Thursday, November 5, 2015

Halloween!!! πŸ΅πŸŽƒπŸ΅

The LPs were 🐡monkeys🐡 for Halloween 2015!!! They had a great time!!! Brent and Aubrey came over and we hung out for a while before getting the boys dressed in their monkey costumes. 

We left candy for trick or treaters on our front porch and then off we went around the neighborhood. Everyone loved seeing the boys all dressed up and the LPs loved pushing all the doorbells :)

Lots of candy was collected and I know a certain someone who is excited about it.... Nick!

After we got the boys in bed - no, they didn't get any candy- Brent, Aubs, Nick and I played a few games before B and A had to head home to their pups. 

It was a fun holiday and we are looking forward to spending lots of time with family this holiday season!