another Saturday that's gone way too fast!