What is going on with the Job babies?
Babies are growing! They are the size of a plum!
In fact, the babies are now looking more and more like a miniature person! All of their major body structures have formed. Even though everything is formed, it is too early to know the gender. That being said, sometimes you can tell ;). I had a friend at work take a peek and although one baby was unclear, it definitely looks like we've got one boy in there :)
What's going on with mommy?
You may notice that your nausea is subsiding and your appetite is returning. I wish I was one of these people but I'm not. I am still pretty nauseated from time to time although the bouts are spacing out. When I get a wave, it's so bad, but I have still been blessed with just nausea and no vomiting.
Remember that as your appetite increases, you only need to add an additional 300 calories to your diet. A healthy example of this would be an apple with peanut butter, cheese and crackers, a protein bar etc. Its easy to think, " oh I'm eating for two" but don't get sucked in by this. It will make it so much harder to loose the weight postpartum. That being said, if you're pregnant with twins or higher order multiples, you need to up your calorie intake to at least 600+ calories a day. The more weight that you gain at the beginning, the more your babies will weigh when they are born- especially since there is an increased rate of preterm labor with multiples. Food for thought!
Here is a picture of a book where I get my multiples information. I absolutely love it and recommend it to anyone having multiples!

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPad
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